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In an instant, the members of the dragon team present looked strangely stunned. Not only that, but also a bit dazed by Wen Renmei Qiao and the other female officer. After they glanced at each other, they were almost in the same moment. Rushed into the confidential file room.

“Shen Qiang, you are not qualified to use this.”

“I have the right to assist you in your investigation.”

Hearing the words of 2 people, Shen Qiang who had just walked to the device was completely helpless.

“You two didn’t hear me?”

Seeing that Shen Qiang was unhappy, a Queen Fan’s acquaintance Mei Qiao immediately said nothing.

But another female officer raised her voice and said, “Consultant Shen, if you really have the ability, you can check the information yourself. If you can’t, you can leave here! Because according to the principle of confidentiality, unless documents can prove the necessity, otherwise If you know, Wenren Meiqiao dare to check your information, it is a leak.”

In an instant, the expressions of all the dragon officers present were on.

“This is better. Shen Qiang just entered the archive room just now. I didn’t pay attention. It may be that the door is not closed properly, but if you check the information, the authority is absolutely not enough, and she said it well. The authority is The point is that Shen Qiang is a security advisor to the Dragon Group, but this does not mean that he can know everything.”

“Haha, interesting, it’s not been a day since these two were fighting.”

“Shen Qiang would be fun if he walked so dingy, this pent-up frustration deserves it.”

Just as they stick one’s head around to look for, Shen Qiang’s face sank.

“I’m here to help you, it’s okay, I have high authority, I have B-Rank authority!” Wen Renmei Qiao looked at Shen Qiang’s face ugly, and he stepped forward to go forward.

The female officer immediately said solemnly: “you dare!”

But at this time, Shen Qiang, who had been calm, could not bear it, raised hand, swiping, and then, at the inquiry machine, the moment when it lit up icily said: “Both of you get out of me!”

For a moment.

Seeing the huge welcome character on the inquiry machine, Wenren Meiqiao was instantly surprised, while the female officer on the side was stunned.

“It’s impossible!” She looked at Shen Qiang in surprise and said, “You are just a lieutenant!”

“Go out immediately, and then ink, I immediately suggest to stop your job.” Shen Qiang’s eyes were extremely cold.

In an instant, the female officer did not dare to say anything, because at this time, she had been shocked to see that Shen Qiang’s file had appeared on the inquiry machine.

In the authority column, the shocking S-Rank authority is exceptionally clear.

“It’s impossible! S-Rank permission. Isn’t this the only one who can be possessed by an admiral of the dragon group and who has outstanding merit?”

She was terrified.

At this time, Wenren Meiqiao was shocked and looked at Shen Qiang in disbelief.

“S-Rank permission! He already has it now? It’s so powerful, so strong! But this bastard, why don’t you tell me that he is already so powerful? In this way, this bastard, I don’t need my help to query any information, then He came to see me, did he really miss me?”

Thinking of Wenren Meiqiao in her heart, her eyes were immediately charming.

The whole person also smiled brightly in the spring, and looked at Shen Qiang’s eyes, which was also gentle as never before.

“This bastard is quite conscientious. I used to think that he would use me before he came to see me, but now it doesn’t look like he has much higher authority than me. This S-Rank authority, I think If you get it, you will have to struggle for at least 20 years, so he used me to check the information here, it is totally untenable.”

Very pleasant, Wenren Meiqiao, snorted with pride, and then turned out of the confidential archive.

In the astonished eyes of the other dragon group members, full of smiles looked at another female officer of the dragon group who came out of the archive room and said: “Aiya, who said just now? This is not from the lieutenant. Places that cannot be checked with their own authority and leave.”

“I’m hehe, and seeing that, the consultant Shen Shen’s authority, tsk tsk, just leak a little, enough for some people to pursue a lifetime.”

Many officers of the dragon group present, hearing this, looked strangely at Wenren Meiqiao.

Then they saw the female officer of the dragon group, complexion pale, without a pit.

“Damn, this is a bit strange.”

“Shen horse situation?”

“Does Shen Qiang have permission to use confidential archives?”

In their weird eyes, the female dragon officer turned and left.

“Don’t forget the secrecy regulations, don’t talk about some things you shouldn’t say.”

Wenren Meiqiao smirked proudly.

The female officer of the dragon group was shocked. She knew that Wenren Meiqiao was talking about Shen Qiang’s S-Rank investigation authority.

Because that authority is indeed too high.

It can be said that in the dragon group, the big guy with S-Rank permission can not be said to be act wilfully, but as long as you say something casually, it may become true immediately.

For example, if Shen Qiang suggested to suspend her, it would almost immediately become a document.

So at this moment, she had no guts at all, and then entangled with Wenren Meiqiao, but just left in a hurry.

Seeing the other officers of the dragon group in this scene, they instantly realized that the situation was wrong.

“How did she leave, she likes to be a nuisance, and she likes to make things difficult for others, so she left silently?”

“Fuck, Shen Qiang’s authority must have been blasted, otherwise she would be impossible!”

“A-Rank, it must be A-Rank permission, my dear, Shen Qiang’s permission must be A-Rank permission, otherwise she will never scare her away!”

While the eyes of the dragon group were shockingly defined in their hearts, Shen Qiang in the confidential archives room simply had no mood to understand what they were thinking.

Instead, quickly retrieve the materials that have seen the cover before.

The moment the information was retrieved.

Shen Qiang’s ideas were instantly verified.

First of all, after being promoted to major general by 1000 Mountain Snow, he was indeed receiving special training from Kunlun Maiden Xue. The condition for ending the special training was that 1000 Mountain Snow entered the Daogu period.

Calculating the time, more than half a year has passed since 1000 Shanxue left, but 1000 Shanxue has not appeared in front of Shen Qiang to recover the mask of the Disillusionment Brigade, which means that her special training it’s not finished yet.

Looking at the information of Kunlun Maiden Xue, Shen Qiang sighed.

Kunlun Maiden Xue’s cultivation base has reached the strength of the cultivator Great Ascension Stage, so the chant ring is very safe around her.

Considering that 1000 Shanxue is receiving her special training, and the Kunlun Mountains where she is located are all in China, it doesn’t matter if you take it early or late, and the news of several other keys is undefined information that catches the wind, Shen Qiang’s eyes had to fall on the scale.

“It seems that if you want to get the keel as soon as possible, you must get the balance ruler first, then the breakthrough point is obviously the beautiful ninja Yu Wenzi.”

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