It's eight thirty in the evening.

Zhou Heng alone holding the cat, carrying a copper stick came to the old music building.

Last time, he felt a light Yin Qi in this building. It's only about 30 hours since then, that Yin Qi has gradually taken shape.

Linhai City is not only a hotbed for Ding Long's cancer, but also a hotbed for gathering Yin Qi faster than any city Zhou Heng has ever been to.

Before the arrival of the cockscomb head, solve the Yin Qi in the building. If the cockscomb head arrives on time, it's easy to solve the cockscomb head. Zhou Heng has made a good calculation in his mind.

"Big brother!" Suddenly, a familiar voice came from the distance.

Zhou Heng rolled his eyes.

Xu Yi quickly ran behind Zhou Heng, and then excitedly patted Zhou Heng on the shoulder: "big brother, why are you here so soon?"

Zhou Heng turned around with a bitter smile, thinking that I didn't come early to avoid you.

"I want to come early and get familiar with the environment. It's said that it's haunted here," Xu Yi said to Zhou Heng. He patted his chest with his hand. "To tell you the truth, I'm still a little flustered, but you live in a haunted house, so I don't have any pressure at all?"

"Is that what you usually say?" Zhou Heng reluctantly asked him.

"Er --" Xu Yi closed his mouth wisely.

"Wait a minute, I'll go to the trouble of ghosts," Zhou Heng deliberately threatened him. "If you're afraid, wait for me below. Don't follow up."

"I'm more afraid of being down there alone," Xu Yi said hastily. "Elder brother, you'd better let me follow you."

Zhou Heng can't say that he has a knife in his mouth, but he is definitely a bean curd heart. It's a typical way to eat soft rather than hard. Xu Yi pleaded with him like this, and his ears immediately softened. "OK," Zhou Heng said. Although he was still impatient, he reluctantly agreed to Xu Yi's request. He continued, "if you want to keep up, you should keep up. Don't blame me for anything."

Xu Yi pasted behind Zhou Heng and followed him to the building. "Big brother," Xu Yi's voice revealed panic, "you say, what will happen?"

"Then I don't know." What Zhou Heng said is the fact that there are different wandering spirits and fierce ghosts because of different life experiences and death causes. As a teacher of heaven, Zhou Heng also needs to come up with different ways to deal with them. "I don't know what will happen until I see the ghost."

"Is there really a ghost?" Xu Yi's voice trembled.

"It doesn't matter." Zhou Heng couldn't bear to frighten him any more. He said, "if you want to accept the ghost in the building, I'd better catch it by hand." Zhou Heng didn't talk big. This ghost's Yin Qi has just taken shape. For Zhou Heng, who is already a d-level Heavenly Master, it's very simple to deal with.

"Don't we wait for Bailu?" Xu Yi of Zhou Heng couldn't help asking.

"Are you taking some girls to hell?" Zhou Heng asked him.

Xu Yi Leng for a moment, Zhou Heng's words make him unable to refute.

"Zhou Heng!" Just as they were about to enter the old music building, Qin Fen's cry came from behind.

"Speak of Cao Cao, and he will come." Zhou Heng complains in a low voice, "how come it's such a coincidence."

Xu Yi had already turned around happily: "Bailu, Qinfen!" He said hello to the two girls excitedly.

"Ha ha!" Qin Fen also yelled happily, "I guessed that you would come first in the morning, and I was right!"

"Ha, ha." Zhou Heng followed with a bitter smile twice, and then helplessly praised her, "then you are really smart."

Bailu follows Qin Fen and greets them.

In fact, Zhou Heng doesn't want Bailu to come back here. After all, she was kidnapped here not long ago, which is not a pleasant memory.

But he underestimated Bailu's strength. Bailu is not only outstanding in academic performance, but also excellent in other aspects. She is brave and calm, clear headed and rational. Although she is outstanding in appearance, she will not evaluate a person according to his appearance or family background. Bailu's only defect may be that she is not willing to take the initiative to communicate with others, and it is difficult to accept other people's kindness, so she has few friends all the time.

If Qin Fen were not active and sociable, they would hardly be good friends.

"Let's wait for xiaoshengnan." Qin Fen said to everyone, "I think she will come soon."

"Before she came, as a senior, I might as well tell you about the legend here." Xu Yi wants to scare the two girls.

Zhou Heng also raised his interest. Many of the events he encountered started from the legends of the rivers and lakes.

At this time, Qin Fen snatched the beginning of the conversation, she excitedly said: "I know, I know!"

"There was once a girl who passed by in the middle of the night." Qin Fen changed into a mysterious tone, "and then -" she deliberately stopped here.

"Don't make it up." Bailu suppresses the smile on her face. She thinks Qin Fen must be fooling Zhou Heng and Xu Yi.

Zhou Heng's eyes were full of expectation. He thought that he might be able to find the information related to the Yin Qi in the building from Qin Fen's words. If we want to solve the knot in the hearts of wandering souls, these information will often have unexpected effects."And then what?" Xu Yi can't help asking. What Qin Fen said seemed different from the legends he had heard.

"Then she heard the sound of piano," Qin Fen continued. "From the abandoned music building, came the melodious sound of piano."

The ghost playing the piano? Zhou Heng looked at Qin Fen, waiting for her to go on.

"When the girl heard the piano, she stopped," Qin Fen said, playing the girl's action with both voice and emotion. "She tilted her head and looked at the music building next to her."

"What did she see?" Xu Yi was attracted to her performance.

"She saw it -" Qin Fen lowered the volume.

At this time, someone came to Qin Fen's back and patted her on the shoulder from behind.

"Ah, ah, ah Qin Fen, who was too involved, was scared to scream.

"Sister Fen, what's the matter with you?" Standing behind Qin Fen, Miss Tong looks confused.

It turned out that Miss Tong was coming. She saw the four people talking together, so she came to say hello to them. She didn't expect that her actions would scare Qin Fen.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Xu Yi couldn't help laughing. "It scares you, but now it scares you."

Bai Lu and Zhou Heng also showed a smile on their faces.

But suddenly, Bailu's expression changed - she heard something coming from the music building. It was a melody she knew.

The smile on everyone's face gradually disappeared.

Everybody heard that.

From the air came the melodious sound of the piano.

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