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For a moment, Shen Qiang’s face was beautiful, and Yu Wenzi’s sturdy figure was stunned. She was horrified, and her lovable body was trembling slightly. As a ninja, she knew very well that the man in front was wearing a blue cheongsam and looked Beautiful and alluring, the sky is like a bursting sexy sky is a god!

Moreover, it is the god that the ninjas worship!

More importantly, Tianzhao and Shen Qiang are hostile, and now here is obviously the home of Tianzhao, how can this make her feel no fear!

But at the same time she was horrified.

Shen Qiang beside her suddenly smiled, looking at the sky with sexy, mature, beautiful and alluring face, Shen Qiang’s eyes suddenly turned sharp.

“The Divine Realm forum serves cultivators from all countries in the world. Not only that, this forum has remained neutral and is not affected by any cultivator group. This is amazing in itself, because there will be various cultivator voices in the forum. It will definitely involve the interests of various cultivator groups.”

“In this case, an ordinary cultivator can’t withstand such a big pressure at all.”

“The answer is only one.”

“They are gods!”

Shen Qiang’s eyes are bright, and he admires exceptionally.

“It’s the Divine Realm forum organized by Divine Race, so they have no fear of any cultivator group. I should have thought about this. Divine Realm, the field controlled by the gods, and Tianzhao are obviously one of them, and Her name in the forum is called Suzuran.”

“That is to say, in her deep in one’s heart, what she wants to do is actually just a gentle and elegant beauty like a lily of the valley.”

With a smile in her mouth, Shen Qiang said, “Yue Yanhua’s shadow is silent, and she is greeted by lily of the valley. Sucai Qingfen 1000 is beautiful, and the fat-regulating powder is like 100. Lily of the valley is really charming. What.”

The moment I heard this, my body was as sexy as I could stretch the cheongsam at any time, and my eyes were cold.

“Sexy man, who speaks lightly but is unwelcome.”

Shen Qiang smiled and glanced at everyone around, said with a smile: “Well, it seems that you are not proficient in ancient poetry, but it does not matter. The woman named Lily of the Valley is destined to be a beautiful lady in the valley, a lonely hidden show. , Qingli is refined, so I’m glad to meet you.”

Hearing this, Tianzhao Jiaomei smiled, and did not take Shen Qiang’s words at all, but just said, “Mr. Shen please.”

Shen Qiang nodded smiled and took Yu Wenzi straight into the clubhouse.

When their backs disappeared, the many cultivators present from all over the world exploded in an instant.

“My God! Shen Qiang is so strong. I used to think that the strongest young ninja in Junshan Prison is already the best cow, but in front of this Shen Qiang, he looks like a clown!”

“Shock, is this the strength of China’s first youth cultivator? Just getting off the train, it has scared Jiwu Junsuke 6 God without a master!”

“Too terrifying, it is worthy of being a security consultant of one of the world 3 Great Cultivator Groups. When you see Shen Qiang, the dragon group is powerful, you can already see it!”

In their shocking discussion.

It was clearly stated before that he felt that the Observer of the Shining Knight Group of the Ninja Security Agency should be above the dragon group. Not only did his face become a little ugly, but it also seemed disgusted on his face that seemed to be palpable.

“Sure enough, China’s strongest youth, simply is not comparable to the strongest youth of Junshan Prison. After all, the base numbers of the two sides are too different. If China’s first youth cultivator and even Jiwu Junjie can’t win, then the dragon team should have long ago Removed from the cultivator world.”

His assistant wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said, “Yes, yes, China is so big, and the ninja is so small, and Junshan prison is even smaller. If Shen Qiang can’t win even Jiwu Junjie, he can die. So, this simply does not count him as capable.”

The observer of the Bright Knights is nodded.

And almost at the same time, the people around, watching Shen Qiang and Yu Wenzi have entered the clubhouse, their sight has been placed involuntarily on the blue scorpion and the delicate night solitary cloud left outside, not only His eyes were shocked, and his back was a bit chilly.

“That Shen Qiang really deserves to be the Number One Powerhouse of China Youth Cultivation, he is really too strong! No need to look at anyone else, his classmates are not only handsome in appearance, but also their strength is not inferior to the number one genius in Junshan Prison. Ninja Junbu, how strong is this Shen Qiang!”

“It’s amazing. This delicate girl, who looks like 17-18 years old, can beat Fei Jiwu Junjie with a punch that she didn’t want, and the reward she got was actually just 2 2 pig’s head, If you give her a lot of money, what kind of power will she break out? She is so powerful, what about Shen Qiang? To what extent is he strong?”

“This too terrifying! These two are enough to be called genius cultivators, one is the bodyguard of Shen Qiang, and the other is the escort around Shen Qiang. Then the power of Shen Qiang is simply powerful!”

In their shocking discussion, they also came from China, and the Chinese cultivator pu chi with different scores laughed out loud.

So immediately became the focus of the scene.

“Now, are we wrong?”

A female cultivator asked curiously.

Many cultivators from China all smiled and bent their eyes. With a pair, you really haven’t seen the world looking at them, but your mouth said, “Oh, no, you are right.”

But they all laughed crazy in their hearts.

“Is this shocked? Feel Shen Qiang’s flying sky? Haha, if Shen Qiang comes here with 300 monsters, it is estimated that these people will be scared to pee pants!”

“There are too many powerhouses in this series, Shen Qiang is too close, Ji Wei, Ke Bizhu, purple, Kang Luoying, Zuo Lianghao, big swordsman, if you need it, a bunch of them will come out with a hum, which is shocking. Understanding the real background of Shen Qiang, it is estimated that these guys have to be scared!”

“Is Shen Qiang’s power really underestimated? Such a small scene is a fart. When Shen Qiang really shines his sword, let alone the Junshan Prison Ninja Group, the Chinese cultivation world, who is the big guy, not shocked?”

I laughed with all my heart, but said nothing, just waiting to watch the excitement. This kind of behavior is China cultivator’s favorite thing to do.

And while they snickered, Shibuyuki Jibu, who broke the wall and broke the tiles, seemed to have just came back to his senses and said: “hmph, today I will see it on the face of the Moderator of Lily of the Valley. Compare with Shen Qiang.”

In an instant, the beautiful and alluring sky shook up, and looked at him with a pair of fool’s eyes, because the lily of the valley under the steps had been given to him before, and he had said this for a long time. The feeling of putting gold on his face assaults the senses.

But in the moment of his tone barely fell.

A tall white human cultivator, suddenly coldly snorted, and even ridiculed: “Jiwu Junsuke, didn’t you say that Shen Qiang didn’t dare to come to know that you are here? How could you let Shen know? The little girl under Qiang flies? When someone gets off the car, you are scared to hit the wall. Oh, people are not here now. You say this kind of thing here again, don’t you feel ashamed!”

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