Best Delinquent Wife’s Order: Rise Again, Hubby

Chapter 837: : The injury on Zuo Hancheng's body (1)

Suddenly, someone ran in from outside: "Something happened—"

An Ping's gaze shifted away from Anhao, and she looked at the servant who suddenly ran in from the back door, recognized that it was the servant in Anxin's house, and asked directly: "What happened? So panicked. ?"

But the servant suddenly felt that the atmosphere in this restaurant was a bit unusual. Although he didn't know how unusual it was, he also clearly felt that he seemed to be disturbing something.

But even if it was interrupted, the servant didn't dare to neglect it now, and only red eyes and said: "Sister Ping, after she returned to the room, Miss, she suddenly took out the suitcase and said that she was going to run away and go back to the orphanage. There is no place for her, and it is said that even Ping Sister, you have never seen her as a daughter. She might as well leave or something. In short, the young lady cried very sadly, and packed up two big boxes of things, which looked real Go!"

An Hao couldn't understand how the servant called An Ping as sister Ping so intimate and couldn't hear the name of the master and servant, but when she heard that An Xin suddenly started to run away from home, her eyes immediately looked at An Ping. .

An Ping is also looking at Anhao, and seems to be choosing whether to take the opportunity and Anhao to explain what happened in the past, or choose to check Anxin first.

An Hao is also looking at her, and the entanglement in An Ping's eyes can be seen.

Suddenly, An Hao chuckled and stood up: "Auntie An, the juniors accidentally bumped into so many housework the first time they came to An's house. It seems that it's really wrong to stay here now. I will go back to the room first."

After speaking, Anhao turned around and walked outside.

As soon as I walked outside, I saw a small building not far from the back of the hall. The second floor was lit and the windows were open. From time to time, several servants were blocking and coaxing peace of mind. , And from time to time there was the cry of comfort and grievance.

Anhao stood in front of the door and looked in that direction, thinking in her mind that during the five years she was in Gu’s house, her cold little room without any heating in the winter, when the cabin would leak in summer, I was afraid The portrait of his mother was drenched by the rain, and he was sitting curled up in the corner of the rigid bed with the portrait of her mother in her arms, counting the time silently in the damp room.

When I saw An Xin crying and crying, she suddenly opened the curtains with excitement. When she walked to the balcony, she threw down a pile of clothes, dolls, and many other things that girls liked. Everything was extremely expensive. .

Anhao remembered that she was wearing those stalls under Gu Shishi's cynical gaze, and remembered that Gu Shishi deliberately stepped on the clothes before she threw the clothes she didn't like to wear. Even if they were washed out, they did not have the same clothes as before. When I think of holding the dry ice blue in a book as the most precious toy, I often open the book to take a look, as if mother was by her side, as if everything between those mothers and daughters was still in……

The servant ran up to the balcony to persuade An Xin to stop crying like this, but An Xin saw a servant coming and crying on the balcony while trying to jump off the second floor.

It can be done.

Seeing this scene, Anhao suddenly raised his lips coldly.

When I was 16 years old, I was beaten with a vase by the Gu family's mother and daughter until the ribs broke. The scene of being pushed down from the second floor by the servant is still in sight. It is really ironic to compare this scene.

Just when Anhao was about to turn around and walk away, she heard An Ping’s footsteps coming out behind her. An Ping did not go to An Xin right away, but when she walked to Anhao’s side, she felt the coldness emanating from Anhao. .

Anhao turned her back and stood there quietly.

"An's family is not as peaceful as you think, my child, these... all make you laugh." An Ping whispered behind her, "Go back and rest."

An Hao smiled coldly. She turned to look at An Ping. While the servants were nervously running towards the An Xin balcony, she looked at An Ping’s face, using it very lightly as if the wind blew. The voice that could dissipate opened his mouth.

"For so many years, if you leave your own daughter in China regardless of it, do you feel sad in your heart?" Anhao's voice is very light and light, and also very quiet.

At the moment An Ping looked at her in astonishment, An Hao smiled coldly, turned around and left without saying more.

An Ping stood there watching the child who had obviously hated him, standing in the dark night outside the back door of the hall, without moving for a long time, as if she had never heard the cry from An Xin not far away.

An Xin saw An Ping there early. According to her mother's love for her, she should have chased her directly when she left the restaurant angrily. It was both to coax herself and to love herself, and she couldn't see her suffering. A little wronged.

My mother has given her such a strong and so deep maternal love for so many years, even if the old man and the old lady have not really recognized her as a granddaughter, but because of An Ping's love for her, she is also an early lady in Anjia. It’s been solid, and everything has been solid for eight years!

But today my mother didn't care about her! Just let her run back into the room by herself!

Thinking about the presence of the man she had seen in the hospital who made her fall in love at first sight, the old man just yelled at him directly in front of others, and he was about to get into the ground as much as he said. If he didn't speak for himself, he didn't chase it out.

An Xin was getting more and more angry, so she made such a big noise in the room. She ran to the balcony and saw her mother had come out, but she didn't seem to hear her own voice. The girl who appeared at Anjia didn't know what she said, and then just stood there silently, as if she had suddenly changed.

An Xin had been arguing for a long time and there was no result. Several servants were afraid that she would be really messing around and causing trouble, not to mention that there were guests at home, so they all pulled her back into the room and closed the window.

An Xin was so tired of crying, she suddenly got up and walked to the window, looked out through the window, and saw her mother still standing there.

An Xin looked at her suspiciously, and then turned to look in the direction that the girl had left just now, feeling inexplicably uncomfortable.

My mother has always been a very indifferent person. Although the servants respect her very much in Ann's family, her mother has always asked the servants to call her sister Ping, and her mother rarely pays attention to others.

I have been here for so many years because of my mother's wholehearted love and finally let go of the initial care and fear, and because my mother's attention is always on me.

But now my mother didn't care about herself. She was even swayed by another girl. An Xin looked out the window with an unhappy expression. At the same time, when she thought of that girl's face, her heart suddenly jumped.

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