Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 182: Fast forward (4)

Xia Siyu and Wang Zisu immediately carried their small luggage in excitement, followed Bo Yan, and did not forget to taunt the show crew and the group of four before leaving.

The ticket is bought, but how to get there is also a problem. But Bo Yan is not a problem here. He directly said: "I'm hello, here is a direct connection between the airport and the railway station. Just follow the signs to T1. Hurry up."

The program crew didn't have time to buy tickets on the train with them. They carried their luggage and rushed down like wind. Fortunately, several cameras that followed were bought tickets. They originally planned to go to Heidelberg by the next local train, but they didn't expect them to reflect so quickly that they had already bought the express ticket.

It takes an hour and a half to get from Frankfurt to Heidelberg, and the local train takes about the same time, but the express train only takes fifty minutes. The half-hour saved in this life is the leading capital!

The main reason is that the program team miscalculated Bo Yan's viability. He is not an artist who was specially trained to enter the entertainment industry when he was a teenager. He was a Ph.D. and also went abroad for exchanges for half a year during his postgraduate studies. He happened to be in Europe. He knows the situation in other countries well and speaks English fluently, and there is no artist Jiao Didi who can only take a special car, and taxis are too dirty.

After a few people rushed to the train, they remembered to ask the specific location of their lives.

After asking the question clearly, Bo Yan hurried to check with his mobile phone. The train station was still some distance away from the area where they were staying. Wang Zisu immediately said, "Then take a taxi and go."

Wang Zisu thought of something, then turned his head and asked the camera: "We are all in Heidelberg, this can always be rented out, right? You can't let us walk over, for several kilometers."

Cameraman, I actually asked the program crew. They didn't object to this. After all, they couldn't really let them walk over with their luggage. It was too inhumane.

In foreign countries, the price of taxis is still relatively high, but this relatively high is for ordinary people. For celebrities, even if the price of a taxi is five times higher than in China, they can easily afford it.

But Bo Yan didn't think so. He said: "If the program team wants to deduct our funds next, like before, if we spend it together, it will be finished."

As soon as he finished speaking, the faces of several cameras who followed were embarrassed, and he guessed right in a second.

Xia Siyu immediately suggested: "Then the bus."

It’s not a big deal to take a bus. The key point is that I took out my mobile phone to search: “There are often such city bus cards in Europe. I’ll see if there is one in Heidelberg. If you have one, you can buy one.

Seeing this, I'm still waiting for the comparison program group. The progress bar here is flying fast, and I have even thought about how to go after going to Heidelberg.

A cheerful air on the barrage:

"Prosperous in a trance"


"Although the director team has been tricked so badly, I really want to laugh at how fat it is"

"The program group didn't even get on the bus, and there are already plans to buy a card hahahaha."


One search is really good, Heidelberg Travel Card, there are several types in one day, two days and four days. A few people came to look at it, and Wang Zisu took a fancy to the family card: "This is cheap and cost-effective. There are exactly three of us. A package for three people is cheaper than buying separately."

Bo Yan glanced at him, then looked at Xia Siyu, refusing with a look of disgust: "I can't give birth to a son like you with her."

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