Best Actor Wants To Stay With Me

Vol 2 Chapter 855: A song (5)

When Bo Yan got on the bus and got the boarding pass at the airport, he was still a little worried and sent Xia Siyu a WeChat message: "I'm leaving. You remember to take medicine. Also, the evening song is for you. "

There was no response there, I guess I haven't woken up yet.


Xia Siyu did sleep until three poles in the sun before waking up. Her first reaction when she woke up was to sit up quickly and then look aside. Bo Yan is no longer there, and there is no warm breath even on the bedding.

Then she sat on the side of the bed with a dazed head and looked down at herself. She probably might seem to remember that she seemed to have done something with Bo Yan. But he was very clean, as if nothing had happened.

But she did catch a little cold in recent days. Maybe it was because she didn't wear too much for filming, but she soon got wet and didn't have the conditions to change costumes immediately, so she felt dizzy.

Then she got up lazily, changed her clothes to wash, and halfway through brushing her toothbrush, someone knocked on the door.

Xia Siyu opened the door and saw Qin Baizhou outside the door. As if nothing had happened, he smiled and asked her: "I haven't waited until you in the restaurant. Would you like to eat early?"

Xia Siyu held his toothbrush in his mouth and scratched his hair: "I have to clean up for a while, don't wait for me."

"Okay." Qin Baizhou also turned around immediately, simply and neatly, without stopping. He probably explored how to get along with Xia Siyu, as long as she distanced herself before she could react, as long as his heart was passed on to her, and she wouldn't be entangled afterwards, she would not refuse.

Sure enough, he left very simply, and Xia Siyu did not intentionally distance herself from her. In fact, she didn't hate him, it was natural for her to get a long distance from the opposite **** around her when she had a partner. Unless she wants to step on two boats.

When she packed up and went out, she turned on the phone and saw the message Bo Yan had sent to her. When she first saw the medicine, she also wanted to say that her cold symptoms were much better today and she didn't need to take medicine anymore. Then there is that song.

Xia Siyu was indeed angry that he didn't even sing to her, but after hearing him, the song was sung for her on stage, and she quickly became happy. Humph, you guys still have some conscience.

In the morning, Zhou Weiwei left, and Xia Siyu asked Wei Jingjing to print her contract and sign her name. Indeed, as Bo Yan said, Hui Xing treats her very well. Although Hui Xing does not have any big film and television resources, she never lacks herself, and she only needs Hui Xing to help her take care of the rear. Now she is equivalent to opening a studio affiliated with the company. Wei Jingjing has assumed more agent functions, and her salary has naturally increased.

Qin Baizhou also got her contract, and all parties were very happy.

Filming during the day and night scenes at night, Xia Siyu wanted to watch Bo Yan sing, but she didn't want to ask him personally when he would be out. That was so shameless. So she sent Wei Jingjing, who had a salary increase today, to ask, and she also specifically said that she was not allowed to ask blunt words.

Wei Jingjing is helpless, who can I ask without asking Bo Yan? After thinking for a while, he had no choice but to cast his eyes on Song Fengzhi.

Although she was at odds with Song Fengzhi, she couldn't help it. This was work, so she had to ask questions.

Song Fengzhi received Wei Jingjing’s WeChat message and was really taken aback, but he was also worried that this was a frank order, so he told her the time: "Thirty nine."

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