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While Shen Qiang was thinking, the stage lights dimmed, not only that, but as the host shouted and the spotlights lit up, a beautiful silhouette appeared on the stage, not only the whole scene instantly absolute silence.

Even Shen Qiang couldn’t help but hold his breath at the moment when he saw 1000 Ning.

So she was so beautiful under the spotlight at this time.

Especially with the jewels hanging from the forehead against the forehead, the star-like beauty, not only wasn’t obscured, but as beautiful as talking.

A splendid Chinese dress, retro, but set her like Princess, not only the body is filled with the lofty status, the elegance of clear as ice and clean as jade, even the delicate pair of luxurious and barbarous under the skirt Boots are also flawless.

The whole person is unscrupulous all over, with the kind of aloof and remote, gorgeous, awesome beautiful and alluring breath.

Like Huakui Peony.

With just one glance, it is already heart-wrenching.

Even Shen Qiang couldn’t help being in ones heart trembled.

Because at this time, she looks like Princess Lengao in the costume drama, which is so cold, luxurious, and so high that she dare not look up.

“It’s so beautiful, beautiful and cold, such a beauty should be supported and served by men, not Fairy, but Queen!”

“The beauty of the world is colorful, and there is only one proud beauty and contempt, called 1000 Ning.”

“I think she must be a spoiled Princess, otherwise she would not have such a haughty, but thrilling breath, like a swan in the water.”

Everyone was shocked.

At this time, while the light is dark.

Someone has already moved an ancient zither to the stage.

not only.

Also changed into a costume, but with a green color, it seems that Yu Wenzi, who is completely to 1000 to impossible to compare to the grand degree, has also stood beside ancient zither.

“Mr. Shen, there is your seat, you need to play on stage, this is the director’s request.”

A middle-aged woman lowered her voice.

Shen Qiang smiled and said, “No problem.”

“If there is a need, you have one minute’s dress up.” Middle-aged woman said.

Shen Qiang smiled.

One minute, if it is an ordinary person, there is definitely nothing you can do.

But don’t forget, who is Shen Qiang?

10000 Demon King!

The cultivation base has reached the cultivator of Primordial Chaos Realm.

If you just need to change your clothes, don’t say it is one minute. If it’s not possible, one second is enough.

“Okay, you are busy with you.”

Shen Qiang said in the dark.

Then Shen Qiang walked beside Yu Wenzi, simply not carrying her. I called Qing Xuan directly in my heart.

After almost an instant, Qing Xuan not only showed up, but also helped Shen Qiang change his clothes in a flash, not only that, but also helped Shen Qiang straighten his head.

And that line of business.

Just before, I plan to practice with Song Weiyin, please ask Qing Xuan to help the staff, custom Chu Liuxiang line.

Exquisite inside and outside.


In the words of Qing Xuan, it was completely created with reference to the dress of the within the realm, aristocrats and nobles Young Master.

From workmanship to materials, as well as gems, jade pendant, and even the length of the wig, meticulous.

Because Qing Xuan never missed returning to Immortal World Zhong Prefecture, saving 10000 people from fire and water, and fulfilling her promise, at that time, she used a lot of energy in this regard.

Therefore, there are more than a dozen sets of storage accessories in Shen Qiang’s storage ring, which are also exquisite but have different styles and different color styles.

Yu Wenzi around him, pretending to be blind, pretending not to see the strange appearance of Qing Xuan, and Shen Qiang, who changed quickly.

At the same time, after shockingly seeing 1000 Ning’s beautiful face, feeling her noble and proud beauty.

The crowd at the scene had screamed.

All kinds of barrage screens burst on the Internet.

“I am in love, really, from the moment I saw 1000 Ning debut, I seem to have been incarnation knights and want to sing for her sword!”

“It’s so beautiful, I always think that a woman who sings well, usually will not be too beautiful, because God is a cheapskate, he will not make people perfect, but now after watching 1000 Ning, I suddenly understood that this is a fool Ours, ours is not perfect, just because we are not 1000 condensed!”

“Midex 360° No-Dead-Angle, from any angle, you can take screenshots as wallpaper, such a 1000 coagulation, you can eat on your face, without singing!”

“The long skirt covers the legs, but the straight posture and the cute little bridle shoes make her undoubtedly noble. Such a cold and proud woman probably will never bow her head to any man.”

“My heart hurts, I fell in love with such a cold and proud 1000 Ning, but I know that I am just a mortal, and she is destined to be a Legendary!”

When everyone was amazed by the beauty of the Mermaid Princess Koi 1000, the sharp ears and keen eyes had heard Shen Qiang marveling at the audience and wanted to laugh.

Because of their shock, in Shen Qiang’s view, it was nothing more than strange.

1000 Ning really is Princess!

And it is authentic, bloodline pure mermaid.

Her father is Wang Yujiang, a big sea monster.

So she looks pretty, not surprising at all, not only that, in fact, when it comes to the beauty of the face, needless to say others, Qing Xuan, easily superior to her, not to mention the Emperor World Emperor Yongzhen, and Wushuangdaoling It’s too cloudy.

So apart from feeling a little helpless to those who have never seen the world, Shen Qiang feels that there is nothing to say about the Koi 1000 Ning debut.

“The beauty of 1000 Ning Young Lady is amazing. Next, let’s have an invitation, tonight’s help star, after our peerless movie, Song Weiyin!” the host shouted with a trembling voice.


Make a spotlight light up.

In an instant, Song Weiyin appeared on the stage after the same beautiful costume.

In an instant.

Shen Qiang couldn’t help but shine.

1000 Condensed beauty, arrogance, loneliness, magnificence, is the beauty that makes people look at the past and stop at the high mountain, but dare not to dare to look at it and dare not come close.

Leng sees her people, while admiring, but also feels a cold from the inside out.

But at this time, Song Weiyin, who was pure white with a smile on her face and appeared tenderly on the stage, not only had a beautiful posture that did not lose 1000 at all, that delicate, gentle and delicate 1000 Ning’s cold and arrogant, more like the spring breeze in March, just a moment, so that all the audience, a kind of relaxation like the spring breeze.

“It’s so beautiful, a pair of beautiful beads!”

“It’s a stunning beauty, but it’s a totally different beauty. For a moment, Yuliang can’t tell who is more beautiful.”

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