Best Movie Star

Chapter 301: Super Box Office Poison

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The negotiation between the crew and Helen Herman lasted for more than half a month, and the focus of the dispute was mainly on the remuneration and the right to participate in the heroine's audition.

Needless to say, one wants to lower the salary, and the other wants more, but in addition to Matthew's salary, Matthew and Helen-Hellman also put forward another requirement, the heroine's salary must be lower than his salary. Pay!

Under normal circumstances, the female lead in Hollywood commercial movies will be paid a lot less than the male lead.

The remuneration of the actors in the crew represents not only the income figures, but also the status and power in the crew. As the male protagonist, no one wants the female protagonist to have a higher status and more power than himself.

And the right to participate in the audition of the heroine, the crew will not give an actor casually, even if they think that the heroine they have selected must first be able to match the actor that has been finalized.

The crew is quite cautious in this regard.

In some respects, the negotiation itself is a process of mutual compromise. If both parties insist on their own terms, the negotiation will eventually break down.

By mid-June, Helen Hellman, who represented Matthew, had negotiated all terms with the "Mrs. & Mrs. Smith" crew, and Matthew signed a contract that was more than a hundred pages long.

In the contract, Matthew enjoys the treatment of quasi-first-line stars in the daily work and life of the crew. As long as the budget is not particularly tight for the crew, they will not treat the actors harshly in this regard. After all, the actors' union behind the actors is not a decoration. , If the two sides really have some unnecessary troubles, and the trouble reaches the level of the trade union, the crew will still be greatly affected.

In the past few years after entering Hollywood, Matthew can fully feel the benefits of joining a union. Although the annual union fee is as high as tens of thousands of dollars at his income level, the guarantee provided by the union is practical.

The major unions in Hollywood are not the playthings of the filmmakers, and it is not new to go to war with the producer alliance representing the filmmakers and investors.

Matthew has heard people say that Hollywood, such as the Actors Guild, Directors Guild, and Screenwriters Guild, has an agreement with the Producers Union that will expire at the end of 2007. The share ratio is not very satisfactory. If you want to seek a higher hard share ratio in terms of DVD discs and emerging online video-on-demand copyright fees, there may be a general strike like the late 1980s.

According to an agreement between major Hollywood unions and the Producers Union, positions such as the main actor, director and screenwriter of a film can receive a share of the film's post-production income.

This is a rigid stipulation among industry associations. Although the share ratio is very low, it is a long-term stable income.

The 1988 Hollywood strike saw unions go to war with the Producers Union for a cut of home video sales and rentals.

The two-decade agreement that followed the strike is now just a few short years away from its expiry.

For the star actors, that point is not much in the later stage, but once there is a commotion, no matter how big the actors are, they must stand on the side of their union.

Matthew vaguely remembers that in 2008 there seemed to be a screenwriter strike.

Of course, this kind of thing will depend on the situation. His main work is still "Mrs. Smith".

In the contract signed with the filmmaker, Matthew can get up to 10 million US dollars in remuneration from the cast three times. The remuneration does not involve later sharing. Although the dollar is constantly depreciating, the current 10 million US dollars is not as good as the original in terms of value alone. Johnny Depp's $10 million, but this is also the salary figure for the top or bottom line.

In addition, after Helen-Hellman argued on the grounds, in view of the importance of the chemistry between the male and female protagonists in the film, Avazi-Goldsman agreed to Matthew's participation in the heroine's audition, but only had the right to suggest.

To get the right to participate in the heroine's audition, Matthew and Helen-Hellman compromised in other aspects, and no longer required the crew to limit the heroine's remuneration to him.

After all, among the auditions, Nicole Kidman and Julia Roberts, whose salary and coffee position are obviously higher than Matthew's.

However, Julia - Roberts quickly turned down the cast's audition invitation, because the heroine and her play path seriously did not match.

Catherine Zeta-Jones and Cate Blanchett also declined the audition invitation. The former did not want to accept the audition, while the latter was busy filming "The Aviator" and had conflicting schedules.

Just like Matthew, when an actor is successful and popular, he can often receive a lot of audition invitations, and it seems that the whole of Hollywood is chasing you.

Conversely, after a star has fallen rapidly, there is very, very little choice, even if he has achieved great success in the past.

After Julia Roberts, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Cate Blanchett turned down audition invitations, the crew was left with only Nicole Kidman for the lead actress.

Because of the relationship between Tom Cruise, Matthew remembers very clearly that since Nicole Kidman won the Oscar, it has become a super box office poison, not only poisoning the box office of the film, but also the director and male protagonist of the project. Also poisoned.

Matthew didn't want to be directly poisoned by such box office poison.

But he's just the male lead, the audition hasn't been held, and he can't say anything.

Matthew knew very well that if he went to Akiva Goldsman for no reason and said that Nicole Kidman was not suitable, he could only make a joke, and it would not be too late to talk about the actual situation when he auditioned.

Moreover, he later got news that the crew decided to release the news and expand the scope of the audition in view of the withdrawal of many audition invitees.

Obviously, the crew is not without qualms about Nicole Kidman.

The crew has already signed a lead actor contract with Matthew. As long as you take a closer look, you can see that Nicole Kidman and Matthew are not a special match.

Matthew is also considering suitable candidates. Although he does not have the right to speak, the choice of the heroine is directly related to the success or failure of the hero. Otherwise, he will not let Helen Herman fight for that kind of power.

After thinking about it, he suddenly thought of a post-apocalyptic steampunk film that he had watched. Charlize Theron played an absolutely powerful heroine, with a strong body and rapid movements, like a female protagonist. Leopard-like, left a very deep impression on him.

According to his understanding and consideration, since she is a skilled and powerful female killer, she must not be the type that is slender and slender when the wind blows. Charlize Theron has large bones and even a little bit of a backside. Covered by height, it is not obvious.

She's not the slender, slender type of actress.

Maybe get Charlize Theron to send an actor resume to the crew?

It's a pity that he can't decide who the heroine is, otherwise Nicole Kidman will definitely be kicked out.

As for whether Charlize Theron will agree, and whether he will pass the audition if he agrees, these are not up to him.

I don't know why, but Matthew has a feeling that he is not a producer, but is worried about the producer. In fact, if it is another movie, such as "Pirates of the Caribbean" or "Dawn of the Living Dead", it doesn't matter who the heroine is. , but the interaction between the male and female protagonists of Mr.

Of course, someone like Matthew couldn't think that something would go wrong.

What's more, the crew has already selected him first.

Matthew then contacted Charlize Theron, who happened to be in Los Angeles, and asked her out for a drink at the Black Mamba.

"I haven't seen you in months."

Inside the booth of the Black Mamba Bar, Matthew looked at Charlize Theron, "You're fully back in shape."

Charlize Theron gestured to Matthew with a glass of wine, and said, "I won't say anything in the future to get fat for filming! It's too painful!"

Matthew took a sip from his glass and said, "It's not good for your health."

"Well." Charlize Theron said directly, "I also got what I wanted."

"Yeah, yeah!" Matthew deliberately put on a thoughtful look. "Let me think, how would Mandela describe you? Oh, yes, the most brilliant diamond in South Africa!"

He laughed, "Sally, you are now a national treasure of South Africa."

"National treasure?" Master Charlize Theron also laughed, "How can you say so exaggerated."

"The truth is more exaggerated than what I said." Matthew said seriously, "Didn't the American media say that you made South Africa truly a part of the world."

Charlize Theron answered, "South Africa is a part of this world." She suddenly changed the subject and asked, "You asked me out, what's the matter?"

Matthew didn't go around in circles and asked, "Do you have a schedule recently?"

Charlize Theron is a little strange, but still said, "There is a film to start shooting at the end of the year."

"Have you heard of Summit Entertainment's "Mr & Mrs. Smith" project?" Matthew saw Charlize Theron nod and said, "I have signed a contract with Summit Entertainment for the male lead, and currently The crew is going to hold a large audition for the female lead, and I think that role is a good fit for you, so I'm asking if you're interested."

"I know about this project," Charlize Theron said. "The agent recommended it to me."

Matthew immediately said, "That's right, we can play a movie together."

Charlize Theron smiled, and continued with the words just now, "The agent has submitted my information to the "Mrs. and Mrs. Smith" crew. If there is no accident, I will participate in the audition for this film."

Hearing what she said, Matthew is not very surprised. After all, after most female stars in this era won the Oscar for best actress, they would turn to filming commercial films, so as to get back the high cost of hitting the Oscar as soon as possible. Compared with the vase role in purely commercial films, the heroine's role in "Mrs. and Mrs. Smith" is much more important.

The two then changed the subject and started chatting. They didn't leave the Black Mamba Bar until ten o'clock in the evening and went home.


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