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“Shen Qiang, I miss you. You are a big liar! Before you told me well, take me to tour the world and try all kinds of food. As a result, now I am looking after the monsters of Heshenghe all day long. , What about good food? Doesn’t exist.”

Looking at the pretty demon fox Chuqing as coquettish, Shen Qiang smiled and bent her eyes, and pulled her into her arms, then seriously said with a smile: “You are my favorite woman, no one, I promised you Things, have always been in my heart, but want to tour the world without worrying, to play around, then we must at least do everything at home to make everything on the right track, and then we can worry-free consider.”

“Deceptive.” The beautiful demon fox Chu Qing looked at Shen Qiang with a charming expression, pursed her pink lips and said, “I don’t believe your gibberish.”

Shen Qiang said with a smile: “Well, what you said makes sense, men, people are in rivers and lakes, sometimes involuntarily, take you to wander the world, now look, it will be unlikely at one and a half times, but for this beautiful vision, today When we arrive late, we can have an in-depth exchange.”

Looking at Shen Qiang who raised her eyebrows, the expression you know, the pretty face of the beautiful demon fox Chuqing suddenly became red, and then said while playfully pouting: “What, people don’t mean that.”

Shen Qiang smiled and bent her eyes, and just wanted to talk, when someone knocked on the door.

“The chairman, the person of Qingyun Group, has already got off the highway, and he can arrive after about ten minutes. President Shen asked me to ask you if there are any further instructions.”

While hearing this, Shen Qiang calmly said: “There is no instruction, let him do it.”

“Good chairman, I will inform President Shen.”

Say that’s all, the people outside the door leave.

At this time, Shen Qiang looked at the pretty face and shy red, and had already stood aside the beautiful demon fox Chuqing.

At this time, her figure was voluptuous and enchanting, her pretty face seemed to be dyed with red haze, her eyes were shy, her pink lips were smiling, and she was really beautiful.

“Why are you running so far, come here.” Shen Qiang’s eyes brightened.

Coquettishly, the beautiful demon fox took a sip, and said, “Don’t, you bad guy, I’m busy, and things are scheduled.”

“Hey! Don’t go! I miss you too.” Shen Qiang hurriedly.

Instantly beautiful eyes humiliate the beautiful demon fox Chu Qing, blushing, white Shen Qiang charmingly, said: “Liar, I did not lock the door at night.”

Saying that’s all, the blushing beautiful demon fox Chu Qing looked at Shen Qiang charmingly, and then left slenderly and gracefully.

This made Shen Qiang playing with that blade of grass with his hand, his eyes lit up.

“The door is unlocked, this is a hint to where I can go to her tonight.” Shen Qiang was excited, took the phone, and dialed out and said: “Oysters, lamb loin, um, um, yes, tonic set meal, some pine nuts .”

Hang up the phone, Shen Qiang is happy.

Looking through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, looking at the city outside the building, the expression was slightly nervous.

In fact, Bian Yi is right. Now Heshenghe wants to recruit cultivator, simply not a problem.

As for his sentence, if Qingyun Sword Pavilion’s entry into the Hesheng merger is not critical, it is actually just a reason for bargaining. One hints that Shen Qiang should adjust his attitude and not be seen by Qingyun Sword Pavilion. Shen Qiang Sword Pavilion is just an excuse to get.

The reason is very simple. If Shen Qiang’s ambition is to be won, the value of Qingyun Sword Pavilion must be as the tide rises, the boat floats, but if it is optional, what can they talk to Shen Qiang?

But in fact, the key issue that how many cultivators can not be replaced is that the area controlled by Qingyun Sword Pavilion has guarded the transportation hub, and can not win the Qingyun Sword Pavilion. Shen Qiang’s Heshenghe can only trap the provincial city.

Even if the development is good, it is difficult to see through the sky.

But once Qingyun Sword Pavilion is merged into Heshenghe, everything will be different. The 4-way 8-way transportation hub is enough for Hesheng to advance, attack and retreat, whether in cultivation or commercial business The layout will have a leap in development.

“I hope everything goes well. These people in Qingyun Sword Pavilion are all named Kang, and they are Kang Luoying’s family members. No matter Kang Luoying is present or not, as long as they have 1000 years of cultivation inheritance, they will never easily regret it if they join. If you are here, Heshenghe will have 10000 things ready.”

Shen Qiang was meditating while playing with the blade of grass that had shot through the building before. At this time, it was spinning and jumping at Shen Qiang’s fingertips, not only intact, but more like being alive, thriving, and Shen Qiang The mood of time actually fits inexplicably.

At the same time, there are already 3 3 couples around Heshenghe in some cultivators.

They did not hide the signs, and even released True Yuan directly, so that the people of Heshenghe could confirm their identity.

Shen Qiang doesn’t care about or care about their arrival, but in fact, these people are the major Sect Disciple in the cultivation field. In a popular saying, they are people who specifically understand the trends of other cultivation Sect for each sub-Sect.

Before they came, they applied to Heshenghe.

After all, Qingyun Sword Pavilion joined Heshenghe as a whole, which has a great impact on the cultivation industry. This is a major event. After all, a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse. Qingyun Sword Pavilion is now down, but 2 100 70 A cultivator is still not an ordinary second-third rate small Sect can match.

So various parties want to know the details.

At the same time, Bian Yi is not stupid.

If Heshenghe just reached an agreement with Qingyun Sword Pavilion in private, once something happens in the future, Qingyun Sword Pavilion can say what it says without any other forces as witnesses.

Therefore, for the observers sent by the major Sects, Bian Yi let them go as far as possible. After all, this kind of thing, the people who know the more the better, because sometimes, public opinion is also a binding force.

At least to ensure that Qingyun Sword Pavilion will not mess up.

Outside the door on the inside of the building.

Qingyun Sword Pavilion’s team has arrived. Bian Yi, wearing a straight suit, with Zuo Lianghao, greeted him with full of smiles.

After the meeting, shaking hands is a courtesy, and polite words are a routine.

Under the attention of other Sect cultivators, when Yi Bian, who had spoken politely, invited the people of Qingyun Sword Pavilion upstairs and went to the Conference Hall with a smile.

With body flashed.

A tall and burly man with a 4-faced face and green and black stubble on the cheeks, not only a terrifying True Yuan broke out, but also a broad giant sword suddenly appeared, which was across Bian Yi and Qingyun Sword Pavilion. between.

“Second Senior Brother, what are you going to do?” Seeing this situation, the white-faced cultivator was not in a hurry.

Second Elder of Qingyun Sword Pavilion is also shocked, frowns saying: “impudent! Kang Youcheng!”

And at the moment when Qingyun Sword Pavilion looked ugly.

The four-faced big man between the two sides said sharply, “Let Shen Qiang come out to receive my sword, otherwise, I will not talk about it today!”

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