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Hearing the words of Young Master Yi, Shen Qiang smiled and calmly looked at the stage personnel who were preparing for the final preparations. He said indifferently: “Young Master, your words made me a little disappointed, especially to make a fuss about such a small thing. , It makes me think that your level is very low.”

Young Master Yi smiled: “The most important reason why there are so many people who like to be bad people is that being a good person can make others happy, and being a bad person can make yourself happy, understand? I just do what I want, and others are angry. I hate it, but there is nothing I can do, so I am happy.”

Shen Qiang laughed and glanced at the young Master Yi who was smiling at the side, saying, “The situation now seems to be the opposite of what you want. You are jealous and hate for me, but there is nothing you can do, like Song Weiyin fell in love with me, but right You to disdain as beneath contempt.”

Hearing this, Young Master Yi’s face was obviously a bit ugly, but after only a slight silence, Young Master Yi smiled: “I am not short of women.”

“So Song Weiyin is a luxury you can never have.” Shen Qiang smiled.

Young Master Yi’s eyes grew colder and said, “Do you think I will be angry when you say these things?”

“The city palace is not pretended.” Shen Qiang faintly smiled and said: “If you really don’t care, you won’t be so irritated with me like this.”

Young Master Yi remained silent for a few seconds and put away the insincere smile on his face, icily said: “Yes, I am very angry. For a few moments, I even wanted to kill her! I control everything, family, Business, wealth, I have everything that most people envy. I always thought that Song Weiyin was just a young girl. She would be mine sooner or later, so I never seriously considered what she was thinking, knowing that you bastard appeared.”

Shen Qiang calmly said: “When you say that other people are monkeys, please shave your own hair first.”

Young Master Yi laughed and sighed, “I often hear the saying that the person who knows you best is your enemy. Many times, I just think this is a joke, but now, I think that you Shen Qiang and I are the same Humanoid.”

Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows indifferently and said, “It seems that your delusions are really unclear. The biggest difference between us is that I have always been able to afford and let go of my emotions.”

“That’s because you have it.” Young Master Yi coldly said: “The world’s only highest steak was originally mine, but you ate it while I wasn’t paying attention, then wiped your mouth and told me that you Actually, I don’t think there is any difference between it and ordinary steaks. This is angry, understand?

Shen Qiang smiled: “So you revenge me with the ridiculous Koi 1000 Ning?”

“This is just the beginning.” Young Master Yi said with a sneer: “Are you Shen Qiang awesome? Don’t you want wind and wind, rain and rain? Then let’s take a look at who is more powerful, I will put You beat down the world and let the women around you know that you Shen Qiang is nothing but waste.”

Shen Qiang laughed, saying: “Just because she participated in the show you sponsored, do you feel like you are in control?”

The Young Master raised his eyebrows proudly: “Yes, I think you should understand that 95% of the things you encounter can be solved with money. As long as you have enough money, you can fight everything! “

Shen Qiang laughed: “My money may not be less than you.”

“If the money is equal, then it depends on who is more capable.” Young Master Yi said with a smile: “I know that Koi 1000 Ning is a soul singer. I just want her to watch and sing only The non-tuned person wins her, tsk tsk, will she be in pain? Will it be uncomfortable?”

Young Master Yi Yi, who smiled at Shen Qiang, said: “Because she has a waste boyfriend, she will get angry everywhere, then soon, she will abandon you, and I will open for you by then. A bottle of champagne celebrates.”

Shen Qiang laughed, calmly said: “Do you know what is the difference between boasting and real cow? When it comes to doing it, it is real cow, and when it comes to failure, it is called boasting.”

Young Master Yi sneered and said, “Then you just look at it.”

Saying that’s all, Young Master Yi is not talking, and the program will soon start recording.

Because it is the entertainment channel of the local station, it can’t be compared with the big scene of the regular star TV.

Several judges sat there and commented after the singer finished singing.

Then there was the audience voting on the spot.

If this kind of thing is not because 1000 is too important, she can’t get divine corpse without her. Even if Shen Qiang is invited, Shen Qiang won’t have that time.

Because of Shen Qiang’s current ability to make money.

At the same time, Shen Qiang made enough money to invite dozens of stars to the concert.

Moreover, because it is not a live broadcast, but a recording.

So during the whole process, there were a lot of problems.

What’s even more funny is that among the participating singers, there are actually singing and running out of voice, and it sounds like it is like listening to guests in a large ktv like like ghosts and howl like wolves, no big difference.

not only.

What makes Shen Qiang even more impatient is that.

These contestants, even if they performed well, after listening to the singing voice of Koi 1000 Ning, it was boring.

But every time, it was finished, the judges commented, and then the audience voted.

For Shen Qiang, this is a waste of time, so the more you look, the more upset you are.

After about 2 hours in this way, a group of sixteen singers was considered completed.

This is followed by a 1-minute break.

At this time, the players in Group B took the stage to familiarize themselves with the venue.

Because it is a local station, a small production of entertainment channels, what rehearsals in advance, and a preview with a band are simply not available.

The only thing these players can do is stand on the stage and feel the atmosphere on the spot.

Observe the surrounding environment, then just go backstage and wait for them to play.

At this time, Shen Qiang, speaking inwardly, was already impetuous and felt that he was wasting time, but fortunately, the people who come to participate in this kind of draft show are affordable.

Especially beauties.

Although it can’t reach the level of Miao Xiao Xia and Qin Yurou, it is still youthful and beautiful, so the comments of many viewers watching on the side are much more interesting than the show itself.

“The girl in Group A No. 3 looks good, her eyes are big, but her voice is a little bit worse. If she doesn’t sing, she’s very full. I can give her 8 points. She sings, then I can give her at most 70%.”

“Haha, I know that looking at the face, this girl is beautiful, you have to look at the thighs. The girls in group A have big thick legs. All of them are unqualified here. The most powerful one, barely scored 5.5 points.”

“It’s okay to watch all the heavy makeup on TV. If you watch it on the spot, it feels too bad. There isn’t a good looking one. Now let’s watch Group B. If there isn’t a beautiful one, I won’t come again next time. “

Their words made Shen Qiang want to laugh a little bit. At this moment, the Koi 1000 condensed on the stage to be familiar with the venue. She just showed up. Not only did Shen Qiang shine in front of her, but the scene of the original chaos immediately calmed down.

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