Best Movie Star

Chapter 549: my series

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"Damn bald head!"

Walking in the office building of Universal Studios, David Ellison complained as he walked, "If I had known this, I would have killed him last time on the Victoria's Secret show!"

Matthew was very calm. "Don't get excited, David. People like him are just a clown, and they can't change the overall situation."

David Ellison thought of the last negotiation situation, and gradually calmed down. After spending a long time with Matthew, he found himself more and more calm in dealing with emergencies. Anger and impulsiveness often fail to solve the problem. In the face of unexpected situations, the more impulsive and angry, the easier it is to make mistakes.

Many problems are often not difficult to solve until they calm down.

In the past two years, David Ellison has grown in age and experience, and the ideas of those hairy children in the past have gradually diminished.

When he first entered Hollywood, it was not that he didn't think about it. With the financial resources and family power in his hands, he quickly became Hollywood's top boss, and he became the center of Hollywood. As long as he stood in front of people, all Hollywood people would bow to him, just hook up. Hook Finger, whether it is a Hollywood star or a big boss from other film companies, will obediently step forward and obey his orders.

Of course, any film that Sky Dance Films invests in will be successful. Even if those independent literary and artistic experimental films from Europe are brought to North America, they will also be box-office hits.

When he had just dropped out of USC Film School, he had a mind similar to that of the arrogant Vin Diesel.

But the reality is not imagination. The previous films invested by Sky Dance Films all failed miserably. Not only did the stars in the industry not come forward to worship him obediently, but they also rejected and even hostile to him as an outsider.

Even with his financial resources, with the Ellison family as the backing, he spilled a lot of money, but the effect was poor.

The reality is like this, and it won't change because of the crazy thoughts of the Maotou boy who couldn't figure out the situation.

For him, the real change in his career was precisely after he met Matthew. Matthew's participation and his influence changed the situation where he ran into walls everywhere. "Three Hundred Spartans" made him welcome. The first career success in life.

Thinking of this, David Ellison glanced at Matthew, who was walking beside him. This is a rare person who can make him feel admiration.

He has only been in Hollywood for seven or eight years, but his vision for film selection is extremely unique; he has not received higher education and elite education, but he has cultivated practical ability in the process of climbing from the bottom to the top; not a professional media public relations, but Well versed in publicity and hype...

He has seen more and more recently that Matthew is chasing those women who are in Vanity Fair, on the one hand, for enjoyment, on the other hand, is it not for publicity and hype.

If he had just entered Hollywood, he would have scoffed at this approach, but now it makes sense.

A star with entrepreneurial ambitions is truly sad if he doesn't even know how to stir up the topic or rub the heat.

After entering the elevator, David Ellison straightened his bow tie, and Matthew also took advantage of the mirror inside the elevator to straighten the suit that Armani had specially made for him.

This is a business meeting, and neatly dressed is the most basic courtesy.

As for the bright, extravagant costumes, it's nothing for a star.

In the entertainment industry, Vanity Fair, most of the time, luxury goods for celebrities are not just for enjoyment, but for work. Wearing luxury goods will certainly be criticized by some people, but wearing plain and shabby clothes is more likely to be interpreted as a career decline, the brink of bankruptcy, and then a series of negative effects.

The elevator arrived at the top floor of the office building, and there were already staff waiting here.

"Mr. Horner, Mr. Ellison." It was a middle-aged man in his forties. "This way, please."

Matthew nodded to the man, and as he followed him forward, David Ellison followed, passing an open lounge door when a familiar voice suddenly came from inside.

"Matthew Horner!"

A gruff voice called out his name.

Matthew stopped, turned his head and looked inside. A bald man sat directly opposite the door, staring at him with burning eyes.

"Vin Diesel?" David Ellison also saw the bald head.

The bald head stood up, walked towards the door, and said arrogantly as he walked, "Let's talk a few words."

The staff member was a little embarrassed. He looked at Vin Diesel and Matthew. Just as he was about to urge, Vin Diesel said, "Ms. Hall-Fiena, the director of the film department, is talking to me. The interview with the agent, now that it has passed, is also waiting."

Matthew participated in the last two negotiations, and of course knew that Hall-Finer was the representative of Universal Pictures in this negotiation.

David Ellison looked at Vin Diesel with a cold look, and whispered in Matthew's ear, "Then talk to him, the lawyers and union representatives haven't arrived yet."

Originally, Matthew didn't want to delay the business because of Vin Diesel. Hearing David Ellison's words, he nodded and said to the staff member, "We'll be there later."

The staff hesitated for a moment and walked to the office at the end of the corridor alone.

Matthew and David Ellison walked into the lounge where Vin Diesel was.

Vin Diesel stood in the center of the lounge, as if the boss was meeting his younger brother, with his hands behind his back and staring at Matthew and the two of them with contempt.

"Long time no see." Matthew looked calm.

David Ellison looked at Vin Diesel coldly, considering whether he should be humanely destroyed.

"Do you know why Universal Pictures stopped negotiating with you?" Vin Diesel said coldly, "Why did you change your attitude?"

Matthew didn't answer, and David Ellison didn't speak either. The two most recent negotiations were conducted by them and Hall Fina in a direct interview under extremely confidential circumstances, and outsiders didn't know it at all.

Those who could inquire at least a little bit thought that Universal Pictures had interrupted the copyright negotiations with Skydance Pictures.

Vin Diesel deliberately chose to come to Universal Pictures today to submit a proposal for the sequel to "The Fast and the Furious", because he had worked so hard to find out that Matthew would come to Universal Pictures to meet Hall-Fina.

Due to the strict confidentiality of the previous negotiation, he did not know the specific content of the negotiation between the two parties, but he speculated on the surface. After he shot, Universal Pictures stopped the negotiation, and Matthew Horner wanted to get " The copyright of the sequel to Fast and Furious can only be wishful thinking.

With financial support behind him and a plan, how could Universal Pictures sell the copyright of this series?

More importantly, he didn't want to admit it, but he had to admit that it was extremely unlikely that Universal Pictures would sell the project that Matthew Horner was optimistic about.

"Because of me!" Vin Diesel didn't speak when he saw the two of them on the opposite side, pointed directly to his chest, and said, "Because this is my series!"

There's an indescribable sense of satisfaction in stealing from Matthew Horner.

"That's it?" Matthew didn't care.

A few days ago, when Universal Pictures called to stop the negotiation because he knew he was behind, he and David Ellison guessed that the news might have been leaked, and the negotiations that were resumed later simply reduced the number of people and changed it to secret, so as not to be sidelined. Branches.

Vin Diesel said again in a loud voice, "Don't talk to Universal Pictures anymore, save your energy, starting today, the "Fast and the Furious" series will be completely mine. It won't be long, Matthew Horner, you will see..."

He tapped his chest again, "Me! Lead this series and hold a press conference!"

"There's something wrong!" David Ellison couldn't help saying, "You think this is the first "Fast and Furious"?"

"You're right!" Vin Diesel said as a matter of course, "I was the boss of the first "Fast and the Furious", and I...will always be the boss of this series!"

In Vin Diesel's mind, his smile is worth a million dollars, and his muscles are worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

"Psycho!" David Ellison said casually.

Vin Diesel glared at him, one arm was about to rise, and Matthew coughed and said, "It's good to have confidence."

Hearing Matthew's Vin Diesel didn't even think about it, and quickly put the arm he was about to lift back. After the night of the Victoria's Secret show, his wrist hurt for several days.

"It's stupid to be overconfident."

Matthew dropped the sentence and greeted David Ellison, "Don't waste your time here, let's go."

After speaking, he walked towards the door of the lounge first, and David Ellison followed.

Vin Diesel looked at the backs of the two and said, "When you enter Hall-Fiena's office, you'll know who's an idiot!"

The two did not look back, and he said, "When the new "Fast and the Furious" I made is released, I will send you an invitation to the premiere. I am a generous person and don't hold grudges."

Matthew and David Ellison walked out of the door, just in time to see a middle-aged man in a suit approaching. Judging from the other's temperament and dress, it was not difficult to tell that he was an entertainment agent.

The agent glanced curiously at Matthew and David Ellison, then turned into the lounge where they had just come out.

Later, Vin Diesel's angry voice came from the lounge, "What? How is this possible, Universal Pictures..."

The two of them got farther and farther, and soon Vin Diesel's voice was lost, and after the last secret negotiation ended, the result was actually settled.

When they came to the office of Hall Fina, director of the film production department of Universal Pictures, Matthew and David Ellison waited for a while, and the relevant lawyers, notaries and representatives of the Producers Union came one after another, and then Universal Pictures Signed a formal contract with Sky Dance Pictures.

On the other side, Vin Diesel went downstairs with a gloomy face, but did not leave. After dismissing the agent, he waited alone in the lobby on the first floor.

He wants to see what Matthew Horner, a despicable villain who only plays tricks behind his back, has done.

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