Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me

Best Ex-wife: President, Don’t Count on Me Chapter 661: Conversation between two men

The chopsticks in Emperor Hao's hand shook and almost fell to the dining table, because he was too excited, and his lips were pursed a few times, but he couldn't speak at all.

It turned out that holy went around in such a large circle just to accompany her to have breakfast!

Emperor Hao sat down, and in the misty smell of noodles, his eyes were wet with smoke.

Holly lowered her head and sucked the noodles with small sips, eating gracefully and quickly.

"Let's eat it!" He said as he swallowed the noodles. "You won't eat well, she will be worried!"

Emperor Hao shook his hand with chopsticks again. He should have known that **** must be warmly sent to supervise his meal, but the kid didn't look at himself, so he couldn't help but want to stab himself!

However, he deserved it!

Suddenly, Emperor Hao was in a good mood. He gave the poached egg in the bowl to holy, then stirred it with chopsticks, and began to eat noodles with a big mouth: "Suck-Suck-"

This noodle breakfast by the father and son is quite warm to eat. After the meal, Holy pushed the bowl. "Sorry, I don't have the habit of brushing bowls!"

Who is sick and who cares for whom?

Emperor Hao went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. He knew that Holy was venting for warmth. If the kid felt so happy, it would make him better.

When the emperor came out of the kitchen, he saw Holy sitting upright at the table, looking at his own eyes, seriously and solemnly.

The emperor walked over and sat down opposite holy. "What's the matter? Come on!"

holy propped her hands on the table, first glanced at emperor haohao's face, her eyes were faint in the cold, "I give you a chance to be frank!"

Emperor Jue Hao had probably guessed what he was about to say, raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at this small and handsome face in front of him with interest, "What do you want to ask?"

holy leaned forward and leaned forward, a pair of dark and cold eyes, like the emperor lord, with search and doubt.

"How on earth did you mess with Mommy?" He asked.

Did n’t ask Emperor Howe, “What did you do wrong?” This time he asked how to get it. Although the essence of the problem is the same, the views are very different. a lot of.

"May I choose not to say it?" Asked Emperor Howe.

holy made a negotiating gesture, knocking on the edge of the table in front of her.


"But I will never help you again!"

"Also, you should know more about Mummy's temper than me. She is determined to divorce you. Don't think that you can hide from it if you use a bitter trick!"


Holy groaned a bit, looking at Emperor Juehao's eyes, and there was a little more questioning and judgment.

"you do this delibrately!"

Emperor Grande was speechless, but fortunately, the words didn't make you hear warmly.

He decided to justify himself.

"Holy, don't just keep your mouth open!"

"You look at me now, like you're doing well? Without you, I'm alone and I have no choice but to chase your mum in hand. How could I intentionally divorce her?"

"If you dare to **** in front of your mummy, see if I don't talk to you!"

holy skimmed her small thin lips, "threatening me is useless, pay attention to your introspective attitude!"

Emperor Hao twisted two deep sword eyebrows, "holy, pay attention to your attitude to speaking, I am your daddy!"

holy was unmoved. "It won't be soon! A woman as good as my mum, if she announces her single, the man who wants to be my father must have a big truck!"

Emperor Jue was so enraged! Impulsively lifted up!

holy raised her face coldly, with a slight contempt in her clear eyes.

The father and son confronted each other in silence for half a minute!

In the end, Emperor Hao surrendered first and let go.

The emperor sighed heavily, "holy, do you have to treat me like this? The things between adults are very complicated, not a right or wrong word, but I assure you, I never Betrayed your mummy and loved her! "

holy coldly: "But all I see now is harm!"

Emperor Howe did not know how to explain it, and was a little short of breath: "So, I may have used it the wrong way."

"You can still correct it!"

The Emperor looked up in surprise, and saw that Holy's little face was not so cold, and his eyes were shining with anticipation and encouragement.

This makes DiJiahao extremely distressed!

Unfortunately, how can things be changed now? Once that secret is announced, it is a double harm to warmth!

"Forget it!" Emperor Hao shook his head.

The lightness in holy's eyes faded a little bit, and restored the previous indifferentness. "So, are you really not planning to tell me the reason?"


The emperor looked at holy with some struggle and hesitation.

Emotionally tell him: tell holy, fight for his trust, this well-behaved child will help you take care of the warmth, and after knowing the truth of the matter, he will not complain about you, and will spare no effort to prevent warmth from divorcing you, Will repair the rift between you!

Reason tells him: No! No! holy is more sensible and looks more mature, but he is just a child after all! Can he guarantee to keep this secret? Moreover, even if he holds it, he will certainly bear unbearable psychological pressure!

Finally, Emperor Hao chose silence without hesitation.

"You don't trust me?" Holy asked suddenly, his voice was sharp.

Emperor Hao buried his head in his palm, "I'm sorry! Holy, Daddy is not distrusting you, but he doesn't want you to bear the pressure you shouldn't have!"

Holly suddenly stood up, her face flushed, "After all, you just don't trust me! Since this is the case, I don't need to help you!"

After speaking, holy turned quickly, and pulled out his suitcase while flipping Xu Teshou's phone.

"Hey! Uncle Xu? My mommy gives you a task, which is three meals a day. When my dad eats, you take the video and give it to me. Okay, thank you! That's it!"

This kid, he is so black at his young age!

The emperor stood up, strode forward, and held holy's small suitcase.

holy struggled a little, didn't break free, and asked angrily: "what do you want?"

"Don't you want to know why?"

Emperor Hao lost his hand when he finished speaking, turned back to his hospital bed leisurely, lying sideways and half-lying, and the light in the corner of his eyes was watching the movement of Holy.

Holy stood there for a while, dropped the luggage trolley, walked over, and stood in front of the emperor's bed, "You said!"

When Emperor Hao stood up and looked at Holy, Jun Lang's face was serious and solemn.

"Holy, in fact, I did not intend to tell you just now. I'm afraid you should not be under pressure, but I found that you have grown up, so I decided to tell you that even if you endure the pressure, this is what you should Some growing up! "

"Holy, you have to assure me that for today's conversation between the two of us, you are not allowed to mention your mum for half a word. This is a conversation between our two men!"


Holy nodded, and Xiaojun's face was as serious and serious as Emperor Juehao.

The emperor groaned for a moment.

"This matter starts from the day of the wedding. Before the wedding ceremony, I was about to go to the lounge to pick up your mommy. I got a call from Rong Zixi. That woman, I don't need to bother her at all, but she said For one reason, it's about your mum, so I had to go downstairs to find her immediately "

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