Best Movie Star

Chapter 891: Agreement with Leonardo

The hottest place in summer is not the Sahara Desert, but the North American film market.

In 2011, nearly 40 Hollywood blockbusters with medium production scale or above will set sail from North American theaters, setting up what seems to be the strongest summer program in history.

This is the moment when the film is full, and it is also the season when the box office is flying.

On May 6, with the power of the "Superhero League Film Festival" created by the "Los Angeles Times", "Green Lantern" will start the starting gun for the summer market race.

Within four months, "Pirates of the Caribbean 4", "Fast and Furious 5", "Transformers 3", "Harry Potter and the Second Deathly Hallows" and other films will appear one by one, and the last two will be staged. DreamWorks' "Kung Fu Panda 2" and Pixar's "Cars 2" continue their once-a-year animated film duo showdown; 3D is no longer a luxury, as nearly two dozen movies have draped it.

Although "Green Lantern" grabbed the first stick of the summer season, how could Marvel Comics, an old friend, make DC lonely? Two of Marvel's hero groups will also hit the screen this summer -- the X-Men reboot of "First Class" and the Avengers' commander, Captain America.

The title announced by the latter also brought a bigger surprise: "Avengers Pioneer"!

Marvel's "Avengers" after years of foreshadowing is coming.

Compared with Marvel superhero movies, DC is indeed a lot behind, so Warner Bros. and DC Comics will spend a lot of money on "Green Lantern", hoping to make the Justice League universe have a better result than "Iron Man", Thus laying a solid foundation for the Justice League universe in one fell swoop.

Matthew has a long-term and in-depth cooperation with Warner Bros., and can inquire about many of Warner Bros.'s operational decisions in terms of movies. Warner Bros. has decided that after the end of its ace series "Harry Potter", it will release one or two films every year. A superhero movie based on DC Comics.

Recently, DC Comics has been optimized and reorganized, and the more powerful Jeff John has taken the stage as the chief creative officer of DC superhero movies, in charge of the DC superhero movie series, in order to dig DC's treasures as much as possible, let it be. In the "post-Harry Potter era" can continue to develop, catching up with old friend and old rival Marvel Comics.

"The release of "Green Lantern" changed the pattern of DC's reliance on Superman and Batman to resist Marvel's offensive."

In the VIP lounge of the Kodak Theater, where the premiere was held, Charles Rowan, a famous producer from Warner Bros., told Matthew, "In addition to next year's Batman: The Dark Knight Rises, Superman: The Iron Man In addition to "The Body", DC's "Justice League" project has also been resurrected and aimed at 2013 in response to Marvel's masterpiece "Avengers."

Matthew nodded lightly, "If everything goes well, DC will soon catch up."

Here and now, what can he say? It can't be said that many of DC's plans are not feasible, right?

Charles Rowan said, "Green Lantern 2, The Flash, and Wonder Woman are also on the agenda, and DC hero movies will have a climax in the next few years."

From Warner Bros. to DC Comics to Charles Rowan, the producer of Green Lantern, all have confidence in Green Lantern.

Matthew has yet to see this "Green Lantern", Warner Bros. is said to have only conducted an internal preview, and no relevant reviews have appeared in the media so far.

It's either an issue with the quality of the film, or a lot of confidence.

Judging by Charles Rowan's reaction, it seems the latter is more likely, and he's just met Kevin Tesuhara, a confident Warner Bros. CEO.

Is this film completely different from the green clothes that always appeared on the money-losing list in my impression?

Seeing the top-to-bottom reaction from Warner Bros., Matthew is very skeptical, and once Green Lantern succeeds, the entire DC Comics superhero movie and Justice League universe will undoubtedly take a different path than it once was.

Frankly speaking, compared with the Marvel world, the DC world is larger and more idealized; the superpowers of DC heroes are generally stronger and more imaginative.

If "Green Lantern" really succeeds in landing on Earth, DC's Justice League will also begin to assemble, superheroes like Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Flash, Wonder Woman, Catwoman, Aquaman and other superheroes will be the first Or make another appearance on the big screen!

Perhaps, this means that a huge DC movie version of the universe will unfold from this...

After chatting with Charles Rowan for a while, Matthew went elsewhere and found Kevin Feige, the master of the Marvel superhero cinematic universe, who also came to the premiere of "Green Lantern".

"You've always had a good relationship with Warner Bros.," Kevin Feige asked proactively. "Have you seen this Green Lantern? Do you think it's a success?"

In his opinion, if Matthew thinks there is a problem, "Green Lantern" will probably end.

Matthew shook his head slowly, "I haven't seen it yet."

Kevin Feige looked over to Charles Rowan and said, "I hope this movie is a success."

Matthew wondered, "Why?"

Kevin Feige explained simply, "Marvel and DC have never been enemies, and the competition is not fierce. The era of superhero movies has come. The more successful superhero movies are, the more the superhero market can develop. The wider it is, the more people who ignore superhero movies become a potential audience.”

Matthew nodded lightly, "Maybe in the future, the superheroes of Marvel and DC will be able to collaborate in movies."

Hearing him say that, Kevin Feige couldn't help laughing.

In the comics, there are many times that Marvel and DC's superheroes are linked.

From the Internet alone, it seems that Marvel and DC are life-and-death enemies, but this is just a fight between the brains of the two sides.

The two companies have no major grudges.

In fact, in the form of American comics, it is not surprising that the writer and the painter work for two companies at the same time. It is normal to draw Captain America today and Superman the day after tomorrow.

Not to mention the recent DC adjustment, the staff have switched jobs to each other, it can be said that they are both opponents and basic friends.

Matthew then met Zach Snyder again and had a brief conversation, who had decided to use his dark wind in Superman: Man of Steel.

Every director has his own ideas and concepts, Matthew can't say much, and he won't be stupid enough to say too much.

It's just that I really want to go on like this, even if this "Green Lantern" is successful, if the DC superhero movie still follows the style of Zach Snyder...

It's not that Zack Snyder's style is bad, the style of the film should be diversified.

The problem is, this era doesn't necessarily suit Zack Snyder's style.

Although DC's comics are better, but in this era of fast food culture, the screen and the Internet are the way to quickly accumulate popularity.

Matthew didn't say much. After Zach Snyder left, he suddenly found a couple walking over.

"Hi, Matthew."

Seeing Leonardo DiCaprio and Blake Lively by his side, he smiled and said, "Good evening, Leo."

His eyes swept across Blake Lively. Blake Lively was wearing a blue printed dress with a sweet and lovely fluffy skirt. The V-shaped opening on the back was very sexy. He had an unobstructed figure and a long blond hair and a long waist. The shape of the legs is exactly what Leonardo DiCaprio likes.

Matthew sighed in his heart, in fact, how similar he is to Leonardo DiCaprio's aesthetics.

Blake Lively took the initiative to greet Matthew, and Matthew responded politely. Before reading newspapers and movie posters, Blake Lively always gave people a feeling of being old-fashioned. Now seeing a real person, Matthew feels The real person is younger and more beautiful than the camera lens.

Clearly, Blake Lively is one of those actors who is a little off-camera.

This kind of actor is not uncommon in Hollywood, such as Jack Jaylen Hill, the real person is much more handsome than the character.

Blake Lively went to another place after saying hello. Matthew and Leonardo DiCaprio have known each other for many years and are also people who share common interests. He immediately asked, "Leo, what do you want? stabilized?"

"What?" Leonardo seemed surprised that Matthew would ask this.

Matthew said directly, "Get married, Leo. Marry a fan who likes you and admires you, and you will be happy."

Leonardo narrowed his eyes. "Marriage? What a joke!" He looked at Matthew. "Tell me, Matthew. What intrigue are you trying to urge me to get married? Are you trying to have fewer competitors?"

Matthew knew that he wasn't talking about movies, but something else, he couldn't help shaking his fingers, "Leo, do I need to do this? You're not my opponent, you're already behind in both quantity and quality. ."

How could Leonardo easily admit defeat, "Wonder is not a win now, and we'll look back at who the winner is in twenty years."

"No problem." Matthew was full of confidence and stretched out his fist, "That's it!"

Leonardo also stretched out his and touched Matthew, "People who get married in the middle automatically admit defeat."

Matthew has considered the issue of future stability, but marriage is too far away for him, and nodded in response, "It's a deal!"

People who don't know, see their serious discussion, and think that these two guys will conquer the world with movies and characters.

There were chaotic footsteps at the door of the lounge, and some crew members came in one after another. Matthew easily found Will Smith and Jada Smith from the crowd.

The two were chatting and laughing, greeting people everywhere, and it didn't seem like they were pretending.

Is the main creator of the crew so confident?

Matthew shook his head, the speculation now is meaningless, the film is about to be released, and the market response will come out soon.

Just as he was about to enter the screening room, he found that the Will-Smiths stared at him for a while at the same time, seeming to pay special attention to him.

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