Best Movie Star

Chapter 788: Scum man with scum girl

The front of the Chief Stone Theater in Los Angeles was very lively. After walking through the red carpet, the main creators of the crew gathered for a group photo. Matthew held Sienna Mila in his left hand and Carolina Kirkova on his right, looking enviable .

The media reporters at the scene basically gathered on the three of them.

Matthew has had an affair with Sienna Miller and Carolina Kirkova, and even the paparazzi have photographed them entering and leaving the hotel together, which is no longer news.

The media and the public have long gotten used to it.

Karolina Kekova was in the interview area before and was asked by reporters about her relationship with Matthew, and she said, "I am single, and Matthew is also single, why can't I pursue my own happiness? The whole society is advocating for men and women Equal rights, why can't women pursue happiness like men?"

Today, the feminist movement is booming, and "happiness" is also a manifestation of equal rights for men and women.

In fact, the media's attention to Matthew's female companions has declined slightly in the past two years. After all, the changes are too fast and too frequent, but no one has criticized him for disrespecting women or anything other than accusing him of being fussy.

The most important thing is that those female models and actresses who have had an affair with Matthew always seemed to be enjoying themselves when they were interviewed on this matter, and said good things about Matthew.

In this aspect of his private life, Matthew has always been open to the media. The women he has been with are all of your own accord, and no one has forced anyone.

Even many actresses with generous personalities, such as Scarlett John and Jessica Alba, have also publicly discussed some details to the media, believing that Matthew is the most rational one-night stand. It is superb, and there is always a touch of nostalgia between words.

The media and the public have also gradually regarded Matthew and Leonardo DiCaprio as two of Hollywood's two big lovers.

But unlike Matthew, those women who dated Leonardo DiCaprio always complained about Leonardo DiCaprio's incompetence after breaking up, saying he was not good enough .

Recently, another supermodel not only said that he was useless, but also said that Xiao Li was starting to be unpopular.

Matthew has always believed that Leonardo DiCaprio should have a love affair with Kate Winslet like Jack and the Ruth Gang.

How could Ruth watch Jack keep changing girlfriends? How could Jack watch Ruth get divorced frequently?

These two people should get together and hurt each other!

Matthew walked into the Chiefs Stone Theater full of thoughts and did not know why, the "Matthew Song" flashed in his head, according to his theory of Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet , he and Taylor - Swift should also make a pair?

Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet are "You.Fat, I.Fat", he and Taylor Swift are scumbags and scumbags...

When the **** met the flower princess, since then the thunder has stirred the fire? No, it should be Hoe He who met Dangwu.

Taylor Swift wrote him a "Matthew Song" specifically, how should he pay back? It seems that Wanli Jiangling is not enough, right? Do you want a billion miles of Jiangling?

Let him count how many times this is...

Matthew is not very good at math, and while he was still thinking about it, Helen Herman's voice suddenly came, "What are you thinking? You can get distracted when you walk."

Hearing this, Matthew came back to his senses instantly, glanced at Helen Herman who was following behind, and said casually, "It's strange, I don't seem to see Natalie Portman and Brad. - Pete."

"They shouldn't come." Helen Herman followed Matthew and walked towards the VIP room together. "The box office of "Cloud Atlas" was bleak. I guess they are not in the mood to accept your invitation."

Matthew shrugged. "But I accepted Natalie Portman's invitation."

Helen Herman ignored Matthew's words, but said, "I didn't expect that your judgment came true. The Wachowskis' new film really failed at the box office."

"The situation in the movie market is very clear now." Matthew imitated her plain tone and said, "The more complicated and obscure the film, the worse it will be. "Cloud Atlas" may be a good story, but the Wachowskis tell stories. There is a problem with the way.”

Helen Herman frowned slightly and suddenly said, "I'm a little worried about Inception."

Matthew waved his hand, "Christopher Nolan is much more awake than the Wachowskis, I have had enough exchanges with Nolan, and he has said more than once that "Inception" seems complicated, but in fact the audience It is very simple to understand, in order to prevent the audience from being confused, he uses completely different scenes in each layer of dreams."

Helen Herman nodded lightly and added, "I hope this "Special Forces" can also be successful."

Matthew smiled, "Maybe it's not as good as "Fast and Furious 4". It shouldn't be difficult for the North American box office to exceed the production cost."

Frankly speaking, the audience's attention to the shooting incident has been consumed by "Fast and Furious 4", and it is difficult to say how much can continue to "Special Forces: The Rise of Cobra".

However, with his current box office appeal and the fan base of the toy itself, the box office is definitely not bad.

A lot of times, the box office appeal of Hollywood stars is unreasonable, like Tom Cruise and Will Smith before them, and the movies they star in always succeed.

It has something to do with the projects they choose, and it has something to do with how the audience likes them.

Matthew feels that at this stage, the audience is far from tired of his face.

No one was around, Helen Herman said in a low voice, "Amanda asked me to tell you, she's looking for someone to contact Bob Weinstein, but to be cautious, I haven't inquired about his relationship with Harvey- Weinstein's true attitude."

Matthew nodded, and also lowered his voice, "This matter can't be rushed."

In any case, the other party has been operating in Hollywood for more than 20 years, and it is not too much to say that it is deeply ingrained.

This kind of thing, if you don't start it, you will have to start it so that the other party has no chance to turn over again.

"We also need a reliable reporter." Matthew said calmly, "Irina Boyar is reliable, but her subordinates may not be reliable."

Helen Herman thought for a while, "There is no suitable candidate for the time being."

The two came to the door of the VIP lounge at this time, and they shut up while tacit understanding and stopped talking about what happened just now.

The red carpet started earlier today, and there is still some time before the screening. Matthew also walked around in the lounge, expressing his thanks to some of the stars who came to help support the scene.

Hollywood is generally like this, you help me with my premiere, and I will return it later.

Like Natalie Portman who turned down the invitation and couldn't come, it's not too particular about it.

But Matthew can understand, after all, the film with the heroine suffered a box office disaster.

Natalie Portman's name flashed in his mind, and Matthew suddenly thought of Rachel Weisz. She obviously understood his reminder that day, wondering if she would take precautions?

Hopefully it won't be Rachel Weisz who gets hurt.

During the recent period of time, he thought about it carefully, and he was sure that there was no mistake. The heroine of "Black Swan" was Natalie Portman. He didn't know if there was Rachel Weisz in it. After all, this kind of movie It's not his dish, I haven't seen it at all.

If Natalie Portman hadn't won the Best Actress Oscar for this film, he probably wouldn't even know about it.

After walking around in the VIP lounge, Matthew saw someone he had just met for a while, and hurriedly looked for him.

"Hi, Chris." Matthew asked, looking at Chris Kyle, who was a little uncomfortable. "How do you feel?"

Chris Kyle first politely said, "Thank you for your invitation, Matthew." Then he scratched his head, "It's the first time I've experienced this kind of occasion."

"Where's Nebraska?" Matthew specially invited Chris Kyle and Nebraska to attend the premiere. "Where did he go?"

Chris Kyle pointed to the door of the lounge, "I went out with a girl."

Matthew probably guessed where Niebola went, perhaps because of his influence. In recent years, Niebola has also frequently changed female partners. He has a strong figure and a lot of money, making it difficult to hook up with small stars. Not big.

Compared to him and Niebola, Chris Kyle, who has a family and a family, is a good man in this regard. Matthew took the initiative to change the subject, "How about the autobiography?"

When it comes to autobiography, Chris Kyle said more, "I have signed a brokerage contract with Angel Agency, and the company introduced three autobiography writers to me. I think one of them is not bad. Next, I have to confirm the contract with him. Then I'm going to talk to him."

He frowned slightly, "I'm a little worried that I can't do well."

Matthew thought for a while and said, "Chris, you only need to be a good narrator, and leave the rest of the work to professional people to handle."

"Well." Chris Kyle has always had a good impression of Matthew, "This is a good Don't worry." Matthew comforted.

Having just left the military and entering society, Chris Kyle has a long time to adapt.

Chris Kyle added, "Now I have to prepare for the company and prepare my autobiography, which is even busier than in Iraq." He glanced at Matthew, "The autobiography is estimated to be completed next year."

Matthew smiled and said, "Don't worry, the work will be done step by step." At this point, he remembered one thing, "As for the investment, my team has already evaluated and inspected, and will be with you as soon as the end of the month. Negotiate with Niebola about the investment."

"Okay!" Chris Kyle was a little excited, "I hope we can reach a cooperation."

Matthew looked at his watch, it was almost time, and he took the initiative to invite, "Let's go, let's go to the screening room, I hope you can appear on the screen one day."

People in the VIP room entered the theater one after another, and "Special Forces: The Rise of the Cobra", which was adapted from the same toy from Hasbro, was officially released!

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