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Hearing what the Master of Medicine King Gu said, everyone present was stunned, especially those young Medicine Refining Masters, whether it was Chen Hao, Lin Fenghang, Chu Xiaotian, or Kang He, they were all stunned and their faces changed instantly.

“What does that mean? Let Qingya come out, and Qin Yurou, who is beautiful in the world, accompanies Shen Qiang, a famous playboy, to visit the Yaowang Valley? Isn’t that what’s gone can never come back, went but never returned?”

“It hurts so much, this master of the medicine Wang Gu is acquiesced, has Shen Qiang been softly associated with Shen Qiang?”

“Why the person who can visit Shen Wang with Yao Qiang is not me!”

At the same time as many young Medicine Refining Master complexion greatly changed, sitting in the Great Sect Sect Master area, the beautiful 100 Huagong Master Wei Shengzhimei directly gave the Master of Medicine King Gu a white eye, full of eyes. Happy, that look seems to be saying, ha, okay, both of you grandpas are hitting the old lady and man?

But Bai Shiyi smiled.

Full of smiles sighed: “Flowers bloom, butterflies come, such an excellent Shen Qiang, how could there be no soulmate around.”

Hearing this, the normal sects Sect Master changed its approval, and they all applauded.

“Well, Lord Qin Gu knows that Shen Yaowang is playing in the valley. No one is more suitable than Qin Yurou Qin Fairy.”

“Shen Yaowang is dignified, elegant, and accompanied by beautiful women, and will naturally make a good story.”

“Well, the drug king has a lofty status, and it should indeed be accompanied by someone.”

Hearing the words of these bigwigs, the words of those disciplines, I can’t say anything.

At this time, Shen Qiang smiled and gave a little salute, saying: “So, it would trouble Qin Fairy.”

Master Wang Gu laughed and Pan Zheng sighed.

At the same time, with the light footsteps, Qin Yurou, who fluttered like a fairy in a white dress, has come down from the second floor of the sports hall.

Although he already knew the beauty of Qin Yurou, the moment everyone saw her, the people present were still unable to bear holding their breath.

Because Qin Yurou is really beautiful.

Especially at this time, Qin Yurou, who was inexplicably shy, rejoiced, her eyebrows were as far away as mountains and daisies, her skin was as peachy as a smile, her hair was like clouds, her eyes were like stars, and she smiled more than 100 glamour and 1000 glamour.

For a time, everyone looked dumbfounded.

“Turn to **, radiant jade. Unspoken words, like a blue orchid. Huarong graceful, make me forget the meal.” Bai Shiyi sighed: “Luo Shen was probably like that.”

100 The master of the flower palace is so beautiful that she can’t help but sigh: “Furong is not as good as the beauty makeup, the water temple wind is full of pearls and scent, so beautiful, the beauty of the show, is also worthy of the bad guy of Shen Qiang.”

And just as they sighed.

The big sea monster king in the corner was equally shocked.

“Snow River clear water, empty valley quiet people, so beautiful, not at all Divine Race Bloodline, but it makes me inexplicably nervous, but unfortunately, although there is this absolute beauty in the world, but I am not the king of the land!”

At the same time, the fatty from the abyss stared at Qin Yurou dumbly and said to himself dumbly.

“She is slim and noble, if she can steam a pot of tea with her and enjoy a cup of tea with tenderness like water, it is better than Divine Immortal!”

Under the gaze of everyone’s eyes, the white jade’s flawless face quietly added 2 blushing Qin Yurou, and walked shyly to Shen Qiang’s side. He glanced at Shen Qiang with a smile, and then looked at Master Yaogu said: “Observe, Sir Father.”

Lord Yaogu Gu smiled and bent his eyes. The gratifying expression made Qin Yu’s face red and tender.

Slightly salute, then Qin Yu turned his head softly, and looked at Shen Qiang sheepishly, and said softly, “King of Medicine, please come here.”

Shen Qiang smiled, not only followed Qin Yurou’s side, but also said with a smile: “Don’t you call me Shen Qiang before? It’s such a big deal, I’m not used to it, you still call me Shen Qiang or Brother Qiang will do.”

Hearing this, Qin Yu was soft and shy, nervous and a little shy.

Numerous youngsters around, expressions all looked at Shen Qiang in a dull face, and already surging forward with great momentum began to praise in my heart.

“Asshole! How dare you be so impudent in front of Qin Yurou?”

“This shameless guy, take my Qin Fairy again? It should be caught and shot!”

“Don’t call it, don’t call it 10000000, just call Shen Qiang. Medicine King listen well!”

But when they pray in their hearts.

All cultivators in the whole sports hall heard Qin Yurou’s voice very clearly, like the sound of spring ding dong.

“Brother Qiang!”

“Well, is this right.” Shen Qiang laughed.

In an instant, the many young cultivators present were pale and all uncomfortable.

That desperate look, if it could kill someone, I was afraid that Shen Qiang had already died a few 10000 back and forth in a flash.

not only.

Heaven’s Chosen Child, who originally thought he was hopeful, could be with Qin Yurou, Chu Xiaotian, Lin Fenghang, including Shen Qiang fan Chen Hao, all complexion palely watching 2 people talking and laughing.

Especially at this time, the beautiful eyes are shy, their mouths snickered, and the shy Qin Yurou was so beautiful that they thrilled.

“Brother Qiang is the man I admire the most. Qin Yurou Fairy and him should be right with him!” Chen Hao comforted himself, but said, he was about to cry.

Chu Xiaotian murmured with a sallow face: “It doesn’t matter, Qin Fairy clear as ice and clean as jade, all this is temporary, as long as I win Shen Qiang tomorrow and become the king of medicine, Qin Yurou will sooner or later It will still be mine.”

Lin Fenghang stared blankly at Qin Yurou, who was smiling snugly at Shen Qiang, and said to herself: “She is beautiful, if there is Fairy in the world, then probably, it is just her, I want to fight, I want Come on, sooner or later, I will become a great great character, so big that Qin Yurou will see me, it’s okay, come on, now the two of them have not been named, and they are not together yet, I still have a chance!”

And at this moment, Shen Qiang said with a slight smile while walking away with Qin Yurou: “Hand to me.”

Qin Yurou froze for a moment, then said shyly and nervously: “Why!”

Shen Qiang smiled and put his hand in front of Qin Yurou, said with a smile: “We said yes, as long as I amamaze the world with a single brilliant feat at the medicine pill conference, we will be together, Now, I have fulfilled my original promise and become the king of medicine, so now…it’s you!”

Looking at the sun smiling Qian Qiang, Qin Yurou’s pretty face flushed to the root of the neck in an instant. Not only that, but a heart was jumping with peng peng, feeling that he was about to suffocate.


The many young cultivators present were frightened and roared crazy in their hearts!

But a pity.

In their 10000 eyes full of thoughts, the shy Qin Yurou, not only put her pink and slender, crystal-like little hands in Shen Qiang’s hands, but also looked at Shen Qiang in a dim eye, and shyly said: “As long as you don’t dislike, then we will always be together.”

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