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Shen Qiang called out, and immediately found that the beautiful 1000 mountain snow did not respond at all, and could not help but hurriedly said again: “I mean, can you make the snow rain!”

Hearing this, the middle-aged cultivator attacked with a sword, and said sharply: “How about the rain, we still cannot hold us.”

But at the same time, although it is not clear why Shen Qiang wants to make snow into rain, 1000 mountain snow is just a long spear in the shock, and the wind and snow in the sky have instantly become raindrops.

“Want to wet our clothes and then freeze us?” The obese middle age person holding Gufan laughed: “Then you think too simple, this raindrop is simply impossible to wet our clothes.”

Hearing this, 1000 Shan Xue sighed to Shen Qiang with a sound transmission: “Although I am a Water Element cultivator, Frost Snow Bing is my strong point.”

At this time, watching the raindrops falling across the sky.

Feel the rich water molecules in the air.

Shen Qiang’s eyes have burst into fineness, and said in surprise: “It doesn’t need to be too strong, this is enough!”

1000 Mountain Snow is surprised, it seems that she has not yet understood the meaning of Shen Qiang.

And at this time, among the two Primordial Chaos Realm cultivators that had been fighting for a long time, the middle-aged man with a sword, said solemnly: “There are so many powerful breaths coming, we have to go.”

“Understood!” The obese man with bone sails answered immediately.

Hearing their words, Shen Qiang standing on the top of the cliff smiled: “Want to go? It’s too late!”

The middle age person with a sword glanced at Shen Qiang and contemptuously said, “Shen Qiang, although you bear the name of a demon king of 10000, indeed has several points of ability, but don’t forget, you only have Nascent Soul Stage’s Cultivation base, if you want to stay with us, you can’t do it with your waste!”

“Really?” Shen Qiang’s eyes were excited.

middle age person coldly snorted said: “Of course.”

Saying that’s all, he was body flashed and fled by radio.

“The speed is so fast. Even with my spare no effort, it is difficult to stop him!” 1000 Shan Xuemei sighed in the cold and sighed in his heart: “It looks like he can only be run away.”

But at this time!

The electricity flashed suddenly.

A strange light, like the arc before the thunder, instantly rushed to the middle-aged man.



The middle-aged man with the sword in his hand was instantly repelled by 30 metres.

“It’s impossible!” He looked in horror, standing proudly in the rain, all over his body, all unscrupulously promoting the terrifying Monster Qi’s Shen Qiang.

“The cultivator of Nascent Soul Stage, impossible stopped me! Even more how, he was clearly on the cliff before! Unless he has the strength of the Taoist period and can teleport, how could he suddenly appear in front of me!”

And while the middle age person holding the sword was surprised.

Lightning flashed in the rain, while Shen Qiang disappeared.


The middle age person holding the bone sail was kicked back by Shen Qiang,

“How is this possible!” The obese man holding the bone sail looked at Shen Qiang in horror.

And almost at the same time, holding 1000 spears with long spear and standing not far away, not only the beauty of the eyes, but also the surprise, but the excited body slightly trembling.

“I understand that Shen Qiang is attacking by using the characteristics of fast conduction speed in water. Although his cultivation base is still only Nascent Soul Stage, even if he opened his black magic, he still can’t challenge the cultivator of Primordial Chaos Realm, Causes fatal injury.”

“But in my body, no, in my True Yuan, yeah, in my rain, he has the ability to be everywhere! Within this range, no one can get past Shen Qiang!”

The cheeky face is inexplicably red in 1000 mountains and snow, and the beautiful eyes are excitedly said: “Next, look at me!”

Shen Qiang smiled.

“Separately!” Two Primordial Chaos Realm cultivator realized the danger.

It’s just that they still want to go at this time, they are obviously too late.


The middle age person, who was forced back by Shen Qiang, was shot through the heart by a 1000 mountain snow.

Then, when the man holding the bone sail wanted to escape in horror, he was stopped again and again by Shen Qiang who came first.

At this time, because he fully realized that his opponent had escaped 1000 mountains and snow, he restored his former arrogance and elegance.

The figure was walking slowly in the rain, and the blood droplets dripped from the spears of the gun were washed by the dense rain, as if predicting the death of this fat middle-aged man.

“Let me go!” The fat middle-aged man, in horror, roared and waved the bone sail in his hand.

Unfortunately, that is useless.

Shen Qiang in the rain only felt comfortable like never before.

Assuming that everything can be repeated, even now facing Qianyan Sword Sect Great Elder, who is only one step away from entering the Daoguo period, Shen Qiang will definitely be as busy as before.

But he has absolute confidence to be able to tease him.

Because with the water, Shen Qiang only feels that his power is terrifying faster. As long as thoughts move, as long as thoughts move, he will go wherever he thinks in the whole range covered by rain.

As for the bone sails in the hands of obese men, although they are astonishing.

But is it useful?

If you can’t hit Shen Qiang, what’s the difference between it and random waving?


Suddenly rushing from left to right, she couldn’t break through Shen Qiang’s block, and she felt that there were a lot of powerhouse aura gathered around her, and she must be able to walk away, obese middle age person, kneeling in the rain.

I cried like a child.

“Let me go, I know it’s wrong, I will give you the magic weapon!”

Shen Qiang just looked at him with a smile and said indifferently: “Although you don’t know what you did, you must die today.”

“Shen Qiang, I beg you to let me go. All this was instructed by the guy just now. I’m just a little servant who obeyed my orders. I beg you to let me go. I will give you the magic weapon and the money. .”

Shen Qiang smiled and shook his head, looking at him super calmly: “After you die, they are mine too, so you can go with confidence.”

“Don’t! Don’t!”


1000 The long spear in Shan Xue’s hands pierced the head of an obese man mercilessly.

When the long spear is pulled out.

When the corpse fell to the ground, 1000 Mountain Snow looked at Shen Qiang with a dazzling look and said, “I first found out that when you were around, the battle could have been so simple.”

Feeling the breath of 1000 mountains and snow in the rain, Shen Qiang smiled: “I also just found out that during the battle, the two of us are simply the perfect match and the best partner.”

1000 Shan Xue smiled, the flowery smile was as bright as the sun at this moment, and the beauty was unable to bear to hold his breath.

But then she turned proudly and said, “It’s just that your cultivation base is too weak. If you want to be my best partner, your cultivation base needs at least Primordial Chaos Realm, otherwise I won’t admit it.”

Shen Qiang slightly smiled next to her momentarily, then whispered in her ear: “I feel comfortable in your rain, it feels good, so remember, I am your partner, if you allow others Thunderbolt cultivator enters your rain screen, but I will turn my face.”

1000 Shan Xue smiled, and inexplicably flashed a shy, but pretended to be cold and proud: “Who is my private business to cooperate with, if you want to order me, then become my boss!”

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