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Almost as soon as the old man in Junshan prison made up his mind to fight against Shen Qiang, in the Divine Realm forum, many cultivators from different countries and regions were watching the notice of the offline activity on the forum.

“Oh, China’s 10000 demon king? Is it a great character, this is a good opportunity to observe him up close.”

“Hmph, the Chinese dragon team is very strong. Unfortunately, this Shen Qiang is too young. In the world of cultivator, idiots cannot be true powerhouses.”

“Yo, this famous person, who claims to be the No. 1 youth cultivator, has finally stepped out of China? It seems that it is time for him to learn about the beating from Cultivator World.”

Many cultivators talked disdainfully.

At the same time, in the country of ninjas, powerful Great Cultivators from different countries and regions also received invitations.


However, compared with the handwritten invitations received by Shen Qiang, their invitations, without exception, are all printed.

“Shen Qiang, the father of human lactose, a medical scientist, China’s drug king, the strongest Medicine Refining Master, maybe you should try to see if he really has the ability to match fame.”

“10000 demon king? This is really a joke, how might the powerful Demon surrender to a young cultivator.”

“A security consultant, isn’t it just a fake name with no real power? It’s interesting. Such a guy, it seems, should be taught. After all, he is China, the most popular cultivator in recent years.”

“Many people have talked about this Shen Qiang, saying that he is the heir of the Dragon God War God. Looking at his thin body, I can send him to see God with a punch!”

“Oh, maybe I can take the opportunity to make a good relationship and get some magical Chinese medicine pill from him.”

All parties, after seeing the list of invitations to the offline events of the Divine Realm Forum, all their attention was naturally concentrated on Shen Qiang.

This is normal.

After all, the Dragon Group is the most powerful cultivator organization in Asia.

It is also one of the 3 decent cultivator groups in the world. It stands with Guangming Knight Group, Seraphim, and 3. It can be said that it is the 3 driving carriage in Cultivator World that protects ordinary people from the threat of strong Great Cultivator.

As for the cultivator organizations formed by other countries, although they shoulder the same important tasks, no matter the number of members or the reputation of the organization, they are much worse, simply not in an order of magnitude.

Therefore, for the world-class Cultivator World, whether it is the new star of the Dragon Group, the new star of the bright Knight, or the new star of Seraphim, there is no doubt that they are dazzling and awesome.

And once, in public, can give these three organizations a new star to take a kick.

Those who can do it will undoubtedly become famous in an instant.


“The world of ordinary cultivator, as long as you can fight, but if you want to be a real strong Great Cultivator, without enough wisdom and a strong cultivation base, you can only become a cannon fodder. Even when you die, you don’t understand why you are. died.”

Wearing a black suit and looking like a blue scorpion dressed as a bodyguard, he was still handsome out of the ordinary, especially when he laughed, the handsome, completely stunned those service staff.

Even Ye Guyun and Yu Wenzi couldn’t help but look away.

“So, many very, very capable cultivators became combatants, and people smarter than them became Captain.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang laughed sitting opposite the blue scorpion for dinner, and then said indifferently: “The real wise man will stay away from troubles, obviously you, you not at all retreat to the mountain forest, which shows that you have your own pursuit, And willingly involved in troubles, so it seems that it is not smart enough.”

Green Scorpion laughed and glanced at Yu Wenzi, saying: “Tonight’s reception, there will be trouble. You know, the power of the dragon group is not allowed and is laughed at.”

“This does not need your reminder.” Shen Qiang calmly said: “Because the person who represents the dragon group is me now.”

Green Scorpion, with a strange expression in his eyes, said: “Protecting your safety is my task.”

Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow coldly: “Do what you should do at the same time, don’t forget, my friendship is very valuable, it represents, money, status, medicine, and survival!”

“Sounds like it seems that without your friendship, you can’t live.” The handsome blue scorpion smiled.

Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow and looked at the blue scorpion: “Yes, because I’m never soft on the enemy, even if he used to be my family.”

In an instant, the blue scorpion was silent.

Because he knew that Shen Qiang was talking about Bian Yi.

Bian Yi is the big brother of Qing Scorpion and a partner of Shen Qiang as a writer.

So Shen Qiang’s words are, without a doubt, Shen Qiang’s very serious warning.

“I am a person who believes in destiny.” Green Scorpion suddenly smiled and said: “So sometimes, I will toss a coin to feel God’s guidance.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “As a doctor, after so long a doctor, I have only one truth, that is, idiots are incurable, wrong choices will ruin their lives, but, I think, You are a smart person.”

The green scorpion winger was silent for a long time, and suddenly smiled and said: “The food in this restaurant tastes good. The female manager of the hotel asked me to eat special dishes.”

“Don’t delay the reception tonight.”

The winger heard Shen Qiang’s words and smiled, then stood up. The gentleman smiled at Wenzi and Ye Guyun before leaving.

“Master, this guy, terrifying with a good smile, what do you guys say? Why can’t I understand…” Ye Guyun looked curious with a look of embarrassment.

But Shen Qiang is very clear that the blue scorpion is not impatient, he is testing Shen Qiang’s bottom line, trying to persuade Shen Qiang to give up Yu Wenzi.

Because the blue scorpion’s apparent task is to protect Shen Qiang.

But the real task is to kill Yu Wenzi. On the plane, Qing Xie talked with Shen Qiang, and Shen Qiang also warned him.

But now he recalls the old things.

Shen Qiang does not need to guess, it knows that the blue scorpion must be understood something, so the original killing has been suppressed, and Shen Qiang is asked again.

Looking at Yu Wenzi, who was also looking forward to the answer, Shen Qiang said with a smile: “There is nothing, he is just worried. Tonight’s reception, I will embarrass the dragon team, so remind me that I am representing China now Team Dragon, you have to pay attention to your behavior.”

Hearing this, Ye Guyun uttered a heavy relief and frowned, “These cultures are so abominable, just don’t say anything, just go in circles!”

Although Yu Wenzi on the side was laughing, his eyes obviously did not all believe Shen Qiang’s words.

“Well… you’re better dressed up tonight. After all, it’s a reception. As my female companion, I don’t think you will embarrass me, right?” Shen Qiang looked at Yu Wenzi.

In an instant, Yu Wenzi thought of the task of self-recommendation, and immediately nodded beautifully and shyly, saying: “Well, rest assured.”

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