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Seeing the young Master Yi’s angry roar, Shen Qiang’s inexplicable silence, sexy figure, curvy lithe and graceful sitting on the side of the sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu, could not help but tenderly use her white tender hands, pressed on Shen Qiang’s hand back, followed by sound transmission, said: “Shen Qiang, I know you don’t want this, but life is like this, sometimes, you have to learn to bow your head.”

Shen Qiang laughed, that smile was a bit astringent.

“I know.”

Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu laughed and gently transmitted: “I know, you are the kind of real man and don’t want to let the people around you get a little wronged, but your decision is not wrong, 2 the wrong side takes the light. “

“Compared to this, Song Weiyin’s little grievances, stabilize Young Master Yi, let Bian Yi, and Zuo Lianghao survive, and that’s what you should do. That’s right, and, as long as we next, we get it smoothly divine corpse, wait for Qing Xuan to come alive, and use her strength and cultivation base to sit together in Heshenghe, there is no one who dares to fight our ideas, this is once and for all, so, breathe.”

Shen Qiang laughed, sound transmission said: “I understand, but my heart is still a bit uncomfortable. I am plotting against my own woman. Now if anyone says that I am not a shameless, I don’t believe it myself.”

Ke Bizhu smiled and said: “It’s okay, Young Master Yi dares not mess up, even more how, now he and you, because Song Weiyin’s thing open strife and veiled struggle, is already a well-known thing in the cultivation field, in In this case, he will not deal with Song Weiyin by any shameless means.”

“Hope, if he dares to mess up, no one can keep him. When I come back, the first thing is to kill him.” Shen Qiang’s tone was cold.

Ke Bizhu laughed and gently held Shen Qiang’s hand and said, “Cheer up, you are the king of medicine, you are the king of 10000 demon, he’s the big brother of Heshenghe, up and down a few thousand people, and waiting to eat by you, Come on!”

Shen Qiang smiled at Ke Bizhu and said, “Relax! Tonight, we will win!”

At the same time, the live broadcast of the celebrity singers has reached the fourth round.

On the big screen of the stage, the previous issue appeared, Ai Ruoling’s performance on the stage, music, hot dance, charming singing, and then, the host on the stage began a simple interview session, the content is nothing new.

It’s nothing more than just asking about feelings, wishes, and the like.

But then, the scene that Shen Qiang was least willing to see appeared.

The music creator of the Ai Ruoling team was invited to the stage. Under the inquiry of the host, he briefly talked about the creation of the next song.

apart from this, the host asked a very sharp question.

“Creator Teacher, I would like to ask, do you think that your song won Mr. Shen Qiang who wrote the song for 1000 Ning Young Lady?”

Hearing this, standing on the stage, the bald middle-aged man looked at Shen Qiang nervously, and then focused his attention on Young Master Yi, who was next to Shen Qiang, his eyes seemed to have several points of begging the taste of.

But Young Master Yi’s eyes raised his eyebrows very coldly, giving him a must-see eye.

There seems to be a helpless bald middle-aged man, taking a deep breath, and then facing the microphone, said: “The song written by our team for Ai Ruo Ling will win, because Shen Qiang’s live beautiful song shows you, although it is very good, but , He is not professional enough.”

“And, if I am not wrong, Shen Qiang tonight will choose a fierce tune to confront us head-to-head, so he has lost, because that is striking a stone with an egg!”,

“Oh, the creator, Teacher, has issued his declaration of battle, then next, we have Ai Ruo Ling Young Lady and the singer star to appear, bring us a feast of electronic music!” Because the star, the host has changed The style is fast.

But that battle declaration.

Still all eyes were instantly drawn to Shen Qiang.

“What? The fierce tune is against them? What does it mean? The ancient tune can still be fierce?”

“Uh, it’s really not professional enough, is the style undefined? A mature musician has its own areas of expertise, and areas of inexperience. This Shen Qiang is playing an antiquity style, and it already has a lot of sensation. Arrange the fierce genre in act recklessly, and that is to kill yourself.”

“This is to kill 1000 Ning and Song Weiyin.”

The audience and the musician thought.

In the Immortal World forum at this time, many lively cultivators suddenly became irritable.

“Oh I go, this host 666, even the battle declaration can be seen, it’s so cruel, are Shen Qiang and Young Master Yi finally going to fight head to head tonight? Obviously, this remark was inspired.”

“There are a lot of pampered young masters in the cultivation field, and Young Master Yi is the first-class, but now, with Shen Qiang, the status of Young Master Yi is threatened, so now, Young Master Yi is clear to teach Shen Qiang. .”

“Hehe, I am a great king. If you can’t even win a playboy, it’s a joke.”

“Um…please use your mind before speaking, don’t say it is in the cultivation field, you look at the top pampered young masters in the world, which one has lost?”

“Although I like Shen Qiang very much, I bet Young Master Yisheng because he is the first Young Master in the real cultivation world!”

All parties discuss spiritedly and each has their own ideas.

But at this time Shen Qiang was in a calm mood.

Because Shen Qiang knew that Young Master Yi told the musician to say this, on the one hand, he wanted to put pressure on Shen Qiang, and on the other hand, he was also preparing him for those who were ready to do it. Because of this, He Shenghe Once there is an accident in the pharmaceutical factory, there is no need to guess at all. Everyone will know that it was done by Young Master Yi.

However, there is no real evidence.

“Shen Qiang, you lost.” Young Master Yi said again.

Shen Qiang laughed, saying: “It’s too early to say such a thing.”

“Really?” As the Young Master Yi raised his eyebrows.

The rhythm is clear and the bright electronic dance music has already sounded.

Wearing black super shorts, black t-shirts, high heels, and tall Ai Ruo Ling has appeared.

The enchanting dance posture, the charming eyes, the dancing dance with the wind, and the little fresh meat actor wearing tight leather pants, almost the beginning of the opening, has already made the whole scene boiling.

Not only screams came one after another.

Those shocking comments made Shen Qiang brows tightly frowns even more.

“Perfect! The charming Ai Ruoling, the charming genre, plus the ultimate demon boy little fresh meat, you don’t need to listen to the song, just look at it and it’s worth the fare!”

“Very good, such a top electronic dance music, coupled with this pair of men and women, with this stage performance, even if you look at the world, it is enough to be called first-class, ancient music, want to win it? That is a dream!”

“Awesome! It is a professional musician. In terms of such performance, this Ai Ruo Ling has not lost the first-line actress, Shen Qiang and 1000 Ning, has already lost.”

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