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Yue Lang was sparse, and the crowd after the fight was trimmed aside, and looked at the dragon group War God who walked aside with Shen Qiang with curious eyes.

“Very powerful dragon group War God is worthy of being a legendary figure in the cultivation world. I haven’t seen clearly how he knocked down the Peak powerhouse during the two combined periods.” The big knifed guest looked excited.

Ji Wei’s eyes are cold and cold, said solemnly: “He is the Peak powerhouse in the cultivation field. It is said that in the past 100 years, it has experienced countless battles and battles, but it has not tasted a defeat. I used to think that it should be a bragging word, but now, it is by no means From the ground up, his strength, even me, is simply unable to resist.”

The girl with a snowy ankle and a delicate anklet, envious of her eyes, looked at the back of two people with admiration and said, “It’s amazing, it’s no wonder that Shen Qiang is so powerful. It’s hard to think of a master like this without being strong.”

At this moment, I instantly shocked everyone in the room.

Because it is clear that both Ji Wei and Sleeping Fire Lotus Monster Ke Bizhu have followed Shen Qiang for a long time, but they have never heard Shen Qiang mention the Dragon War God, especially Sleeping Fire Lotus Monster Ke Bizhu. , But she watched Shen Qiang change from ordinary person to cultivator.

Throughout the process, she never found out what the relationship between the Dragon God War God and Shen Qiang was.

So this made her beautiful eyes full of doubts.

“Blindly.” The charming Ye Guyun suddenly said, “This guy will not be the master of Shen Qiang. If it is true, when Shen Qiang sees him, how could it be this attitude, so I want to see it Ah, they only have one thing in common, that is, they all have this slightly strange Monster Qi.”

Hearing this, the girl with delicate anklets at her ankles said in surprise: “What are you talking about?”

She is confused.

But almost at the moment when he heard Ye Guyun’s words, not only did the eyes of Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu brighten, but Ji Wei’s eyes also burst into a gleam.


2 eyes were horrified.

At the same time, the dragon group War God, who was gradually away from the crowd, stood by the road, looking at the babbling river under the roadbed, he stopped the footpath: “You grow faster than I expected, I I originally thought that it would take at least 5 years for you to enter Primordial Chaos Realm. The result is less than a year. When you see you, you have entered Primordial Chaos Realm, which is really surprising.”

Hearing this, he stood beside him, and also looked at Shen Qiang, said with a smile, shimmering under the moonlight: “I guess you helped me because we are all using Monster Foundation Foundation Cultivator.”

The dragon group War God was shocked.

He looked at Shen Qiang in surprise, and then, when he discovered that Shen Qiang’s eyes were very certain, not when he was cheating himself, he smiled and said, “I have long heard that no monster in the world can be in front of you. Hidden, I used to think this was a joke, but now it seems that the rumor is true.”

Shen Qiang laughed, saying: “This is only insignificant ability, but it is War God Senior. Call me here, I think, you want to talk to me, it should not be just this.”

The dragon group War God laughed and turned to look at Shen Qiang and said, “I am old.”

“150 5 years old, for Peak powerhouse of Earth Immortal level, it should be in his prime.” Shen Qiang said calmly: “So if you are going to say, you are surprised to see me skeleton, want me to be your successor, and It’s too early to retire.”

Hearing this, War God laughed, nodded and said: “Great, really great, really extraordinary natural talent, if I don’t know you well, I heard this, and I doubt if you are 10000 years old monster reincarnated.”

Shen Qiang laughed, saying: “such insignificant ability, scaring people is very easy to use, but in fact not at all what is truly formidable power.”

The dragon group War God laughed, and the words turned, saying: “I know you have an appointment with Qingyun Sword Pavilion. Negotiations tomorrow morning. I also know that the plane you have ordered will take off soon, so you don’t need to speak politely. “

“I’m very optimistic about you, and as you said before, I really want to train a successor before I leave.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “I am unorganized, undisciplined, lazy, and free to get used to. Don’t give me any terrible mission. I can’t do it, and I’m not interested.”

War God laughed when he heard this, saying, “Even if you want a sacred mission now, I won’t give it to you, because you are too young now, and you can’t control your emotions. Now let you live. The high position can only harm you and others.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “To be honest, although I prefer to be free, your words still make me feel a little uncomfortable.”

The dragon group War God smiled, and then said: “You and I are actually the same kind of people, not only because we all use the Spirit Foundation Establishment. When I was young, I was flying higher than you, but when I am older, I will Has changed.”

Looking at Shen Qiang seriously, he said: “It doesn’t have any practical significance to say anything that is old-fashioned. In fact, at present, the entire China, with the cultivator of the Foundation Establishment, is only you and me.”

See Shen Qiang’s attention instantly, the dragon group War God smiled and said: “But we are actually different, I am different from you, I spoke out in a very small cultivation Aristocratic Family, I started to learn when I was very young cultivation .”

“But at that time, I was very, very stupid. I couldn’t remember the tricks of various techniques, and I always couldn’t use the standard specification of Sword Art, so I prefer punches and feet. I firmly believe in martial arts in the world, only speed can not be broken .”

“Before the enemy shoots the sword, just hit the opponent with one punch, why bother you come and go, like a show like a show?”

This remark made Shen Qiang’s eyes brighter: “Brick breaks martial arts. I also like to be direct. I don’t like the useless tricks at all.”

Dragon God War God smiled and said: “Yeah, some people always make simple things complicated. I also like to be direct, but at that time, my behavior, in the eyes of the family, is not doing business, ignorant and incompetent is waste, because I am obsessed with martial arts. By the time of 2 16 years old, cultivated for more than 20 years, I have not yet entered the Foundation Establishment Stage.”

Shen Qiang froze for a moment, then smiled and said, “Really? Dragon God War God, cultivated for more than 20 years without Foundation Establishment?”

Dragon God War God also laughed and said: “Yes, so at that time, I was the endorsement of waste. The rest of the family used me as a negative teaching material. Which child is not good at practicing, they will say him, you are not good If you practice, you will be as wasteful as me in the future.”

Looking at Shen Qiang, the dragon group War God laughed, said: “Even many people have concluded that I could not be a Foundation cultivator in my whole life, but then, by chance, I got a piece of spirit and finished it inadvertently. Foundation Establishment.”

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