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Almost all of the people around were horrified, including Legendary Special Search Officer Ikuro Taro who remembered to save Shen Qiang, carrying Shen Qiang who was still in a daze, Sugi Sugiwa, who didn’t even look at it, waved behind him A long knife to his neck.

The blade glow shone and instantly shattered the space, causing a harsh gust of wind.

“It’s too late, Naoya Utada’s knife is too fast!”

“My cultivation base is not enough. I can’t even stop Shen Qiang from blocking this blade!”

“Flash fast! Without hiding, it’s too late!”

At the moment when everyone was staring at Yutada Naoya’s long knife to Shen Qiang’s neck, a pair of slender, a rounded leg wrapped in black slim casual pants, suddenly appeared above the blade, not only this Even more shocking to everyone is that the petite, spotless black sneakers under the round calf are just a little lighter like dragonfly touches the water lightly.


The earth shattered instantly.

Countless stones and dust, like a dust storm, erupted instantly.

“Magnetic escape!”

Naoya Utada, who was razed, looked at the sky with shock, the black clothed, beautiful, but at this time his face was cold, killing intent Yu Wenzi.

And almost at the same time.

Shadow on the ground.

Suddenly ejected without warning.

call out!

In an instant.

Naoya Utada, holding a long sword, withdrew his body 20 meters away.

After he stood still.

A tiny blood stain appeared on the left side of his jaw.

This sudden change made everyone shocked with absolute silence.

At this time, after throwing the stunned Sugio Susuke to you, after looking beautifully at his crane picture, Shen Qiang looked back at Nao Utada who was extremely cold, and then his lips were exposed. Nodding smile.

“It’s really a waste, want to kill me? Can you do it?”

Shen Qiang’s tone was a little cold, and the meaning of ridicule was full.

In an instant, Utada straightened with a long sword, but only after a moment, he suddenly became furious, not only the terrifying True Yuan soared into the sky, but also looked at Shen Qiang with a dreadful look.

“Are you humiliating me? Asshole, I killed you!”

His roar also shocked all the ninjas present, looked at each other in blank dismay.

“My God, Shen Qiang is so crazy! This is Naoya Utada, one of the ten battle strengths of Junshan Prison!”

“God, Shen Qiang is humiliating and irritating him. This is more than boldness? This is death!”

“Tianzhao Bless, I hope this Nao Utada will not come out of this rage, otherwise, a ninja like me, can’t even take half a stroke!”

And while those ninjas were shocked, Yu Wenzi’s beautiful voice was tenderly snorted and said: “Utada Naoya, the man who wants to kill me, you can’t do it yet.”

With that, her jade hand flicked lightly.

There was an instant sound in the night sky, the sound of space fragmentation.

But at this time, Shen Qiang, who had stood up proudly and walked to the ninja who asked for help, didn’t even return his head, but said a little but indifferently, “Yu Wenzi, the fight tonight is hey and he is not in the fight, so you go Talk to Suzuran, she is beyond 400 from Southwest.”

“Understood, something calls me.” Saying that’s all, the beautiful body of Yu Wenzi has been disappeared.

Everyone was stunned.

“It’s gone! She’s gone, oh my god, she even listened!”

“It is worthy of being a man with god-level spells. Even the strongest Assassin like Magnetic Duncan can easily control it. My God, she is a magnetic Duncan with storms. Storm thunder!”

“It is worthy of the expert of the dragon group! Is it so confident that you don’t even need such a powerful magnetic escape?”

Amidst their shock, Naoya Utada instantly angered.

“You humiliate me, you are humiliating me, you this bastard, dare to ignore me, you are going to die, you have to die!”

With his angry roar.

Pale pale red energy like blood mist overflowed his body, not only that, his eyes also turned into a dazzling scarlet in the night.

“Oh, interesting, the power of overdrawing life.” Shen Qiang glanced at him.

Many ninjas around were ashen-faced in shock.

“Runaway! The terrifying Utada Naoya has turned on Mad Dog Mode!”

“It’s going to die, it’s going to die! Naoya Utada, who runs away, is an invincible existence!”

“No one can not tremble in front of Utada Naoya in this state!”

But at this moment, there was a chuckle in the dark.

“I’m not very good at fighting head-on, but it seems that I can’t do it because I messed up before and didn’t kill this guy, so now I can only brace oneself.”

With light laughter.

The shadow on the ground suddenly stood up, and then just a moment later, it turned into a slender figure, a beautiful blue scorpion.

“For you, Tier 2 soldier food, War God Pill,”

Shen Qiang didn’t return his head, and a medicine pill popped up, saying: “If you still can’t win, you can find a way to protect yourself.”

The handsome blue scorpion, the Shen Qiang that he took with a smile, gave him medicine pill, a said with a smile: “You are really a big brother, the style of doing things is really similar to my brother. Before me, I’m also surprised why both of you can become partners. Now, it seems that you two are like people.”

When she heard this, Shen Qiang didn’t look back, but just waved her hand calmly: “I won’t give you another shot on flattery, so you can shut up.”

The handsome blue scorpion smiled, standing gracefully with bloody eyes and all over his body, all filled with strange red energy Naoya Utada, said: “I’m sorry, although it is cruel, but I still have to tell you, Mr. Shen said Not bad at all. You can’t do it if you want to kill him.”

Naoya Utada ran away in an instant, fighting with the handsome blue scorpion.

At this time, Shen Qiang had no interest in the battle between them.

It was only under the watchful eye of Ao Hutai that he waved at the dying wounded and then said: “Next.”

Everyone was shocked, Junshan Prison’s conscientiousness, and his heart was already cold.

“Can you get back to life with a wave?”

“Very awesome, Shen Qiang, where is the medical ninja? He is the god of medical treatment!”

“I think I’m involved in a battle that shouldn’t be involved, so the only thing I can do now is pray for myself to survive.”

Not only did they do so, they clearly questioned the many people in the security office in Shen Qiang. While carrying the injured person, they looked complicated, and several people were already looking red.

“As a member of the Ninja Security Agency, I know very well about medical ninjas, so when I heard that Shen Qiang was a medical cultivator, I instinctively thought that the dragon group had just sent individuals to perfume us, which is really shameful, so The powerful Shen Qiang is totally supported by the wholeheartedly of the dragon group!”

“I thought that medical ninjas can only treat the wounded who were not seriously injured, but 10000 10000 did not expect that the medical standard of the dragon group has reached this level, which can only be described by God. I have never seen this world. The guy, said before that he was a waste, alas, in front of him, the real waste… it was me!”

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