Best Movie Star

Chapter 845: funniest game

[Book Title: Best Movie Star Chapter 845 The Most Interesting Game Author: White No. 13]

The latest chapter of the best movie star 2k novel network welcomes you! The domain name of this site: \"2k novel\" complete pinyin, easy to remember! nice novel

Strongly Recommended: The Great Doctor, the Great Master, the Great Ruler of the Holy Ruins, the Lord of Xue Ying, and the Legend of the Eternal Dragon King The big-brimmed hat in uniform, the big-brimmed hat rode a two-wheeled motorcycle and drove forward at a high speed.

The big-brimmed hat got closer and closer, and gradually appeared in front of him, revealing the face under the brim.

On the dark face, a pair of eyes stared like copper bells, staring at the front, and the mighty and vigorous body is unforgettable.

This is the protector of peace and tranquility! It is not only full of justice and agility, but more importantly, it has a wealth of knowledge and is a veritable all-rounder in both civil and military.

As the man showed his full face, a piece of music suddenly sounded.

This music is obviously the background music of the characters!

Big brim hat comes with bgm!

The music played, the singing sounded, and a passage of lyrics was clearly identifiable.

"Eyes staring like copper bells, shooting lightning-like cleverness, ears sticking up like antennae, listening to all suspicious sounds, you sharpen your sharp claws and roam around, you have brought us peace of life..."

Accompanied by the singing of bgm, the two-wheeled motorcycle suddenly stopped, and the black uniform and big brim hat got off the car and came to the roadside, looking not far ahead.

In that desert, as if it had been hit by a meteorite, a huge depression was formed. In the very center of the depression, a golden rod was inserted into the hard rock, pointing straight to the sky.

There is a line of words Ruyi gold hoop stick on the stick!


The big-brimmed hat in the black uniform called out, and suddenly said, "Visitor from heaven, you are not alone!"

As soon as these words fell, a whirlwind rolled up behind the big-brimmed hat, and as the whirlwind fell, a large group of strangely-shaped people suddenly appeared.

At the front is a weird man with three eyes, holding a peculiarly shaped three-pointed two-edged knife in one hand, and holding a dog of unknown breed in the other.

Next to him, a man in a hood on a donkey...

Above them, a big boy with a golden hula hoop and a arquebus was standing on a flaming wheel.

Behind, standing on the ground are seven little kids, each with a gourd on their head.

"Go and find this person!" Big-brimmed hat said slowly, "He will be the best fist in the league!"

The bgm voice suddenly increased.

"Ahahaha Black Cat Sheriff Forest Citizen salutes you, salutes you, salutes you..."

This song was like a magic sound that penetrated his brain, ringing in his ears again and again, pulling Matthew back to reality from his dream, making him unconsciously open his eyes.

The blank eyes looked around subconsciously, there was no gourd baby, no Erlang god, no Avanti, no third prince of Nezha, and no mythical alliance to maintain world peace.

There is a Ruyi Golden Hoop Rod...

Matthew woke up, looked at his own golden hoops, and then looked at the blond goblin next to him, who was beaten to death by the golden hoops last night, and has not woken up yet.

Next to Scarlett Johansson was still soundly asleep, and Matthew did not disturb her. After getting out of bed and washing, he went outside to start a routine morning run.

At the end of the premiere yesterday, he took Scarlett Johansson back to Horner Manor. The two were old friends, so of course they would not be polite. When they came back, they started without a word, and then he had that dream.

In other words, across the Pacific Ocean with a long history, the film themes and heroic characters that can be filmed are really not comparable to the United States, a country with little history.

Unfortunately, the film industry cannot be changed by a few blockbuster films or a few directors and producers. This is a series of complex propositions from the industrial base to the surrounding industries.

Perhaps in the not too distant future, we can see commercial films produced across the Pacific like "Iron Man" and "The Avengers".

Matthew went back after a lap, and Scarlett Johansson also woke up. The two had breakfast together, and he asked someone to send Scarlett Johansson to abc TV.

"Iron Man 2" has just premiered, and now is the busiest time for publicity.

The film was entertaining and had the foundation laid by Iron Man, and the response was very good.

The most important thing is that Marvel Studios has gradually determined its own characteristics and routines through "Iron Man 2".

In the film, some people are responsible for being funny, some people are responsible for selling their faces and bodies, and some people are responsible for expanding their worldview, plus the villains who seem to be awesome but are actually dead...

These are all familiar to Matthew, and these also show that Marvel Studios is on the right track.

Although I don't know if Kevin Feige was in charge of Marvel Studios, but from the current situation, Kevin Feige is a very good commercial producer.

So, he called Robert Iger specifically to express his support for Kevin Feige.

"Iron Man 2" also proved the ability of Kevin Feige at the box office.

The film was subsequently released on a large scale in North America, and within three days of its first weekend, it grossed $131.3 million at the box office from 4,380 theaters!

The Marvel Superhero Universe has taken another solid step on the road to success.

With the success of the "Iron Man" series, there will inevitably be more and more superheroes revealing their true identities in the future.

Why is Iron Man so popular? For superheroes, the coolest thing about "Iron Man" is that it's not secretive. The "coming out" at the end of the first episode makes the audience hooked, compared to Batman, who has made the whole Gotham City uneasy in order to cover up his identity. ; In order to cover up the identity of Spider-Man, who has put his girlfriend in danger several times, Tony Stark is really refreshing.

The audience is used to seeing deepness and pretending to be deep, getting used to being aggrieved and pretending to be aggrieved, and seeing too many tragic heroes who bear family hatred and hatred. How can a middle-aged man show his various charms and abilities, how can it not make people interested?

There is no doubt that Matthew's investment is once again a big success, and it won't be long before he can sit and count his money again.

As a bank employee, counting money is very hard work, but for people like Matthew, counting money is definitely the most interesting game.

Money isn't just a numbers game, it's a lot of fun.

In just two weekends, Iron Man 2 surpassed $200 million at the North American box office and over $500 million worldwide.

These stimulated a lot of people.

For example, Matthew is very cool, and his rich net worth is like a huge fame, which makes it easier for him to chop down more trees.

For example, Warner Bros. and DC Comics are all in a hurry.

Although dc and Marvel are not as antagonistic as the two fans have shown, let alone the so-called enemy, but seeing the old rivals so beautiful, how could dc comics not react?

You know, when DC Comics' Superman and Batman were brilliant on the big screen, Marvel's superheroes were still eating dirt.

Anyone who replaces this huge gap will have an unbalanced heart.

Because of the close cooperation with Warner Bros., Matthew has received a lot of news about DC superhero movies. The success of "Iron Man 2" has the greatest impact in two aspects.

First of all, the new "Superman" project in charge of Zack Snyder was officially put on the agenda, and early planning began. Zack Snyder, Warner Bros. and DC Comics sent invitations to Helen Herman at the same time, wanting Matthew to appear. Clark Kent.

Matthew didn't even think about it, and directly let Helen Herman reject them.

The most feared thing in this era is the near-perfect saint. Whether in reality or on the big screen, being a saint is a thankless job, and Clark Kent is undoubtedly a saint among saints.

Perhaps because of the different universes and timelines in the comics, Superman has many messy plots such as blackening, and the movie will definitely be cautious.

And he's worked with Zach Snyder and knows this guy is a crazy dc comics fan.

Converting the plot from the comics directly to the big screen is what Zach Snyder did in "Watchmen."

He just supported Kevin Feige in front of him, how could he go to this kind of thunder?

Hopefully Zach Snyder can make a way for dc superhero movies.

Faced with this situation, Matthew can only think so, Zach Snyder has cooperated with him, but it does not mean that Zach Snyder invites him again, he will cooperate obediently in the past.

On the other hand, Warner Bros. and DC Comics have increased their investment in "Green Lantern" This "Green Lantern" is of extraordinary significance to Warner Bros. and DC Comics, to a large extent , as important as Iron Man is to Marvel.

Because this is the beginning of the Justice League universe planned by Warner Bros. and DC Comics.

If the first part of the series starts with Squibs, what about the rest of the movies? A failed Green Lantern is unacceptable by any means.

Green Lantern's $250 million production budget was high enough to allow the production team to create dazzling visual effects, so the additional investment from Warner Bros. and DC Comics was all placed on the film's publicity and promotion.

According to information obtained by Matthew, the total budget of "Green Lantern" for global promotion and marketing is as high as 200 million US dollars, and Warner Bros. and DC Comics will also invest additional funds as appropriate.

The $200 million promotional and marketing budget is almost comparable to that of Avatar.

The total investment of Warner Bros. and DC Comics in "Green Lantern" can directly catch up with "Avatar", and may even exceed "Avatar".

In Hollywood, the more investment in a commercial blockbuster, the greater the chance of a great box office hit.

Of course, everyone knows that there are countless large-scale commercial films with high investment and low production, and some can even bankrupt a medium-sized production company.

Once "Green Lantern" was a sinkhole, no one knows whether Will Smith can fill this huge hole with his black life.

Black cinema is on the rise, a trend Matthew can't deny and can't reverse.

While Black Lives Matter became politically correct, many black stars rose and many black stars fell.

This is also the inevitable law of the development of Hollywood, and it cannot be changed by one person either. 2k novel reading network

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