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Here, Shen Qiang and Song Weiyin, after the beautiful film, Mermaid Princess Koi 1000 condensate, while trying out the electronic dance music.

Song Weiyin’s work room has been surrounded by reporters from various media.

“After the innocent and beautiful film, I fell in love with highly eligible bachelor.” A reporter typing quickly in the car said, “How about this title.”

“Garbage.” The man sitting on the co-pilot, holding Telescope, looking through the window said: “Now the whole world is understood. The 1000 Ning and Shen Qiang, who have the voice of nature, are probably a pair. After all, one songwriter, one Singing is a match made in heaven, and what about Song Weiyin? After the beautiful film, she is acting in the movie, so she must be strong.”

“Who came up with such disgusting reports?” The typing reporter frowned.

The man holding the Telescope on the first officer turned his head and looked at him while he said, “I.”

In an instant, the typing man stopped talking.

The man holding Telescope sneered: “Understood? It must be the third person who intervenes after the innocent movie, triggering a three-corner love. Such a title is attractive enough. You must write it like this.”

“This will not work, there are regulations, and it will be banned. Not only that, who is Song Weiyin? After the movie, the news came out, waiting to eat the lawsuit.”

The co-pilot smiled.

“Do you know why I lead you, not you lead me?”

The typing man was stunned.

“Why? You’re going to take a lawsuit with such nonsense. If you don’t do it, you and I have to lose my job.”

The man holding Telescope frowned, and suddenly said with a smile: “You should eat 8 more walnuts to make up your brain, don’t you understand? Song Weiyin, who has been in the film and television circle for so many years, has never had any scandals. , Why suddenly there is today.”

Typing man, dazed: “Why?”

Take Telescope’s man pu chi and have fun: “Because today’s 1000 Ning Young Lady is a singer that attracts worldwide attention, because Shen Qiang is a ghost of the musicians exclaiming, because 1000 Ning and Shen Qiang are obviously a pair, so At this time, the beautiful intervention of Song Weiyin was powerful enough, so believe me, write it, and write Song Weiyin for true love, regardless of worldly vision, and win the love with the sword. This is the theme. Others are edited by you.”

“Don’t eat lawsuits?” Typing man is silly.

Take the Telescope man and say: “Absolutely don’t eat. If you can write sensational points, be positive and highlight Song Weiyin’s positive image of innocence and love. Maybe Song Weiyin will give you a personal praise.”

Typing man in a daze: “Really? I study a lot, don’t lie to me.”

Taking the Telescope man, hearing this pu chi smiled: “It’s right to believe me, write it, it’s mine if something happens.”

“Oh.” The Typing Man pushed down the normal glasses at the bottom of the bottle.

But at the same time as the pen is about to be written.

The man holding the Telescope suddenly saw a small truck parked outside Song Weiyin’s studio after the stunning film, and immediately, a man got out of the car and wrapped a long piece of cloth 4 Cube, embraced in Song Weiyin’s studio.

“Electronic organ!” Typing man said: “It must be an electronic organ.”

“Fart!” The person holding Telescope, frowns saying: “Song Weiyin sings by herself, can she lack an electric piano in her studio? Code your words? Go to either ancient zither or ancient zither, which is definitely a new song for 1000 Ning prepare.”

The typing man froze and said, “That’s over.”

The person who took Telescope frowned, saying, “How come it’s over?”

Typing male lip: “Ancient zither, isn’t that the one used by the ancients to cultivate sentiment, brew a pot of tea, light incense, and sit under the pine tree, tsk tsk, that thing can work now? Various electronic music, use That Old Antique, hehe, if he can win, hell, who is Ai Ruoling? He specializes in electronic music dances, plays every time, twists his waist, twists his big white legs, throws his legs in the shadows, plays the ancient style, loses and doesn’t run. “

The man holding Telescope, frowns saying: “You know an egg, ancient zither is pleasant, ancient zither is pleasant, ancient zither has a loud voice, it is very beautiful, and it is very powerful when you play it. You want to use it to intoxicate. It could not be better.”

“And ancient zither is quiet and introverted. Only in some special circumstances will it be particularly touching, but it is often only the player who plays the piano. So, this ancient zither is as beautiful and alluring as Hua Dan, striking, ancient zither Like Tsing Yi, the quiet pharynx is gentle, like a long stretch of water.”

The typing man shoved his eyes and said, “You mean, ancient zither is more waves, and ancient zither is more stable?”

“Go write your gossip, get more lace.” The man holding Telescope frowned and gave him a white eye: “The nerd of ignorant and incompetent, the meaning of ancient zither, like seeing through the red dust, the heart is like water, and the ancient zither is It’s a light red, bohemian, and both instruments don’t understand the difference. How can you be so embarrassed to get the manuscript fee.”

The typing man stopped talking, and after 2 seconds of silence, he said while typing: “Song Weiyin looked at Shen Qiang with a charming eyes and said, ah, I am not going to marry you in this life.”

“Dog blood points again.”

The man who put down Telescope started up his phone and said, “I mean, it’s a little rippling, um, you can learn from the bottle of Jinmei.”

The typing man froze, then smiled and said, “Okay, am I good at this?”

“Write with all your heart. Once you have written it, maybe you will become my boss. Come on.”

“Well, well, you can rest assured!” The code word man is serious and excited.

The man who dropped Telescope got out of the car and walked to the side of the pickup truck. He chatted with the driver of the pickup truck, then hehe smiled and walked aside, saying:

“Editor, the situation has changed. Now, all the media is staring at Song Weiyin’s lace news. The content is nothing more than, what is the sword to win love, and the third person is involved. It is too vulgar to write like this, too More, from the incident at noon, until now, online search and search, there are thousands of similar articles, written throughout, writing flowers, can not bring much attention to the website.”

“Um, um, yes, I told Small Chen about this. He didn’t believe it. He said that as long as he wrote enough waves, there was enough water, and there was enough rippling, he would do it. Now, he’s writing about it. The content can still be What, of course, is the broken thing of those men and women.”

Hehe, who made a cigarette and put down his glasses, smiled and said, “But I am now using a musical instrument, and I have broken it. The 1000-condensed new song is of that type. As for the news that is not bursting, it depends on you. Yes.”

“Bonus…ah ha ha ha, you see, you said heavily, of course I didn’t try this, how could it be for money, I’m a person with ideals like you, um, yes, there are ideals, Of course impossible disappoints you, um, quasi-accurate, the 1000-condensed new song is old-fashioned, there will be ancient zither in the soundtrack, um um, quasi-accurate, absolutely not wrong, absolutely big news, music circle, will blow up !”

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