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Not only that, Ji Wei’s most powerful place is in close combat, but he has no powerful method of penetration. He stepped forward, people retreated, he wanted to change individuals, and people were behind him, he chased, people He withdrew again, so now he is the worst.

It is almost the same, but a slightly different encounter is sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu, her immobile King is very fierce.

However, it has the same problem as Ji Wei, that is, it is unfavorable to move forward, and it is not flexible enough to move. Without the help of her to leave her opponent, the majestic immortal Pluto is carried by the opponent, but he can’t get it at all. When it comes to people, it is the opponent. Flying Sword, which strikes from time to time, makes the Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu 7 smoke, but there is no alternative.

In addition to them, the undead demon can not help but mention this is really strange.

Many of the swords did not die, and even made two cuts with a single cut, which still recovered quickly. In this case, not only did the two of the opponents be stopped forcibly, but they seemed to have the upper hand.

In addition to this, it is indeed true that the battle strength exploded, or the armor of the 3 Emperor Evil Spirit Yuwen Hu.

Not only did he suppress his opponent easily, but he also aided others from time to time, and was able to fight in this powerhouse battle.

But even so, the situation still makes Shen Qiang happy not raise.

Because at this time, not only two Peak powerhouses in the side of the Fatty did not participate in the battle, but the other two Daogu period cultivators outside the battle group also wandered around the outside of the battle group, making observations on the crowd of He Shenghe. .

Once these 4 people join the battle group.

Shen Qiang will be defeated without a doubt, this is no suspense,

“Don’t you say you are lonely like snow? Then stop today, and I will play with you someday!” Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows and looked at the Abyss Young Master, saying, “Of course, if you don’t have the courage to be a coward, then this Just forget it.”

fatty smiled: “It’s a good way to use the radical method, and this statement really makes me angry, but it’s a pity, compared to what a hero will do with you one-on-one, I prefer to see your own Funeral, so…”

The abyss Young Master, whose smile is more intense, suddenly has a stern tone, and said sharply: “Do it, kill me! You both go together, so that Shen Qiang doesn’t think I respect him.”


At the moment when his words fell.

Shen Qiang, who had retired from the figure, had a huge crater where he stood before. Ling Cheng’s wind was not only flying sand running stone, Divine Consciousness, the two Peak powerhouses in the combined period, It is like the soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed to keep up with it instantaneously, its speed, simply is not comparable to ordinary Daogu cultivator.

“Ye Guyun!” Shen Qiang screamed in horror. Ye Guyun, who had already signed the symbiosis imprint, immediately understood Shen Qiang’s intentions.

In the jade hand, the arc flashed.

Shen Qiang of the incarnation Dianmang suddenly accelerated, in a moment of no delay, broke away from the 2 Peak Powerhouse’s bag,


The violent True Yuan is in chaos.

The two Peak powerhouses glanced at each other during the joint period, and expressions all were surprised.

“It’s so fast. I didn’t understand how he left our range of attack. Is he already in the Daoguo and it’s a speed flow?”

“No, it’s that girl. Her power is a little weird. The electric awn in her hand, like a rope, drags this Shen Qiang over, so it seems a little tricky. Such a means of escape is not a person in the Daoist period. Keep it, so don’t keep your hand, let the sword shine.”

2 people sound transmission.

With the crisp sword sounds, 2 terrifying mountain-like breaths rose to the sky.

Not only that, but even more shocking is that the two former roaming outside the battle group for observation, and the support of the two Daogu Super Powerhouse, have also joined the battle group.


The first to bear the brunt of flying is Ji Wei.

At the same time, holding the long halberd and proudly watching the abyss Young Master laughed wildly: “Shen Qiang, you are dead, understand? The men are also a kind of strength. Indeed, I underestimated you before, one by one. You hurt, it seems that I am not as good as you, but it is useless. Now I say a word, you are all going to die here. This is the charm of power. In the cultivation world, only powerhouse can act wilfully!”

In his laughter, Martial Ancestor, the master of the medicine king valley, was dignified above the mountain beams in the distance.

“The balance is broken, Scales of Victory, has collapsed, if the Peak Powerhouse in those two joint periods does not take action, Shen Qiang everyone, there is still a 2% chance of retreating, and a 30% chance of winning, but they all shot. , The retreat may be zero, and the victory may be zero.”

Another person hearing this anxiously said: “Not equal to me, let’s go! Maybe, we have to arrange for him to save him.”

Hearing this, Martial Ancestor of the Master of the Medicine King, hesitated, then looked thoughtfully at the direction of the south side of the battle group, silenced for a moment, and suddenly turned around and said, “Let’s go.”

In an instant, the other 2 people were stunned and said, “What about Shen Qiang?”

“This is to save him!” Saying that’s all, the Martial Ancestor body flashed by Lord of the Medicine King Valley is gone.

2 After glancing at each other, they sighed and flew away.

The Hesheng Heren in the battle situation has arrived, almost realm that is exhausted.

There is no way, Shen Qiang anthrax, wrapped in botulinum, as long as it is infected, even the Daogu cultivator, or even the Taoist cultivator, can be put down, but unfortunately, except for the name and the big knife It is very difficult to infect other people except those who have succeeded in infecting swords and swords.

Unless it is their injury, or the aging of defensive dew has passed, otherwise, anthrax alone penetrates slowly, and no more than ten or twenty minutes is obviously impossible.

not only.

More importantly, the two powerhouses in the combined period are indeed too powerful. Their key attack target is Shen Qiang. It is not false, but as long as they pass by, no matter who they are, they will be attacked by them. This makes the original bitter. The hard-supported Hesheng Heren, let alone a powerful counterattack, are even hoping to remain unharmed.

The cold and cold sword glow flashed.

The undead monster has been cut into dozens.

“Oh, it’s funny, it was cut into dozens of pieces and it’s still not dead. It’s really an interesting monster.” Peak powerhouse in the joint period glanced at the undead monster that he cut with his sword, and then took advantage of Shen Qiang Preparation, suddenly joined hands, almost instantly, appeared next to Shen Qiang and Ye Guyun.

“I have a sword, slashing Sun, Moon and Stars!”


Shen Qiang’s eyes were instantly dark.

But Divine Consciousness can still clearly perceive that the long sword in the powerhouse in the merging period is so fast that he can’t respond at all.

“Blood pool under the Naihe Bridge is empty, and ascend to the other side early!”

Not only that, but what made Shen Qiang even more frustrated was that another Peak expert, the sword expert in his commemorative period, immediately blocked all Qian Qiang’s retreat.

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