"If it's 10000 Jiupin panacea, it's a little possible." He Nantian joked.

"Ten thousand?"

Lin Nan also smiled. "If there are so many miraculous drugs, they are not worth money at all."

"So it's definitely not the reason for the elixir. It may be something unknown." I don't regret guessing.

"Stop guessing. Just follow me." Wuchen leads the way.

"By the way, where is the spirit beast cave? I never knew. " Lin Nan asked.

"In the middle of the mountain, any spirit cave can lead to the spirit beast cave. It's just that the one you're staying in is sealed by rubble. " Dustless explained.

"Is that so?"

Lin Nan didn't expect that the truth should be so simple and rough.

"Good luck. There's a spirit cave in front."

No dust pushed aside the vegetation in front of him, and an ancient cave was immediately exposed in front of him.


The four jumped into the cave.

The cave is very narrow and can only accommodate two people walking in line.

No dust and no regret in falling, Lin Nan and he Nantian are behind.

Before they walked for a while, they felt a magnificent aura coming to their faces.

"Sure enough, there is a powerful source of aura in the depths of the cave." He was surprised.

"You think I'm kidding you?" No dust is inexplicably proud.

The deeper you go, the wider the road in the cave.

He Nantian stopped in front of a pile of stones, picked up a stone and said, "these stones seem to be walls."

"General he, did you find anything?" Lin Nan asked.

He Nantian looked around again and analyzed: "if I guessed correctly, these spiritual caves were not opened, but there was a strong source of spiritual Qi inside. Through the release of spiritual Qi for a long time, it led to the expansion of spiritual Qi, which broke through the mountain and opened all the spiritual caves on the mountain."

"Yes, there is a great possibility." He nodded in agreement.

"Then let's go deep and see what's there!" Lin Nan can't wait.

"Go, go, go!"

Along the direction of the aura, he soon came to the end of the spirit beast cave.

Suddenly, the powerful aura filled the faces of the four people.

"What's that?" Wuchen pointed to a white vortex in the cave and said.

"Spring water?"

Luobu regretted and walked over curiously.


A gust of wind suddenly blew up and directly blew the falling regret away!

He rolled around in the air, then fell to the ground and said, "it seems that he doesn't want us to get close."

He Nantian frowned and said, "it's not a spring at all, but a vortex of Aura!"

"Reiki vortex?"

The others looked at it and immediately recognized it!

"Originally, this aura vortex is the source of aura, but why is this here? How did it happen? " I'm full of questions now.

"I'll have a look."

Dust free strides forward!

But the result is the same.

A strong wind blew out and just lifted the dust out.

"Can't you get close?" Lin Nan murmured.

"It seems that whenever someone approaches, the aura vortex will produce resistance. But the more so, the more people can't flinch. "

He Nantian made full preparations this time and strode forward.


The aura vortex blew a gust of wind again and directly blew to he Nantian.

Congratulations on Nantian's early preparation. He immediately ran up his aura and forced himself to stand in the strong wind.


The strong wind swept across the corner of he Nantian's clothes and made a sound.


I don't regret my surprise.

He Nantian carried the strong wind and began to stride forward, approaching the aura vortex a little bit.

Just as he was about to meet, the wind suddenly rose!

He Nantian instantly strengthened his aura, but he was blown out!


He Nantian's body hit the mountain wall and fell down.

"No! The closer you get, the greater the resistance! " He Nantian frowned.

"Then there's no way to get close at all." Wuchen looked at the aura vortex in front of him.

"I'm afraid I can't help it."

He Nantian shook his head and said, "this aura vortex is very mysterious. No matter why it appears here, it makes people scared."

"It is said that in the ancient times, there were plenty of spiritual energy and many practitioners. Later, 90% of the world's spiritual energy was removed and sealed in a certain dimension. Could it be here..."

Dustless guessed.

"What else?" Lin Nan was surprised.

Luo Buhui said, "you mean... This aura vortex is sealed with an immeasurable aura?"

"You can't jump to conclusions until you have definite information."

He Nan lengjing said, "in short, there are great secrets here. We can't get close to the facts. It's better to leave first and make plans again."

"That's the only way." Don't regret nodding.

"All right!"

Dustless also agreed.

The three great masters were ready to turn back, but they found Lin Nan still pestling there.

"Lin Nan?"

Wuchen didn't understand.

Lin Nan walked forward: "I feel that this aura vortex doesn't seem to repel me."

"What are you talking about? Come back!" No dust waved.


Lin Nan walked many steps forward, but there was no strong wind.

"Hey, isn't it?"

He Nantian couldn't believe it.

When he was standing in Linnan's position just now, the strong wind blew his eyes out!

But Lin Nan has gone. Why hasn't anything happened?

Lin Nan continued to walk forward until he came to the aura vortex. He was still very calm.


I don't know how to describe my inner shock!

Lin Nan reached out and touched the aura vortex.


A current of aura rushed into his whole body, like an electric shock!

Lin Nan jerked his hand back and was shocked!

Just hesitate for another second, you may burst your blood vessels and die!

"What's the matter?" Asked Wuchen.

But Luo Buhui seemed to find something. He pointed to Lin Nan's waist and said, "look, what's that?"

Wuchen and he Nantian looked and found something in Lin Nan's pocket emitting a faint green light.

"Sure enough, it's that thing!" Dustless knows what it is.

Lin Nan jumped back to his place and said, "everyone, there is an incomparably powerful aura in the aura vortex. My current cultivation is unmanageable. I just touched it and almost burst!"

"Of course, if the rumor is true, the aura in it is beyond your imagination." He Nantian explained.

Luo Buhui didn't care about these, but asked, "Lin Nan, what's in your pocket?"


Lin Nan inexplicably stretched his right hand to his pocket, then took out a jade and said, "this is given to me by the village head at the foot of the mountain."

"Can I have a look?" he asked

"Of course."

Lin Nan handed over the jade.

Luo Buhui stroked and said, "is this..."

"It's zhenlingshi. That's right!" He Nantian affirmed.

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