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Throwing hard on the door, Shen Qiang stood in the room with anger.

Xiu Ju sighed, looking at Shen Qiang and said softly: “All walks of life, all have difficulties, society is like this, competition is everywhere, if you have no value, no one ignores it, and once profitable, then everyone will think Take a slice.”

Shen Qiang turned his head and looked at Xiu Ju: “It’s not a question of money, understand? I work hard, I struggle, Datong Jiang’s fame rises, each and everyone clown pops up, Ding Hao, what is this Zhang Family , Do they all think that I am weak to be bullied?”

Xiu Ju sighed: “I understand your mood, but sometimes, this is the case. In any industry, any group, you are not strong enough, then you will always encounter such a situation, understand? One will become famous 10000 Bone dry, not a joke, but reality!”

“Everyone, every organization, before you rise, these all are the things you have to face. What you can do is to overcome these difficulties, solve it, the rise of press forward, or Surrender before them.”

Shen Qiang clenched her fists and gritted her teeth: “One day, I will be strong enough to make everyone tremble!”

Xiu Ju smiled and said, “I believe you can succeed, but before that, we still need to be forbearing temporarily. Before we get to Bian Yi, we should try not to get out of the way, because for you, Zhang Family’s problems are easy to solve and really tricky. It’s still Bian Yi.”

“After all, if the dragon group comes forward, Zhang Family is not afraid to mess up.”

“But once Bian Yi exposed your true identity, considering that you only have the cultivation base of Golden Dan Stage now, those who want to use their brains to get quick money will find you, they will do everything they can, like that Will be out of control.”

Shen Qiang was silent for a moment.

Breathe deeply, and then started cultivation without a word, and increased the weight of 2 1000 kg to 2 1000 100 kg again!

“Become stronger, I want to be stronger! I no longer want to see the contempt of others’ eyes, I never want to see someone show off one’s military strength in front of me again, I want to be strong, I also gather a batch powerhouse! Since the essence of life is weak are prey to the strong, let me be a bloody wolf!”

In the hotel, Shen Qiang is cultivating like crazy.

The attention of Hidebe Hideki is placed on cooperation with other departments. After all, Bian Yi is already a bomb buried deep around Shen Qiang. If you can’t dismantle it quickly, sooner or later you will have a major event. .

In this way, a day passed quickly.

8 pm.

Beautiful demon fox Chu Qing Young Lady is located outside the villa area.

Bian Yi, sitting in the driver’s seat with a smile, parked the car under a tree on the roadside.


The co-pilot’s door opened, and he followed the black bear spirit who was beside the young lady, the beautiful demon fox Chuqing Young Lady, dragged the door and got into the car, then slammed the door closed, coldly said: “I said, don’t come here to find me .”

Bian Yi, who was sitting in the driving seat, handed him a cash box full of banknotes, slightly smiled: “Don’t be nervous, they know that you are stealing kickbacks.”

Black Bear Jing frowned, and directly deposited the money into Heaven and Earth Bag, then coldly said: “Young Lady knows that we have transactions in private, so I think you can tell them that your commission can be reduced by 30%.”

Bian Yi smiled: “Hey, buddy, you don’t crack a joke, lowering the commission percentage is not good for you. You have to understand that the price of any Magical Artifact is above 10000000, and 30% of the commission is Over 300,000, the money is enough for you to enjoy various beauties in those clubs.”

Black Bear Jing frowned, and banged firmly on Bian Yi’s throat, saying, “I hate people following me!”

Bian Yi struggled to break his hand and coughed for 2 times. Then he said: “Well, you can rest assured, I promise you will not follow you in the future. The purpose of my trip is to give you the part that belongs to you. , Another purpose is to take away my commission.”

“Commission?” The black bear frowned, his eyes curious.

Bian Yi laughed: “Da Luo Tianhua robbed the Heart Sutra, you have found Shen Qiang, that kid is very good-looking, there is the early Qing Eldest Young Lady, I think your transaction should have been reached, it is calculated as 150 million, The 10% commission is also 15,000,000.”

Seeing the black bear frowning at him, Bian Yi chuckled and said: “Of course, remove 30% of you, I just take 10,000,000.”

Hei Xiong Jing was silent for a moment and then said: “The recent food grand prix is ​​relatively busy. The Young Lady has not yet negotiated with Shen Qiang. If the transaction fails, there is naturally no commission.”

Hearing this, Bian Yi laughed and looked down: “Is this something so difficult? Shen Qiang is just a Golden Dan Stage cultivator. Although there is a very powerful woman around her, that woman is obviously I don’t want to try my best for him.”

“With your cultivation base, we don’t need to deal with him properly. You can grab Shen Qiang and force him to hand over Da Luo Tianhua’s Heart Sutra, and then tell the silly Eldest Young Lady, saying I bought it. In this case, the scriptures and money are ours?”

The black bear spirit sitting in the co-pilot position, looking sideways at Bian Yi, said with a sneer: “Want to murder a person with a borrowed knife? Do you think I don’t know that you are extorting Shen Qiang?”

Bian Yi was stunned.

Hei Xiong Jing looked at him very seriously, said solemnly: “Don’t forget, I am a monster, I live longer than your grandfather, so don’t play your cleverness in front of me, you think I can’t guess? Do you think Shen Qiang has almost blackmailed, and now I am going to use my hand to get rid of him, so you will have no worries, right?”

Bian Yi smiled: “You misunderstood, if I want to kill Shen Qiang, as long as his secret is enough.”

“You lie!” Black Bear’s eyes said coldly: “The woman next to Shen Qiang is not a subordinate of Shen Qiang, not a woman of Shen Qiang, nor a same sect of Shen Qiang. The cultivation base is in Primordial Chaos Realm. I can’t find out the calendar. People who meet these points don’t have to guess, I can smell the dragon from her!”

“That is to say, Shen Qiang is either the dragon group or the person the dragon group is protecting. If you disclose the secret of Shen Qiang, the dragon group will not let you go. Although the world is big, there is no you You know this, so you chose not to publish the news and use it to blackmail Shen Qiang.”

Staring at Bian Yi’s eyes, the black bear elder coldly said: “Now that you have benefited from Shen Qiang, you want to murder a person with a borrowed knife. If I believe you, the situation becomes Shen Qiang being monster. Take the captives and kill them, and then the dragon group will encircle the monsters, and the things you did before that mean people who resort to petty tricks, throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea.”

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