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While Shen Qiang took the beautiful female ninja Yu Wenzi and the charming night solitary cloud to the hostile forces, Junshan Prison Headquarters, one of the three major ninja groups, along with 3 weeks later, the dragon group and Ten After the news that the Great Sects co-sponsored the Sunburn Conference held on the top of Kunlun was made public, many cultivators have gathered together in China’s Immortal Realm forum, which is discussing spiritedly.

“It’s weird. The sunbathing conference in the cultivation industry is usually held every 5 years, and it’s a simple demonstration. The new magic treasures obtained by each Sect, the last sunbathing conference, it seems that it was 2 years ago. Why is it now? It’s going to be done again.”

“Yeah, it’s really weird. Is there any contradiction in the cultivation field recently?

“I don’t understand, and in accordance with the usual practice, aren’t every announcements issued 3 months in advance? How to choose this time before half a month?”

Many curious cultivators are full of curiosity about this sunbathing conference.

There are a lot of questions, but most of them are just curious about why this baobao conference is held.

Moreover, many of them have big brain holes.

“Damn, 5 Super First-Class Sect, and 5 Super First Aristocratic Family, finally feel the threat? Are you finally going to face Fu Hesheng?”

“I knew that Shen Qiang wasn’t so good. How about it? The fame is so great? Ten Great Sects and the Dragon Group are the real cultivation dominators!”

“I guess something is going on here, but it’s not very specific.”

When there are many cultivator ideas especially.

Some cultivators that were not in harmony with Shen Qiang and Hesheng suddenly seized the opportunity and jumped out.

“Hmph, I read the invitation list of the Sunbae Convention, and Heshenghe was also invited, then all of this is obvious. The rise of Heshenghe is too fast, and now Shen Qiang’s reputation has threatened Peak 2 people. , But the sun-bath convention can make him appear in his original form, he is just a small waste.”

“Shen Qiang medicine pill is all treasure, and waste is not a word, but the magic weapon is the most representative of the comprehensive strength of a small sect. The Shen Qiang medicine is very powerful, but if you fight it, it is not a pill. You can win, so I guess it must be Ten Great Sects and the Dragon Team teaming up to teach Shen Qiang, let him be honest!”

“Well, it makes sense, Heshenghe’s 2 weapons are still decent, a black blade, a Qingyun sword, outside these two, there seems to be nothing good, but yes, Qingyun Sword Pavilion The people use the standard giant sword, bought from the Longchang, and the price is cheap. As for the monsters, he he he, they don’t use magic treasure.”

“Hehe, I guess Shen Qiang will refuse to go to the drying fair, because he went to the iron and iron shame, such a big Heshenghe, can’t even take out a few decent treasures, what qualifications does Shen Qiang still have, one Face arrogant.”

“Well… there is a kind of medicine pill, my king makes you 3 tricks!”

“Useless, what can you do if you have money? A Divine Weapon is a super powerhouse that can be used for a lifetime, no, maybe even generations, nourished with True Yuan, it is possible to successfully cultivate spirituality, so If he dares to go, he will definitely invite humiliation to oneself.”

“If Heshenghe dare to come, let him open his eyes and see what a real magic weapon!”

People in China cultivation, discuss spiritedly.

At this time, Shen Qiang, just taking Yu Wenzi, got off at the front office of Junshan Prison.

“Mr. Shen, hello.”

The old man with short hair and white hair bowed politely, and then said with a slight smile: “The last meeting was very hurried, and I haven’t had time to introduce myself. I’m Kotaru Aiba, the 39th generation leader of the Junshan Prison Group, you can Call me by my name, or you can call me a business.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang, who was also smiling, shook hands with him and said, “Mr. Xiangye, I have long admired Da Ming, but I did not know before. You are the 39th generation family member of Junshan Prison. contain.”

“You’re welcome.” Kotaro Aiba, with short white hair, smiled and said, “The one next to me, you’ve seen at the reception, Seraphim’s observer.”

Shen Qiang extended the hand politely and smiled to shake hands with him.

But the observer of Seraphim was cold-faced, coldly snorted, holding his arms in his hands, not only did not shake hands with Shen Qiang, but also said icily: “Mr. Shen, I think you seem to be going in the wrong place, the dragon group is not welcome here .”

Shen Qiang laughed and took back his outstretched hand indifferently, saying: “You seem to be angry at the broken weapon, and my super strong medicine pill, so, for your rudeness, I will not go to my heart, But you have to understand that this is the Junshan Prison Headquarters, the Ninja Kingdom. Huan does not welcome the Dragon Team, Huan does not welcome me, you are not talking about it.”

Hearing this, the observer of Seraphim looked cold.

At this time, deeply aware of the behavior and attitude of Observer Seraphim, and Saito Kotaro who had hurt Junshan Prison’s honor, said with a smile: “Mr. Shen, please here.”

In an instant, Seraphim’s observer looked ugly.

Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows and took Yu Wenzi in the direction of Aye Kotaro. A man wearing glasses looking around 40 years old smiled and smiled before leading the way.

At the same time, Shen Qiang, who seemed to have a faint sea of ​​Monster Qi in him, clearly felt it. He glanced at it with the technique of Micro Observation, and immediately found that he seemed to think too much.

This man with glasses, cultivation base, is a powerhouse, apart from this, he is a genuine human.

And when Shen Qiang 2 followed the men to the headquarters of Junshan Prison.

In the wind, there was a vague dispute between Aiba Kotaro and Seraphim Observer.

“You shouldn’t pedal 2 boats, the dragon group is closely related to you, which Seraphim doesn’t want to see.”

“Alan, my partner, you must understand that Junshan Prison is a well-known ritual, we are not street gangsters, so please don’t worry that we will do extraordinary things, and Shen Qiang is a rescuer invited by Ao Taro , Is my enemy, what to do, I know.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang, who walked behind the man wearing glasses with Yu Wenzi and walked inside the Junshan prison headquarters, showed a wry smile in the corner of his mouth.

“Shen Qiang, I from the very beginning, don’t think that we are here is a good idea, have you heard? The 39 generation seems to be not too friendly to us.” At the same time, the beautiful Yu Wenzi sound transmission said : “So it seems like a mistake to come here.”

Shen Qiang smiled, sound transmission said: “No, you are wrong, 39 generation can use sound transmission but openly said that it is putting pressure on us, believe me, and later when he comes over, he will take us to see Junshan prison Of the other 4 Divine Weapon!”

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