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In the room, Shen Qiang leaned on the bed and looked at with a smile, the idol-level genius beauty girl Kang Luoying who came back, she was so energetic at this time, not only she looked charming, but when she looked at Shen Qiang, her eyes were even more charming. Like Su Daji of bringing calamity to the country and the people.

not only.

Although at this time, the sky is bright, the outside discipline has already started normal activities.

But she still locked the door charmingly, and then walked shyly to the bed. Shen Qiang pulled it gently and fell into Shen Qiang’s arms. Then she blushed and shyly said, “You won, I King, they really came to me.”

“What is said is roughly consistent with your previous speculation, so if you agree to bet you must accept to lose, I will honor the promise.”

Shen Qiang smiled and bent her eyes in an instant, saying: “Very well, then I’m welcome.”

In the room, 2 people are intimate.

At the same time, in the Valley of Medicine King, on the top of the Wufeng Peak, the beautiful Fairy Qin Yurou of Yi Piaopiao, a white dress fairy, said coquettishly: “Martial Ancestor, as you said, Shen Qiang wants to be with Ling Xiao Yinhao, anytime It’s okay. When I go to Heshenghe this time, I have to bring something.

Divine Immortal, the old Yaowanggu sitting at the stone table, looked at Qin Yurou with helpless eyes and sighed, “They all say that the female heart is outward, and this is true, you girl, you know clearly, Ling Xiao Yinhao , The best year, with an annual output of less than 7 yuan. As a result, when you come to me, it will cost you 2 kg. This weight is the total output of Lingxiao Yinhao for 60 years. Do you think I will agree?”

Hearing this, the beautiful Fairy Qin Yurou said coquettishly: “If that is too little, I can’t take it.”

“Lingxiao Yinhao is a fairy tea. A pot is enough to make the world look up. I will give you 2 2. This is a stock of about 5 years. Is the head office?” Divine Immortal, the old man of Yaowanggu, was helpless.

Fabulous Fairy Qin Yurou murmured and spoiled her mouth: “Martial Ancestor, from small to big, you hurt me the most, why are you so stingy in this matter, really, Yurou doesn’t like you, so stingy, but the elder For the sake of greatness, you say 2 2 is 2 2, but Ling Xiao Yinhao is so little, I really can’t get it out, then put that strain of King Mist King…

“Shut up!” The old Divine Immortal in Yaowanggu’s eyes suddenly warned: “You, this girl, knowing that I am impossible, I will give you 2 jin Lingxiao Yinhao, so you sway a shot at me, the purpose is to hit my pot of foggy orchid Don’t dream, the foggy orchid has been cultivated for 1000 years. As long as you have spirituality, even if you say the sky, I will give you impossible.”

Hearing this, the beautiful Fairy Qin Yurou was upset and frowned, “Martial Ancestor, you are too stingy, don’t give anything, I won’t come to see you in the future.”

Divine Immortal, the old medicine king valley, looked at Qin Yurou sideways: “You this girl, plot against me all day, if I don’t come, I will clean.”

Qin Yurou said softly: “Martial Ancestor, I’m going to cry.”

“Cry, Xiao Su, bring your piano and accompany her, lest she cry out of tune.”

The words of the old Divine Immortal made Qin Yurou soft.

I stomped and poked away, took the old Divine Immortal’s 2 2 Ling Xiao Yinhao, turned around and left.

Seeing her bulging look, a 4-square face, a middle-aged man with a pale complexion, a little reluctant, he sighed helplessly: “Yu Rou, wait a minute.”

Qin Yurou’s eyes turned back to them instantly, and the surprise of the scheming flashed in her beautiful eyes.

“2 grandfather, you still have something?” Qin Yu Ju pretended to be unhappy.

The middle-aged man with a big face of 4 squares and a pale complexion waved helplessly and said, “You child, when you reach Shen Family, there is no way to it. Here, there are 2 kg of Lingyin Suhexiang. You can take it. , Both you and Shen Qiang know, I will not say it, remember, this thing is limited, don’t squander 10000!”

Qin Yurou, who was pleasantly surprised at the moment, smiled unhappily, shocked happily said: “Thank you 2 grandfather, I know, this medicine king valley, you are the best to me, I will come back to see when I am free in the future you.”

4 The man with a pale face and blue complexion smiles.

3 people watched and got 2 Jin Lingyin Su Hexiang, contentedly, left Wufeng, walking like a cheerful little bunny, Qin Yurou, who jumped up and back.

“Old 2, you’re fooled, Yurou this girl, knowing that I’m impossible to give him 2 jin Lingxiao Yinhao, you should know that I’m impossible to give her pot of misty landscape orchid to her.” Divine Immortal, the old king of the medicine king, raised his eyebrows.

“I don’t have any valuable possessions on my body, Yurou this girl won’t plot against me, it’s the second brother’s Lingyin Su Hexiang, it’s a divine medicine for practicing. The 2 kg Lingyin Su Hexiang is enough to train 1000 Primordial Chaos together. Realm powerhouse, so looking at her cheerful pace, I know that this girl’s real purpose is this.”

4 The man with a square face and a pale complexion smiled and said, “Do you think I can’t see it? The girl Yu Rong, kind-hearted, is very clever and has a big picture. She knows very well that now Shen Qiang needs a lot of powerhouse Subordinates, only in this way can we build a real giant who can resist the storm and still be fearless.”,

“With Lingyin Su Hexiang, this dream can be realized soon. From this point of view, she really loves Shen Qiang, otherwise, she will not play tricks in front of us, so complete her. .”

The other 2 people hearing this also smiled.

At the same time, under the mist.

Abi, the pretty girl, stood on the boat, and she waited anxiously.

The hull shook.

Qin Yurou, with a beautiful face and a beautiful face, has appeared on the boat.

“Young Master, has it been done?” Abi, who was quite upset, anxiously.

Fabulous Fairy Qin Yurou, smiled and bent her eyes, proudly showing off the huge Lingyin Su Hexiang in front of Abi, saying: “Of course, I have already said that 2 grandfather loved me the most. , When he realized that when I was struggling, I wanted Lingyin Su Hexiang, he would definitely think of fulfilling me, how, I am right!”

The pretty girl Abi, her eyes rounded, her mouth open, her lips stunned, happily said: “A lot of Lingyin Su Hexiang, such a big piece, enough for 1000 people to use!”

“In the hands of Shen Qiang, there will be more,” the beautiful Fairy Qin Yurou smiled softly: “Because he is a medicine king who is many times more powerful than me!”

The pretty girl Abi smiled and bent her eyes, said: “When receiving this gift, Shen Qiang will definitely be to wild with joy!”


The delicate Qin Yu smiled softly.

At the same time, Abi’s cell phone suddenly rang.

Suddenly came back to his senses, Abi immediately drove the boat, like an arrow, straight to the valley.

“Hurry up, hurry up, we have to go to the airport right away, otherwise the Military Leader of the valley finds that you go to plot against several old Divine Immortal, he will get angry! when the time comes, when you are okay, I will suffer.”

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