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Heaven’s Chosen Child Chu Xiaotian bowed down to give a gift. Although he said pay respects to medicine Senior Wang, the angle was wrong and the tone was very insincere. This perfunctory attitude was immediately recognized by the many cultivators present.

“Did Chu Xiaotian bow to Shen Qiang? How does it look like he bowed to the judge.”

“This tone is too perfunctory, and I don’t know if he thought he would draw a knife to kill!”

“Hehe, it looks like it is not the case. It seems that Chu Xiaotian is still not convinced, but now Shen Qiang has no way to take him. After all, people are Heaven’s Chosen Child. Now that his face is done, Shen Qiang can only endure it. Written.”

“Yeah, don’t worry about sincerity and sincerity. People have done it, even if they know it is perfunctory.”

At the moment when everyone thought about it, Shen Qiang’s mouth sneered, and raised his eyebrows calmly, “What are you saying? I didn’t hear it.”

Chu Xiaotian was stunned, and then said solemnly: “thirty two wonderful hands Chu Family disciple Chu Xiaotian, see the King of Medicine!”

“Which medicine king? Who is the medicine king?” Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow.

In an instant, many of the cultivators present laughed,

Chu Xiaotian gritted his teeth and remained silent for a long time, blushing and said, “Chu Xiaotian, see Shen Qiang Medicine King!”

“Speak loud, I didn’t hear it!” Shen Qiang smiled.

Everyone laughed immediately.

“Laughing, it’s time to let you play smart.”

“Death, Chu Xiaotian has always been supercilious, especially disobedient to Shen Qiang. This is good. According to the rules of Medicine Refining Master, see the medicine king’s disciplinary ceremony. Although no one requires 3 knees and 9 knocks, respect is a must. of.”

“The teacher has to sit down, and he needs three more times to really sit down. Say hello and play tricks. It really deserves it.”

In the laughter of everyone, Chu Xiaotian’s face rose red, and his heart was full of anger. If he acted on his own heart, he now wished he could draw a knife to kill!

Unfortunately, the rules are the rules.

Chu Family old man is giving him sound transmission.

“Xiao Tian, ​​you are talented, and now Shen Qiang thinks that she is the king of medicine. The courtesy is not wasteful. It is not shameful to visit him. Don’t be clever and lose Chu Family’s face!”

Hearing the sound transmission of Chu Family old man, looking at Shen Qiang with a smile, Chu Xiaotian forced his heart to anger, and took a posture, bowed to Shen Qiang respectfully, then calmed down, respectfully respected Said: “Chu Family disciple Chu Xiaotian, see Senior Wang Shen Qiang!”

All the people present heard clearly, and all smiled and smiled.

At this time in the live room, many online cultivators instantly popped up.

“Due! Let this surnamed Chu and my king pretend to be big cloves of garlic. Haha, I can’t cure you. Is that still called the drug king?”

“Hahaha, laughing, this Chu surname still thinks that he is quite smart. How about it? After playing for a long time, I still can’t hide, bow my head in front of my king?”

“Is this Chu Xiaotian a teasing monkey invited?”

“Live it!”

And everyone in the live broadcast room laughed at the same time watching the excitement.

In the sports hall, when seeing Chu Xiaotian’s movements, there was no problem with the tone. I was too lazy to talk to Shen Qiang, who was lower oneself to somebody’s level, and said, “Oh, go on.”

In an instant, the expressions all light up.

“This kind of head and foot!”

Not only that, Chu Xiaotian, who heard you go down, immediately retreated to his seat.

Because he had already exhausted all means by this time, he had no choice.

“These, are Crossing Misfortune Golden Pill?”

At this time, the five judges on the judging panel had rushed over and their eyes were shining.

Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows helplessly. In fact, the most critical material of Crossing Misfortune Golden Pill is anthrax protein, and other auxiliary materials are very cheap. For Shen Qiang, who has the source of the plague, how much is the material? It is not difficult to make it, so in Shen Qiang’s heart, there are 5000 Crossing Misfortune Golden Pill, and there is one, there seems to be no difference.

“Of course.” Shen Qiang’s answer was calm.

Pan Zheng was the first to rise up, and said in shock: “5000 Crossing Misfortune Golden Pill, this is 5000 lives!”

“Looking at the present, no one can accomplish such an initiative except Shen Qiang!”

“It’s shocking! If you can really produce 50000 capsules a year, it would be to save 50000 people a year! This medicine king, you Shen Qiang can afford it!”

“With this Divine Pill alive, the world has more protection!”

At the moment when the five judges were shocked, many of the cultivators present also got rid of Chu Xiaotian’s state of laughter, all staring at the Dan Wall behind Shen Qiang in shock.

“Divine Grade medicine pill, defying heaven changing fate, come back to life, the price of one is only 3,000,000?”

“Compared to the 100000000 million medicine pill, this Crossing Misfortune Golden Pill has the most perfect quality and extremely high output. Moreover, this price is more than a conscience, it is simply a welfare!”

“Well, for 3,000,000 yuan, you can’t even buy an ordinary Heaven and Earth Bag, but you can buy Divine Pill here at Shen Qiang!”

Compared with many ordinary cultivators present, it is those Medicine Refining Masters who are truly shocked.

“50000 Crossing Misfortune Golden Pill a year, such a production, it is simply unimaginable! If it is calculated on average, the equivalent to everyday all needs to be refined more than 100! And, this medicine pill, not to mention the price of 3,000,000, even if it is The price is 30,000,000, and it will be robbed!”

“Ai, when Pan Zhengkui asked us to join hands to deal with Shen Qiang, I really don’t have any burden at all. After all, isn’t Shen Qiang a playboy with many demons and ghosts? To eliminate harm for the people, but now, I suddenly feel that no one can outshine the whole circle of Medicine Refining Master when it comes to conscience.

“If this medicine pill is mine, one will be less than 100000000 million yuan, and I will never sell it, even if the raw materials are made in vain.”

“Ah… yeah, a covering moon, shaming flowers Dan of Shen Qiang, the price broke 100000000, but that is only for beauty, compared to this Crossing Misfortune Golden Pill, the difference is not a little bit, so this 3,000,000 The selling price, to be honest, is not enough to find a Medicine Refining Master.”

“Is there anything else to say, what is virtue? This is ah, is Shen Qiang stupid? Will he betray him for more money? To put it bluntly, setting such a low price is not just to make more people affordable and use it Is it good? So Jin Wuzu is barely red, and no one is perfect. What are the shortcomings of Shen Qiang? Just because he has many girlfriends?”

“From the perspective of thirty two wonderful hand Medicine Refining Master identity, this Shen Qiang is indeed our enemy, but, based on the price of Shen Qiang medicine pill, I convinced him to take oral medicine king!”

“Yes, I agree with this. Chu Xiaotian said nothing later, didn’t it? Because people are selfish, compared to what Shen Qiang did, he asked himself, how many of us are able to Do it?”

“Alas… there is nothing to say. Although it is a wonderful two two, but from now on, I will never be disrespectful to Shen Qiang, because his benevolence and justice can compete with the sun and the moon, and his merits are immense!”

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