Immediately, under the leadership of Confusing Heaven Sect Heavenly General 4th Grade disciple, many disciplines, all of their own Universe Bag, unreservedly handed over.

In the face of Wang Kai’s deep and unmeasurable powerhouse, no one wants to provoke it easily.

Of course, the more important reason is that they don’t know the real cultivation base of Wang Kai at all.

Right now, there is only choice to obey.

“Young Master, Confusing Heaven Sect has handed over 34573 Heavenspan Pearl, and martial food has…”

After the statistics of Sun Guantian and Sun Guandi, the voice was very respectful.

But half of the words were stopped by Wang Kai.

“These things, this Young Master can’t look up, you both brothers take, go to Elder’s Courtyard to get Second Dao Heavenspan Dao Law cultivation, and soon break through Heavenly General Realm, so that you can better do servant.” Wang Kai shrugged one’s shoulder ,expression is quite random with with a smile.


When the words came out, the Sun Guantian brother, who was listening to it, was very excited. Even the hands holding the Universe Bag were shaking.

The heavy breathing, red eyes, like a madman.

In this way, the real Wang Kai is speechless and can’t help but touch the nose. It is quite disgusting: “As a servant of this Young Master, can you make such a look? You need to know, even Nine Heavens Palace, Yellow. Springs Dao Temple, the Martial Divinity Palace, adds up to make this Young Master pick the treasure, this Young Master is not visible.”

“Congratulations Host boasting successfully ,obtained 100,000 EXP ,Boasting Value 100 points.”


Sun Guantian hearing this, and it’s a bit wrong to look at Sun Guandi. It seems that this Young Master really likesboasting.

As the Concusing Heaven Sect’s many disciples left, the Heavenly General 4th Grade’s discipline was slightly stopped, moving his lips, hesitating, and finally said: “This Senior Brother, Resisting Heaven Sect and Confusing Heaven Sect’s Great Sect Master, both Heavenly General Peak cultivation base and Force of Heaven, are also open to level 1, and the remaining Sect Masters are also in Heavenly General 8th Grade, Heavenly General 7th Grade. Wait……”

“Well, this Young Master knows, you can go.” Wang Kai frowned, expression is quite intolerant.

After listening to this statement, the Heavenly General 4th Grade’s discipline snorted and gave a high look to Wang Kai’s real cultivation base.

However, such a huge number of Heavenspan Pearls are gone, and they are not reconciled.

With that in mind, the Heavenly General 4th Grade’s discipline is biting his teeth and once again said: “The Elder behind the Senior Brother, Resisting Heaven Sect and Confusing Heaven Sect is the Elder’s Courtyard…”


Wa wu ……

Pu tong !

Suddenly, before he finished speaking, it was thrown out by Wang Kai slap, and the teeth, even with blood, spontaneously sprayed out.

“Let you get out of the way, you don’t roll, if that’s the case, then you will fly out! Uninteresting things!” Wang Kai frowned, quite disdainfully coldly snorted and said, the voice fell, it was carrying hands. Pick one of the most luxurious rooms.

However, before Wang Kai entered the most atmospheric room, the Heavenly General 4th Grade’s discipline said that the bloody mouth was again: “Senior Brother, that is the Great Sect Master…”!

“You can go to hell!”

Pa cha !


In an instant, after Wang Kai turned back and played the pressure, the Heavenly General 4th Grade’s discipline was directly suppressed and killed on the spot.

“What is it? It’s a blessing to make a fortune. Is this young Master not afraid to kill?” Wang Kai looked disdained with a sneer.

In this regard, Sun Guantian and Sun Guandi look at each other and suddenly have a feeling, an inexplicable but real feeling.

“Maybe, following this Young Master, there will be no more bullying, and in the future, it will be more spectacular!”

Pa ta !

As the door closed, the Sun Guantian brother, with the Universe Bag, left the A Courtyard with excitement and headed straight to the Elder’s Courtyard.

Behind them, Wang Kai’s idea is quietly following.

Within the room, Wang Kai glared at her eyes, and the expression was quite indifferently said with a smile: “Since Resisting Heaven Sect and Confusing Heaven Sect are behind, there are elder supporters. They are afraid that it is very difficult to change to Dao Law, just right, So try their courage, follow this Young Master, the fucking awesome character who detested the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, can you be timid?”

“Congratulations Host boasting successfully ,obtained 100,000 EXP ,Boasting Value 100 points.”

“Congratulations Host successfully broke through realm and reached 9th Grade Heavenly General Realm.”

“Hope, won’t let this Young Master be disappointed.”

Outer Sect, Elder’s Courtyard.

Inside a courtyard with only four rooms, there are two discipline guards at the door.

Its realm breath is awesome at Heavenly General Realm.

Seeing the Sun Guantian brother, the recognizer also recognized it, looked at each other, and raised his hand with extreme doubts to stop them.

“Wait, why are you two coming to Elder’s Courtyard?” The little left on the disciple, wondering.

The disciple on the right is also full of curiosity. Then he smiles and asks: “Don’t say that you grabbed Heavenspan Pearl and want to change martial food.”

“hahaha, maybe it’s for Dao Law?” The little disc on the left laughed taunted.

Also as Outer Sect Disciple, they naturally know the situation of the Sun Guantian brother.

Also, the two watchers are members of Resisting Heaven Sect and Confusing Heaven Sect.

“Yes, we did change Dao Law. As for martial food, hey, we brothers still can’t see it!” Sun Guantian expression is quite proud of coldly snorted and said.

Sun Guandi, who is on the side, is also proud of her, and she raises her head with a sneer: “Yes, we can’t see it, some are!”


Such a speech suddenly led to two disciplinary expression startled, and could not help but start looking up and down their waist, but did not find the existence of Universe Bag.

“Whether it’s true or not, hand over the Universe Bag!”

“Hand over quickly, lest you stop playing! Hey, if we accidentally kill your brother, it would be bad!”

Two gates recognize cold with a sneer, which belongs to the pressure of Heavenly General Realm, swept away.

The directly suppressed Sun Guantian brother stepped back a few steps, and the corner of his mouth overflowed the blood.

“Cough cough, here is Elder’s Courtyard, do you dare to slay? Isn’t it afraid that Elder Ju Yun will sin?” Sun Guantian whipped blood and angered.

Elder Ju Yun !


When the words came out, the two watchers were sneer, and they went straight to the Sun Guantian brother.


Wa wu ……砰!

Suddenly, before the two watchers were close, they watched the horror of the Sun Guantian brother. Two of the disciples, all of them flew back and squatted on the wall. Above, spitting blood continues.

“But Elder Ju Yun ?cough cough…”

The two guards disciples crawled up against their chests, looking at the expression and looking around.

However, there is no response.

“I know it’s amazing now? It’s Elder’s Courtyard. The usual Elder Ju Yun retreat is not there. You can naturally block it and exchange for the disco of Dao Law and martial food, but now, Elder Ju Yun, has already cleared the border!” Sun Guantian cold said with a sneer.

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