Best Movie Star

Chapter 235: Mighty! radical! Violence!

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The broken door of the blacksmith shop opened and closed. Will Turner unbuttoned his coat and hung it on the hanger at the door. The climate in the Caribbean was hot, and he was sweating. He couldn't help taking off his shirt and walked shirtless to the basin. , Wet the towel, wipe the sweat from the body, the water droplets roll down the almost perfect muscle line...

There was silence in the theater, and Daenerys swallowed subconsciously.

Beside her, Brian's face was full of envy, imagining how good he would be if the owner of this body would be.

Amanda's eyes seemed to be glued to the screen, and she couldn't move it, and she didn't want to.

Helen Herman has noticed the changes around him, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Matthew's Will Turner is breaking away from the suppression of Johnny Depp.

This is simply the best!

Roger Ebert made an unnatural shift in his sitting position in order to look away from Will Turner's sculptural body, and partner Richard Rope seemed completely drawn to the close-up.

It wasn't until the camera switched to a close-up that Richard Rope wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Simple and rough shot."

"But it worked well," Roger Ebert said. "Does this scene make you think the character is interesting?"

Richard Rope nodded, "It's true, the director Gore Verbinski has a lot of ideas."

Roger Albert smiled lightly, "He just brought out the biggest feature of the actor."

This actor, Matthew Horner, is really in excellent physical condition. He has been appreciating movies for so many years. There are many more muscular actors than Matthew Horner, but those people's muscles are too fake and too exaggerated, like horses Hew-Horner lines are so perfect, there are really few.

More importantly, with just such a shot, Will Turner's image is suddenly a little more three-dimensional. This extremely simple close-up seems to reflect the character's characteristics better than so many dialogues and literary dramas before.

Simple shots are not necessarily useless skills, as long as they are used just right, they will also help the film.

"Next, Will Turner and Jack Sparrow are going to face each other." Richard Rope's voice came over, "Whether the film is a single protagonist or three protagonists, we will see you soon. Find out."

Will Turner encountered the pirate captain. The two disagreed. They drew their swords against each other, and the swords clashed. After only three rounds, Captain Jack Sparrow's pirate machete flew out. Swordsmanship is obviously not on the same level.

Then, two characters, two completely different battles began.

Jack Sparrow is as slick as a mouse, drilling around in the blacksmith shop. There are many unfinished swords in the blacksmith shop, which have become his combat weapons.

But these swords wouldn't last long in his hands. The skinny pirate captain couldn't bear the strength of the strong blacksmith at all. As long as the two swords collided, they would let go in a few seconds.

Finally, he picked up a red-hot sword from the iron furnace, and sparks began to dance in the blacksmith's shop.

Will Turner is skilled and agile, and the persecuting Captain Jack Sparrow can only parry, but not fight back.

The two were also fighting and bickering, fighting swords and eyes, and it could be said that sparks were flying.

Captain Jack Sparrow saw that the sword was not an opponent, and threw the sword in his hand at Will Turner. Taking advantage of Will Turner's time to avoid, he ran to the door and wanted to escape. Will Turner threw it. With the sword in his hand, the sharp sword slammed into the door bolt. Jack Sparrow stretched out his hand to draw the sword. At first, he had a very relaxed expression, but he couldn't draw it at all. Then he held the sword in both hands, even his feet staring at him. On the door, the result still can't be pulled out.

Behind, Will Turner tilted his head and looked at him, seemingly confident in his own strength.

Unable to pull out the sword nailed to the door, Captain Jack Sparrow looked back at Will Turner helplessly. hit like

"These two people..." Roger Albert patted his leg lightly with one hand, "the chemistry between these two people is simply amazing!"

Richard Rope said in agreement, "Yeah, a feminine twist, a fierce sunshine, the perfect complement of roles!"

Roger Albert added, "Will Turner's scene is much better than his first appearance. He obviously calls Depp more!"

In this way, the character of Will Turner is completely three-dimensional, no longer leaving him a beautiful empty shell as before.

In the end, the pirate captain was not the opponent of the blacksmith who had been blacksmithing and practicing swords all the year round. Will Turner easily overturned it to the ground. Will Turner's long sword pressed against his throat, and then the British broke through the gate and rushed in to take it away. pirates.

The ordinary audience in the back did not have as many thoughts as the film critics, but felt that the action scenes were repeated one after another. Johnny Depp was cunning like a pirate, and Matthew Horner was no different from a blacksmith. It seems to be a special match, and a simple sword-fighting drama is performed brilliantly.

"Matthew's skill is really good!" Daenerys was fascinated, "Captain Pirate is completely vulnerable in front of him."

Brian, who looked like a veteran movie fan, said, "Don't you see it? It's obvious, Johnny Depp's Jack Sparrow is in charge of the jokes, and Matthew's Will Turner is the action. take responsibility."

Soon, the game of Will Turner and Jack Sparrow robbing the battleship also proved this. In the face of British soldiers without muskets, Jack Sparrow mainly fought, Will Turner was Straight to the point, the British soldiers were no match for him at all.

Seeing this, Roger Albert has been very impressed with the role of Will Turner. The film is obviously using action scenes to shape the role of Will Turner, compared to the one that has almost no strong sense of existence. The heroines Elizabeth Swan, Will Turner and Jack Sparrow are the perfect partners. The two characters complement each other's strengths and cooperate seamlessly. They are simply the best partners.

For some reason, he suddenly felt that Elizabeth Swan, the heroine, was a bit redundant.

Next to him, Richard Rope has summed up the character traits of Will Turner in the most concise words, "Mighty! Radical! Violence!"

Mighty is not only reflected in the body, but also in skills! Radical shows the side of infatuation. In order to rescue Elizabeth Swan, who was kidnapped by pirates, he did not hesitate to cooperate with pirates! Violence is mainly to buy time, and it dares to be ruthless in the face of British soldiers.

This character has a bright personality and a three-dimensional image. Although it is not as amazing as Jack Sparrow, it is enough to leave a deep impression on people.

Roger Albert suddenly stabbed Richard Rope and said, "At the end of this year, are we going to do a special show with the theme of the best screen partner, how about that?"

Richard Rope raised his finger and tapped Jack Sparrow and Will Turner on the screen, "Inspired by them?"

Roger Albert nodded, "These two interesting and complementary characters inspired me."

Compared with Johnny Depp, Matthew Horner's acting skills are indeed monotonous, his expressions are not vivid enough, and there is an obvious gap in his acting skills, but his appearance and figure are very good to make up for this, and the crew should treat him well The scenes are specially designed to fully conform to the characteristics of the actors themselves.

Whenever the film wants to feature Will Turner and requires the actor to explode his acting skills, he always places the character in the most suitable background, and uses the background to highlight the rough lines, vigorous posture and mighty aura, so that the character and the The film is as beautiful as an oil painting.

As the film entered the second half, Amanda was completely immersed in the plot and pictures. The more she saw the back, the more she felt that the role of Elizabeth Swan was a bit redundant, except for the reason that Will Turner had to go out to sea, The rest of the time is to paint a large vase of passers-by with beautiful looks, which is far from the color of Matthew and Johnny Depp.

Then there are the special effects of the film, the special effects are quite brilliant.

Matthew is also the first time to see the finished film of "Pirates of the Caribbean". The special effects are just ordinary for people like him who used to like to watch pirated popcorn blockbusters, but he will not forget that it is only 2003. Industrial Light and Magic To create such a level is enough to become a major selling point of the film.

In addition, the role of Will Turner is definitely better than the former little blacksmith. Whether it is against Jack Sparrow and British soldiers, or against the pirates headed by Barbossa, they all show strong combat effectiveness, and the action design Delicate and highly finished, it can definitely become a major selling point of the film.

Then there is Jack Sparrow. The competition between this character and his opponent is mainly based on strategy. From stealing ships to stealing gold coins and then competing with Captain Barbossa, it does not rely solely on force~www.readwn .com~ Will Turner and Jack Sparrow are two characters with distinct characteristics.

In contrast, Elizabeth Swan's presence is not that strong, and Keira Knightley next to him has been tensed since the battle at the blacksmith shop.

This is also very normal. In today's big-budget commercial entertainment movies in Hollywood, as long as the directors and producers have normal heads, they will not overly highlight female characters. Even if the heroine's acting skills explode during filming, the producers will not be able to do so during post-editing. will hesitate.

It's only 2003 after all.

**During the battle, due to Jack Sparrow's own request and knowing that he was immortal, Will Turner, the strongest fighting force, went to deal with the pirates, and Jack Sparrow faced the villain Barbossa. , Elizabeth - Swan is still gorgeous soy sauce.

However, Barbossa is still the two male protagonists Jack Sparrow and Will Turner together to kill...

At the end of the film, the Hollywood reunion reappears, Jack Sparrow gets his wish to retake the Black Pearl, and Will Turner and Elizabeth Swan kiss each other.

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