The next day.

The moment Lin Nan opened his eyes, he was stabbed by the fierce sunshine on the sea level!

From a distance, the sun in the East looks like it's floating on the sea. It looks very spectacular.

"It's a beautiful day."

Lin Nan bypassed bone spur and Toron, who were still sleeping, and came to the deck, stretching.

Good morning, Mr. Lin

Ah Hui and ah Li greet Lin Nan one after another.

"Didn't you two sleep?" Lin Nan asked.

"Three hours of sleep in turn." Ah Hui replied.

"You don't have to work so hard. You can get some sleep during the day. It's OK for us to take charge of the boat." Lin Nan said with a smile.

"Never. The purpose of our trip is to keep you on the island in the best condition." Ali declined.

Lin Nan couldn't say anything. He stood alone on the deck, blowing the sea breeze and looking at the sparkling water.

Bone thorn and Toron wake up, they are sitting in the cabin, drinking tea and eating dry food.

Bone spur is still telling tolong the adventure story of Longyin team!

These stories, listen to the Toron blood surging, and heart yearning.

calm and tranquil!

Lin Nan jumps to the highest mast of the ship and looks into the distance.

But he could see nothing but sea water... No islands or coastlines.

It seems that there is still some distance to sol island.

In the afternoon, the deck was too dry, so Lin Nan went back to the cabin.

Bone spurs casually said: "Dragon King, what do you say Qin Feng are doing now? Do you know we're going to the island? "

"I don't know. Nobody knows what's happening on the island now." Lin Nan shook his head.


Bone thorn sighed and fell down to rest again.

At this time, ah Hui and ah Li were standing at the end of the ship, looking sad.

Ah Hui looked forward with a telescope and said, "it's strange that we have arrived at the sea area near dasol island. It's very strict here. Why are there other ships?"

Ali grabbed the telescope and looked at it.

In the field of vision, he saw several big ships, black and dead, on the sea.

"What on earth is this?" Ah Li also asked.

Obviously, this is not common.

Ah Hui took a deep breath and said, "I'll report to Mr. Lin."

In the cabin, Lin Nan heard a series of rapid footsteps.

The next second, ah Hui entered the cabin and said, "Dragon King, we found an abnormal ship in front of us. Do we need to make a detour?"

"Why detour?" Lin Nan asked subconsciously.

"Our voyage this time is very hidden. If we are found by other ships, it may have an impact." Ah Hui said seriously.

"How long does it take to make a detour?" Spur asked again.

"At least 15 more hours!"

What ah Hui said is not exaggerated at all. It is already conservative.

"No, we don't have much time left. We can't waste too much time at sea."

Lin Nan got up and said, "take me to see what kind of abnormal ship it is."

"Good!" Ah Hui nodded.

"Let's go and have a look."

Spurs and Toron followed.

The bow of the Ali heard footsteps, put down his telescope and said: "those ships are really strange, they stop on the sea and do not move."

"Is it a fishing boat?" Toron guessed.

"No, fishing boats don't dock together." Ali shook his head.

Lin Nan took the telescope and looked forward.

Sure enough, we could see three big ships close together, and we could vaguely see people walking on the deck.

"No matter, get close to it. It's not necessarily a Chinese boat. It's probably a tourist boat from other countries." Lin Nan put down his telescope.

"But... We have entered the sea area near sol Island, which is forbidden to other ships!"Ah Hui frowned and felt that things were not so simple.

"It's more about the past!"

Lin Nan said with a smile, "no matter what it is, go to find out, don't you understand?"

Ah Hui and ah Li looked at each other, then nodded their heads at the same time and said, "all right

On the deck of the big ship opposite, the sailor, with a telescope, seemed to find a boat coming from the opposite side.

"Come on, report to boss, a boat is approaching!"


It's going to explode on the ship!

A one eyed man with a black mask in his left eye came out of the cabin, grabbed the telescope and looked at it for a while, then scolded, "where the hell is the boat from?"

"I don't know!" The sailor shook his head.

The one eyed dragon turned and said, "raise the flag! These people who don't know how to survive dare not come here! "


The sailor cried out, "raise the flag!"

As the flag rose, a Black Skull flag was flying in the air.

Ah Li is still observing every move of the opposite ship!

However, he was suddenly frightened and said, "yes... It's a pirate ship!"

"What? Pirate ship

Everyone got up on the deck.

"No, there are very few freighters on this route. Pirates can't starve to death in this sea area?"

Ah Hui has many years of experience at the helm, so he thinks something is wrong!

"But that pirate flag can't deceive people!" Ali said anxiously.

Ah Hui grabbed the telescope and said in surprise, "Damn, it's really a pirate ship!"

He immediately asked Lin Nan's opinion: "Mr. Lin, what should we do?"

"You want to go back when you're here? Get over there! No matter what pirates they are, if they stand in our way, they will be buried at the bottom of the sea! " Lin Nan's cloud is light and wind is light.

"Seriously?" Ali thought Lin Nan was joking.

In terms of the scale of the ships on the opposite side, it is definitely not a small pirate, but a huge pirate gang with hundreds of people!

But there are only five people on this ship, including him and ah Hui!

Spur also said: "don't hesitate to go up. If these pirates don't have eyes, no wonder we do!"

"Yes, it's better to be a pirate."

It's just a day's stay. Tolong's words have the flavor of Lin Nan - or the corporate culture of Longyin team.

"No matter! Speed up

Ah Hui clenched his teeth and went into the cockpit to improve the speed of the ship.

The sailor on the opposite pirate ship jumped up in surprise: "my God! Report to the boss! Instead of returning, the ship speeded up

The Cyclops are sleeping in the cabin. They wake up again!

"Are you fuckin 'upset?"

"Boss, the ship is speeding up!"

The one eyed dragon was stunned, and then said, "it's such a small wreck. You warn me. If you don't listen, put up the guns and sink them for me!"

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