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In an instant, the Young Master Yi sitting next to Shen Qiang looked at Shen Qiang’s domineering eyes and the scornful smile at the corner of his mouth. He only felt that he not only fell like an ice cellar in an instant, but the sweat on his body fell instantly. Stand up!

To arrange the noodles, Shen Qiang is the biggest in cultivation!

Such domineering words made Young Master Yi, an eyes high above the top, feel a sense of threat that he had never had before.

But it was only a moment of disappointment, and suddenly realized that Song Weiyin, who was watching all this through the Internet at the moment, was anxious in an instant, and immediately mocked: “Your Shen Qiang is a bull, a medicine king, and He Shenghe The Danish Alliance Leader, the Medicine Refining Master in the cultivation field, when they see you, they are as respected as Sect Elder.”

“It’s really awesome, but you Shen Qiang, don’t get smug, don’t forget, this is not a cultivator conference, but a local entertainment channel Tian Lai singer, a rental studio, here, I am the biggest, can act wilfully That one.”

Shen Qiang smiled and took out his phone calmly, saying: “Small hidden in the wild, big hidden in the city, the cultivator lives in the world, but hidden in the shadows, just like the relationship between people, many relatives and friends, usually I don’t know there is such a person, but maybe, one day, he will suddenly appear in front of you.”

“Useless, Shen Qiang, here, all your methods will be in vain, because, I am the sponsor of this program, without me, there is no this program, so no matter what relationship you want to use, in the end, still It’s just a joke.” Young Master Yi determined.

Shen Qiang smiled and said, “Sometimes I think you are very smart, but sometimes, I think you are stupid. I, Shen Qiang, ranks the most in the cultivation field, because I am the king of medicine, and my hands are close to 1000 The name Medicine Refining Master can affect 10000 kinds of spiritual medicine. In this case, I want someone to do me a favor, and no one will refuse.”

“So.” Shen Qiang, who turned around, said: “You to stop while one can, leave now, it’s too late, at least, you won’t lose your face in front of Song Weiyin.”

Hearing this, the expression of Young Master Yi was instantly cold and said, “Shen Qiang, I boasted a lot, I used it a lot, and you can use it if you have the ability. If you really do, my Young Master Yi has nothing to say, if You can not……”

Young Master, who raised his eyebrows and sneered, said: “Then I’m sorry, Koi 1000 Ning’s draft road, stop here.”

Shen Qiang smiled and said, “Very well, you gave me a chance to verify the 6-degree separation theory. I think maybe someone will come to see me in a few minutes.”

Young Master Yi sneered: “Ideal is always full, but want to turn over here, it is not enough to have ideals.”

“A lot of dreams represent things that can never be done, but for what can be done, that is not a dream, but daily.” Saying that’s all, smiling Shen Qiang, took a mobile phone, in friends In the circle, a message was sent casually.

Then I sat quietly and watched the performances of the singers present.

At this time, the seductive woman who had come and gone with Young Master Yi’s eyebrows was on stage.

The style was amazing in super shorts, jumping and jumping on the stage, to have several points of singer’s meaning.

As for the song title, Shen Qiang did not remember it.

The lyrics are Chinese and English.

But fortunately, her rhythm was good, and her voice was good.

Coupled with a kind of voluptuous dance style similar to that of the Korean girl group, for a time, it is lively and lively, and it can be seen in the past.

Soon, the song sang that’s all.

The three judges who have already been hinted at have started the review seriously.

“Singing has a lot of skills, and has high requirements for singing skills. It must be done from vocal to hard, but it is very difficult, but she completed it perfectly!”

“A singer with good singing skills can make people feel that the sound penetrates strong. This is especially difficult for the hot dance singer, but she has done a good job!”

“Although stage performance is not a direct performance of singing skills, stage performance reflects the ability of a singer to control the stage. The performance of a song is not just music, the audience will evaluate the singer from the perspective of visual and auditory 2 , So her performance is amazing!”

The words of the three judges made Shen Qiang laughed.

After all, these three people are all talking about 3 gold oil, which can be used to evaluate any song.

Without this ability, think of it, being judge is also impossible.

But although it was 10000 gold oil, the audience at the scene still gave warm applause.

Then came the voting link.

In the process of canvassing tickets by the host, the woman’s votes were very high. With 400 votes in the audience, she got 320 tickets.

This result makes this woman very proud.

It also makes Young Master Yi more arrogant.

“Did you see? Shen Qiang, do you think I am the kind of idiot who only knows how to do things? She graduated from a domestic first-class music college, and she is very good. Although she is not comparable to the Koi 1000 Ning, nor Song Weiyin, but Obviously also a beauty.”

“Not only can I sing, but also dance. Anyway, it’s entertainment. Her type is obviously the most popular, so even if my Young Master does not use means, she comes to take this local channel entertainment channel’s draft champion. with no difficulty .”

Shen Qiang smiled and said, “That’s because you haven’t heard 1000 Ning’s songs. After hearing her songs, you will never say such things again.”

Young Master Yi sneered: “1000 Ning is a sea monster, obsessed with music, and singing well, it is not surprising, but even if 1000 Ning is good, it is useless, I said she couldn’t enter the top 6 , Just can’t make it to the top 6. It’s like I said that you can’t make a film with Shen Qiang.

For a moment, Shen Qiang’s face froze and said, “No, under the stubbornness of your villain, the film and television company indeed refused to invite me to make a movie, but that’s how, Song Weiyin has fallen in love with me. It’s no longer important not to make movies.”

“It’s you, as if you are here to deliberately make trouble, the purpose is not only to compete with me, but to humiliate me is so simple?”

Hearing this, Young Master Yi smiled and said, “It’s a very pleasant thing to talk to smart people. Since you asked, I don’t want to hide it. Watching this long and lame performance here, my purpose is very Simple, that is, you and Song Weiyin know that I can hold her and step on her. If you are not with me, 1000 Ning is her role model.”

“Don’t say it’s a big movie, even if she just wanted to go to the village Little Wu to perform, without my permission, she had no chance.”

Shen Qiang hearing this nodded: “Understood, you are here, the most real purpose is to kill the chicken to warn the monkey, with 1000 condensed encounters, to threaten Song Weiyin, this means is really mean and despicable enough, but, You seem to have overlooked a problem.”

Shen Qiang, with a sneer, looked at him and said, “That’s why Shen Qiang is not nodded. No one should dream of a woman who can bully me.”

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