As soon as Lin Nan listened to this condition, he immediately nodded and said, "OK, this matter is on us!"

"Don't break your promise, Mr. Huang." Qin Feng confirmed.

"I never break my promise?"

Huang Kui began to smoke again.

Lin Nan took a look at Qin Feng, then ran down the stream.

At this time, Xiaoyu came out with a pot of porridge, tilted his head and said, "grandfather, do you really want to tell them the way to go to lingyao Valley?"

Huang Kui, however, laughed mysteriously: "the lake is extremely deep. There are more than ten streams converging here, and the water is fast. It's impossible for them to dive into the bottom of the lake to pick up the flowers. I'm trying to make them retreat. "

"Grandfather, does water flower really exist?" Xiaoyu asked again.

"Water heart flower is a real existence and belongs to the top grade of a kind of elixir. I've always wanted one, but I can't get it. " Huang Kui said regretfully.

"What if they do get it?" Light rain a face pure ground asks a way.

Huang Kui was stunned. He asked, because he never thought about it.

"If they can pick it, it means they are not ordinary people. Let them go to the elixir valley."

Huang Kui dropped his pipe and said with a smile, "give me a bowl of porridge!"

"All right, grandpa!" Xiaoyu said happily.

Lin Nan and Qin Feng are very fast, and the distance of ten li road is at their feet.

After a while, they came to the end of the stream and stood in front of the lake.

The water of the lake is very clear. Streams gather in all directions. When you look at the lake, you can see your reflection clearly.

"Nange, the lake is very deep. It looks very deep. You see... The water in such a clear lake can't be seen to the end, and the current is very fast. " Qin Feng said with a frown.

"Then you stay on the shore and I'll dive into the bottom of the lake to have a look!" Lin Nan said.

"We'd better go to the bottom of the lake to find out. At least there's a care." Qin Feng rolled up his sleeves.

"That's bullshit. Let's go!"



There are many small water splashes on the surface of the lake, and Lin Nan and Qin Feng have penetrated into the lake.

Shortly after they dived into the bottom of the lake, a figure stood on the surface of the lake.

Bai Li Jun Zhu squatted on the bank, showing a meaningful smile: "I have the courage to dive into the bottom of the lake."

Then he put his slender right hand into the lake and said with a smile, "come on, my pets..."

With the swing of his hand, groups of fish came to the shore.

It's a black area on the surface of the lake. The number is terrible.

Bai Li Jun Zhu said with a smile, "there are two guests at the bottom of the lake. You should treat them well."

With that, a light red light penetrated his fingertips.

With his fingers as the center, layers of ripples began to ripple.

The fish didn't respond.


In a second

These fish's eyes turned red, and then showed sharp teeth, swarming to the bottom of the lake!

Bai Li Jun Zhu stood on the bank and said with a laugh: "let these two guests from afar feel your enthusiasm, ha ha ha ha..."

At this time, Lin Nan and Qin Feng are suffocating and sinking.

With their strength, it's OK to stay at the bottom of the lake for a few days.

The lake is really deep and terrible. Lin Nan has been diving for a long time and has not seen the bottom.

The same is true of Qin Feng.

He looked back at the lake to see how far he had sunk.

However, he did not see the lake, but saw a dark, do not know what things, is towards this side.

It's like a black underwater storm!

Qin Feng's expression changed greatly. He accelerated to the downstream, and then made gestures to Lin Nan!

You can't talk in the lake.

However, Lin Nan still understood something through Qin Feng's gesture, so he looked back!

At this look, his brow also wrinkled up!

Countless schools of fish are attacking them fiercely!

"Can these fish attack people?"

Lin Nan frowned suddenly.

Seeing the fish coming, he flashed to the side flexibly!


Fierce fish flashed in front of him.

Don't underestimate the fish. When they run away, they have the momentum of thousands of troops.

Qin Feng's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, so he could avoid it.

Then he pointed to Lin Nan, then to the bottom, then to himself, and finally to the fish.

Lin Nan understood what he meant in an instant.

Qin Feng asked him to go down to pick water flowers. He came to stop the fish.

Lin Nan nodded and dived down quickly!

Qin Feng saw the fish chase down, and his right fist began to accumulate power, causing the lake water around his body to roll violently!


The bottom of the lake trembles with one blow!

Baili Junzhu stood on the bank and suddenly gave way to one side.


A huge column of water rose into the sky, and dozens of fish bodies were brought up and floated on the water.


Hundred Li Jun bamboo Yin fine uncertain smile way.

Lin Nan didn't know what happened to these fish, why they all seemed to be crazy.

But his goal is not to fight against the fish, but to go to the bottom of the lake to pick water flowers, the rest to Qin Feng to do it!

After getting rid of the fish, Lin Nan's speed has been improved.

Soon, he finally saw the bottom of the lake.

Lin Nan began to look at the bottom of the lake.

He didn't see it with his own eyes.

However, he had learned a little from the herbal illustrated books before.

There are many kinds of color of water heart, white is the best variety, and many petals, spiral outward expansion, very beautiful.

However, Lin Nan looked for it for a long time and got nothing.

The lake kept shaking, and the Qin wind was still above it, circling with the fish.

Lin Nan once began to doubt whether Huang Kui had deliberately lied to him.

Just as he was about to give up, he suddenly caught a glimpse of white.

Although the white flash away, but Lin Nan can not be wrong.

Lin Nan was overjoyed and swam quickly.

In the middle of a few big stones, there are a few white petals revealed vaguely, also emitting a holy white light.

Lin Nan lifted the stone and saw the legendary water flower.

He did not doubt that there was him, carefully picked the water heart flower.

Then, Lin Nan turns around and swims towards the lake!

Qin Feng was really powerless in the water. On the one hand, he had to hold his breath. On the other hand, he had to overcome the resistance of the water. After a few blows, he was obviously weak.

However, the number of fish is too much, has surrounded him, dark and impenetrable!

The fish in the whole lake seem to have become beasts that can attack people.


There is a golden light at the bottom of the lake!


The water of the lake tumbles violently, and the golden light opens a road directly in the school of fish!

Qin Feng saw Lin Nan and swam to the lake quickly!


The lake burst!

Two huge spray rises, Lin Nan and spray fall to the shore together!

"Brother Nan, have you got it?" Qin Feng asked as soon as he came ashore.


Lin Nan held out his hand.

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