Seeing Cheng Yuan, Lin Nan knew that the fish had taken the bait.

"It's true, of course, but until then, you have to stay in this place. We'll go through your cargo ship and see if there's anything suspicious Lin Nan said calmly.

Hearing this, Cheng Yuan is secretly happy in his heart.

In order not to be suspected, the ship has been carefully packed, and it is impossible to find clues from it!

"Well, please believe me, I am absolutely innocent!" Cheng Yuan bowed repeatedly.

"That's it. Wait for our news."

Lin Nan and Gucci turn around and go out.

Cheng Yuan thought about it and suddenly asked, "I don't know. How's my wife?"

"She's fine, just like you."

Lin Nan then left the detention room.


The door was shut.

Bone thorn reaches for the chain to lock the door, but is stopped by Lin Nan.

"Dragon King?" Bone spur a little puzzled.

Lin Nan said with a smile: "don't lock the door. At least give the mice a chance."

Bone spurs looking at Lin Nan's smile, instant meaning!

Two people hook shoulder to shoulder, left directly.

And Cheng Yuan has been listening to the voice of the door, suddenly feel wrong.

He went to the door and pushed it carefully. Then he drew back in an instant, and said with ecstasy: "these guys, don't lock the door? God help me

Lin Nan returned to the ground, found Li De and said, "commander Li, please do me a favor."

"But it doesn't hurt to say so." Li De said frankly.

"Withdraw the patrol troops from the island at night, and you should sleep and play. In a word, create a chaotic scene. Even if you hear someone moving in the headquarters or on the island, don't stop it. " Lin Nan said slowly.


We all have doubts on our faces.

Is this not dereliction of duty?

"They are here to inquire, so it's better to show them generously. Therefore, I didn't lock the door of the detention room. At night, he would sneak out to investigate everything on the island, and we would create a false impression of dereliction of duty for him. "

Lin Nan explained patiently, "in this way, he will feel that there is a big loophole in the island. On the one hand, we can break the news that we are prepared for; on the other hand, we can let the Falcon team relax their vigilance. "

"Wonderful! How wonderful

After hearing this, everyone gave a thumbs up.

Toron asked, "what the Dragon King meant was to let the two go back?"

"Yes, we should not only let them go back, but also take them out to sea politely. That's what it's called Lin Nan said with a smile.

Li De immediately agreed to Lin Nan's idea, nodded and said, "OK, I'll tell you now. I'll make sure there's no one on the island tonight!"


It's late at night on sol island.

Cheng Yuan carefully fumbled to the door and gently pushed the door open.


His figure flashed and he left the cell.

The shadows in the corridor moved slowly, very cautiously.

However, Cheng Yuan was not so careful after walking for a while, because he didn't see anyone.

"Is there no guard?"

When Cheng Yuan came to the end, he found that the two guards in the room fell asleep on the chair.

"What a good sleep!"

Cheng Yuan didn't even have to dodge. He strode up the stairs and came to the ground of the headquarters.

But as soon as he came up, he heard the voice of someone talking. He was so frightened that he rushed to the corner.

But listen carefully and find something wrong!

"Drink, drink more!"

"Don't drink. We'll have to patrol tomorrow morning."

"Patrol? It's just a walk. There's no war on sol island for a long time. It's useless for us to stretch our nerves every day. We should drink and have fun! "

"That's to say, today we arrested two businessmen who were killed, and the ship was searched. They are just businessmen. It's estimated that they will be released in two days."

"Whatever, I'll be drunk or not tonight!""Bang!"

The clear and crisp sound of wine glass collision.

Cheng Yuan can't help laughing!

"These fools don't know that disaster is coming! With that attitude, you still want to resist the falcons? We can take the headquarters in less than an hour! "

Cheng Yuan swaggered around the headquarters and found that the people here were playing and sleeping without any nervous feeling.

He left the headquarters and began to move quickly through the forest.

And now.

Lin Nan, Qin Feng and Gu CI are sitting at the top of the headquarters, looking at Cheng Yuan like a clown.

Lin Nan took a puff from the flue and said, "this guy is probably surprised."

But Qin Feng suddenly turned his head and asked, "brother Nan, what's the relationship between you and that woman?"

"It can't be said that I've been rebellious. It can only be said that... She is a poor woman who can't help herself. " Lin Nan explained lightly.

In fact, for Liang Siyu, he is not completely able to rest assured.

What Qin Feng is most afraid of is spy in spy.

The only thing that can control Liang Siyu is the poison he used to feed.

This thing can knock Liang Siyu at any time.

Bone spurs in a side way: "then you say she will become our key figure against the Falcon team, how to say?"

"Keep this secret for a moment. If she is really used by us, you will see it." Lin Nan deliberately sold a pass.

On the other side, Cheng Yuan swam fast on the island. He didn't even see half a person!

He stopped and said, "Sol island has not been in war for a long time. It's forgotten its duty, isn't it? The only defense line on the whole island is the coastal array.

Although I don't know what array it is, any seven Eagles can break it.

In addition, if we launch a surprise attack at night, we will attack the Yellow Dragon and win easily!

So it seems that the second elder brother is very thoughtful.

It's a very wise decision for Tianlai to seize sol island at this time!

I don't have to look into it any more. We will win this battle! "

Cheng Yuan wandered back to the headquarters and swaggered back to the detention room, just like going out to breathe, not like being imprisoned at all.

But as soon as he went back, all the people who were sleeping and drinking were smiling.

It's tiring for them to pretend.

Looking at the moonlight in the sky, Lin Nan shook his head and said, "maybe it's smart."

"Dragon King, when will we let them go?" Asked the spur.

"Tomorrow will be fine, but I have to talk to that woman."

Lin Nan jumped down from the top of the headquarters, waved back and said, "go back to rest."


It's another sunny day.

As soon as we met, we were talking about last night.

"As the Dragon King said, that man really slipped out at night!"

"It's killing me. I can't hold my breath when I sleep there!"



Lin Nan listened to these gossips and went underground alone.

Then he came to Liang Siyu's cell.

"Well, did you sleep well last night?" Lin Nan asked.

"I didn't sleep."

Liang Siyu sat in the corner, looking a little haggard.

Lin Nan took out a white pill and handed it to Liang Siyu, saying, "here is your breakfast."


Liang Siyu took a look and then laughed bitterly, "take medicine for breakfast? It's strange to have such a breakfast. "

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