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Hearing the host’s words, the audience at the scene made a mess.

“What? The piano engineer couldn’t get on stage due to severe diarrhea, which caused the track to be cancelled? Can it be more shameless? What is Shen Qiang doing? If you can’t, just say it, and no one will laugh at him and engage in such tricks. It’s disgusting.”

“Wipe, I still call him the music genius. I didn’t expect it to be such a shameless guy. Oh, Jiang Lang was exhausted, and he wouldn’t write songs anymore? Then don’t write, pretend to be pretty good, and say what you are lonely. Ru Xue, co-authored in the original background, in doing this kind of thing, he is incompetent, when a bitch still need to set up a torii, this is to let the violinist bear the blame!”

“I used to think that Shen Qiang was pretty good. Didn’t expect it to be such a villain. Just do it. If you don’t, you can’t do it. Why do you do this kind of trick? Take the audience as a fool? What a shame!”

Among the audience who looked at each other in blank dismay, some people talked loudly.

Almost in an instant, both inside and outside the venue, everyone who thought that the host was doing things immediately felt that the host was not just abominable, but very righteous.

“Damn, I’m going to scold the street. After waiting for so long, what happened was the shameless act like Shen Qiang?”

“He he he, I’m going to laugh, it’s really not worth it for those screaming girls.”

“Waste, don’t even dare to compare, how can you speak on the stage? It’s still boasting, saying that you have no opponents, lonely like snow, it makes people laugh.”

Unidentified audiences despised Shen Qiang at the same time.

Shen Qiang on the stage just looked coldly at the young Master Yi with a smile on his face.

“Shameless, the real shameless, the first laxative, which made the luthier unable to appear, and then arranged the host to cross-examine, and then, raked in and said that I was Shen Qiang incompetent. In this method of creating something from nothing, one by one, it turned out. decent.”

Shen Qiang thought.

At almost the same time, the young Master Yi in Shen Qiang’s eyes also showed a sneer in the corner of his mouth, sound transmission said: “Shen Qiang, you are finished, your music journey is over! You will be at 10000000 In the swearing of people, get back to your Heshenghe.”

“Because now, the entire TV station and Song Weiyin can’t find any luthier in a short time, so you have only two ways now. One is that there is no luthier to come, and then rolls in a mess, making people smile, you are absolutely this.”

“The second way is to stop being ugly and go directly behind the infamy.”

“No matter how you choose, I win, so tonight, it is destined to be my victory night!”

Hearing the sound transmission of Young Master Yi, Shen Qiang smiled: “Great, really powerful, good plot against, very strong, plus your background, enough to make it impossible to turn over, but.”

Shen Qiang sound transmission with a contemptuous look said: “You underestimated me, so you are doomed to be unable to win any victory today!”

Shen Qiang’s sound transmission made Young Master stunned.

At the same time, in the voice of many audiences, the host continued: “Mr. Shen, what do you think of this statement?”

In an instant, everyone on the scene and the audience on the Internet stopped talking, and expressions all focused firmly on Shen Qiang’s face.

“The host is really humorous, and the piano engineer’s diarrhea can’t be on the stage. It’s true…”

At the moment when she heard Shen Qiang’s words, the host’s eyes lit up and rushed: “So 1000 Ning Young Lady and Song Weiyin can’t make the stage, and the audience can’t hear your new song show, are you talented?”

Shen Qiang hearing this, did not look at him. In the eyes despised by the audience, he smiled at Young Master Yi, and then said loudly: “The answer is wrong, because the luthier can’t be on stage, so this is my job.”


Audience expressions all on and off the court lit up.

Young Master stunned, looking at Shen Qiang suspiciously.

At the same time frowning gave the host a look.

The host was so smart, immediately smiled and said with a smile: “Mr. Shen, as far as I know, you have not studied any musical instruments at all system.”

“That’s because I’m too simple.” Shen Qiang calmly.

In an instant, everyone present was stunned.

“You said that the luthier is simple?” The host was shocked.

Shen Qiang smiled: “Can you talk less nonsense? For others, being a luthier may have to exhaust Life Power, but for me, that’s really simple.”

“You mean that you are a genius.” The host said.

Shen Qiang smiled: “You can understand this, anyway, you just want to use words, push me up, and then watch me fall to death, but unfortunately, you can’t see such excitement.”

In an instant, everyone’s eyes, with a snap, focused on the host.

After all, even a stupid person now feels vaguely feeling that the presenter is clearly targeting Shen Qiang.

“Mr. Shen really loves cracking a joke.” The host said with a smile: “So good, since that’s the case, then let’s get started, please ask Mr. Shen to show us his talents.”

At the moment when he heard this, Shen Qiang’s heart was instantly on fire.

Because this is no longer an excessive thing.

It is too much.

After all, this is the final battle of the talent show.

It’s like a star game.

Winning or losing is not important, it’s just that players and singing stars come to show their faces, and through a party, the lively end of the show is over.

But now.

This host not only deliberately brought rhythm and deliberately mocked Shen Qiang, but also deliberately left out 1000 Ning and Song Weiyin who were supposed to be the protagonists tonight.

Not only did they not mention the two of them, but also let Shen Qiang show their talents?

Think of Shen Qiang as a student coming here for the art test?

Shen Qiang silly?

Can’t hear it?

If Shen Qiang was really stupid to sit over, then Song Weiyin and 1000 Ning did not even mention the name on the stage.

Wouldn’t it be three big fools?

Shen Qiang frowned.

Young Master is smiling.

Shen Qiang suddenly understood why Young Master Yi was late.

Because that simply wasn’t late, but at that time he was in the background to manage the relationship, unblock the relationship, and set himself up. It was clear that he wanted to pass. This too program humiliated Shen Qiang, 1000 Ning, and Song Weiyin.

not only.

He has done more unscrupulous and unabashed.


Because this matter is the last and the ugliest, it is nothing more than a rude program group. At most one person apologizes, and then it is over.

What else?

When people say a few words wrong at work, or if they are emotional, can you kill them?

Moreover, in this case, there are only two ways, one is to endure, the other is to counterattack.

So Shen Qiang’s eyes were not only cold, but the dashing eyebrows stood upright, but at the moment when Shen Qiang wanted to soar, he suddenly saw the young Master Yi at the stage, not only surprised his eyes, but also looked forward to his expectations, which made Shen Qiang giggled.

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