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Seeing the genius and beautiful girl Kang Luoying’s hesitant and anxious Shen Qiang, she said smoothly: “The elders give it, they can’t say it, they don’t understand it, they will close it soon, you don’t want it, I want it.”

With this remark, Kang Sheng couldn’t help but give Shen Qiang a glance, coldly said: “Shen Family little baby, my way of fruit, only to the people with Kang surname.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang raised his eyebrows, then chuckled, and said, what is so great, although Dao Guo is good, but the most important thing is that it must be shared, and Lao Tzu is not a person of Qingyun Sword Pavilion, and does not rely on Qingyun sword It’s no use giving me the best way to eat.

But Kang Luoying is different. Qingyun Sword Pavilion’s original Pavilion Lord, the reason why it was so cattle before 1000 years ago, is nothing more than a strong cultivation base, powerful Dao Guo, and powerful weapons.

Qingyunjian is in Kang Luoying’s hands, her talent is also very strong, what is missing now?

One, suitable for Clear Sky Sword Technique.

2. Sufficient experience.

In these two cases, if Kang Sheng complements Kang Luoying, don’t even think about it. A generation of demon rebirth, Qingyun Sword Pavilion’s prestige revival has been nailed on the board, and it has not run away, and this person is Kang Luoying, Shen Qiang’s pillow People, she is powerful, Heshenghe is even more powerful, and Shen Qiang naturally sits back and relaxes.

So now.

Shen Qiang deliberately made a greedy look, saying: “I am the proprietor of Sword Pavilion, and you give me the same.”

Giving Shen Qiang a glance, Kang Sheng put his hand on Kang Luoying’s head kneeling in front of her, but for a moment, Shen Qiang clearly saw that Kang Luoying immediately closed her eyes, but her eyes were moving quickly. This means that a lot of knowledge is pouring into her Sea of ​​Consciousness.

And this time.

With the light footsteps, several pretty ladies dressed in costumes came over with a laugh.

“Hongba, these guests are…” The first beautiful woman, with a beautiful appearance, looked at everyone curiously.

Shen Qiang was about to speak.

Kang Sheng immediately said: “Oh, this is Medicine Refining Master Shen Qiang, and the others are his Dao Companion.” Kang Luoying said with one finger: “This is my Kang Family remote room discipline, I’m telling her Gong, you take me to guard.”

“Well, okay.” Several charming women nodded to several people, and then sat around Kang Luoying to protect Kang Luoying.

The beautiful demon fox Chuqing and the sleeping Fire Lotus demon did not see the problem.

But at this time Shen Qiang’s heart lurched.

Because these beautiful women talk elegantly and behave 10000 1000, but like a designed program, they give Shen Qiang a very strange feeling.

The reason is very simple. From the beginning to the end, none of these beauties greeted Shen Qiang and the others to sit down or pour tea. This is very unreasonable. In ancient times, they either avoided it immediately or treated guests .

After understanding that it is a guest, the act of obedient action is a bit like the character set by npc and system in online games.

“Let’s go, young friend Shen, our meeting is destiny. I have some magic weapons there. If you have something you like, just pick a few of them. Isn’t it beautiful?” Kang Sheng took Shen Qiang to the Tianji Cave.

Shen Qiang’s eyes were puzzled and she watched the beautiful demon fox Chuqing.

“Not Illusion Technique!” Beautiful demon fox Chuqing sound transmission.

Hearing this, Shen Qiang felt relieved, and then signaled the 3 women to keep up, and then entered Tianji Cave with Kang Sheng.

Entering Tianji Cave, Kang Sheng sighed, and then calmly said: “Shen Qiang, I actually know what you are thinking, because in this World, I am God.”

Shen Qiang was shocked.

Kang Sheng laughed and said: “I know, you want Kang Luoying to get enough benefits from me, but also want to move all my gold and silver treasures.”

Shen Qiang smiled and said, “No, I am a noble person.”

Kang Sheng smiled and said to the beautiful demon fox Chuqing, the sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu, and Ye Guyun 3: “You can pick whatever you want here, the rule is that everyone can only take one, choose it, choose it. Sitting outside, I want to chat with Shen Qiang.”

Hearing this, 3 women watched Shen Qiang.

Shen Qiang smiled, nodded and said: “Go, choose one of your favorite, don’t measure the value.”

In an instant, all three of them moved.

The beautiful demon fox first cleared, and then took the ruby ​​pendant necklace.

Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu, took an unusually beautiful dressing box.

Ye Guyun took a bottle that seemed to contain plasma.

“Sure enough, one drink and one peck is doomed.” Watching the 3 women took their things away, left the Tianji Cave, and went outside, Kang Sheng sighed murmured. Then, he said to Shen Qiang a said with a smile: “Drink Order some water.”

Said, he waved.

A tea stove appeared, which contained boiling water and tea pots, but there was no tea.

Shen Qiang moved.

Take out the Xiaoxiao Yinhao obtained from Yaowanggu: “Fortunately, there are some tea leaves here, which are not respectable. Please also accept Senior.”

Kang Sheng hearing this, his eyes lit up, opened the tea bag, then lightly exclaimed.

When the tea was made, Kang Sheng’s eyes shone instantly when he smelled the fragrance of the tea.

“Lingxiao Yinhao! It’s Lingxiao Yinhao! I remember the taste, I can’t be wrong, it seems that you really didn’t lie to me, and it was indeed the king of medicine, otherwise, I wanted to drink this Lingxiao Yinhao, even if I was, I asked for 20 years. Get a pot!”

“Because this tea, according to Yaowanggu, only Yaowang is suitable for drinking.”

Shen Qiang hearing this smiled, lightly tasting tea, saying: “Senior doesn’t want to talk about, why should we stay here?”

Hearing this, Kang Sheng froze for a moment, then laughed and said, “I know, this matter can’t hide you. Although the times are different, the Medicine King is after all the Medicine King. In fact, I am stuck with this, and I am helpless. Lift.”

Shen Qiang was surprised and said, “I don’t understand.”

Kang Sheng smiled bitterly and said after a moment of silence: “Since you asked, then I will speak frankly. My Daoguo is the gate of 6 reincarnations. In battle, I will never die, but I am dealing with Heavenly Tribulation At the time, I made a mistake, which not only made it impossible to ascend, but also ended up being chased by Heavenly Tribulation, so it was spelled by circumstances and I had to steal it here.”

These words made Shen Qiang’s eyes instantly brighten, because when he first got the fairy edge, he had promised enough that one day he would go to Immortal World to save the Zhong Prefecture. The beautiful emperor Yongzhen also promised not only She will marry Shen Qiang and will also give Shen Qiang 3 houses and 6 courtyards.

And now, Shen Qiang’s cultivation base is being advanced by leaps and bounds. I believe it will not be long before it will enter the Dao fruit period, and then join the road, Great Ascension, you can soar, at this time, what is the experience of soaring failure, what is it Important.

“What did you do wrong?” Shen Qiang said curiously.

Kang Sheng took a sip of tea, and then said with a smile: “It’s a low-level mistake. When I was flying, I brought 2 storage rings, which triggered a space turbulence. Although I escaped a death, Forever Degenerating Samsara.”

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