"Can't even you hacker do anything?" Lin Nan sighed.

If you can't, you can only break in!

"Thirty seconds!"

Gu Feng clenched his teeth and said, "I can delay another 30 seconds. Can you go out in time?"

"Enough!" Lin Nan nodded.

"OK, leave it to me! Now you face out and get out as fast as you can! "

The lone wind's fingers are flying, and he is about to press Mars on the keyboard.


Lin Nan, carrying the lonely wind, turned into a golden light and rushed out of the wall of the backyard.

Qin Feng followed, very fast!

"Not outside the wall! There is also monitoring outside. We must be completely out of the monitoring range here! " The lonely wind took the time to say.

"Don't worry, that's enough!"

Lin Nan is absolutely confident in his speed!

In the monitoring room at this time, spade K watched the recovery process of the monitoring system be blocked.

Instead of being angry, he laughed contemptuously and said, "temporary damage to the system? But it can only be delayed for 30 seconds. Don't struggle to death. "

"How's it going?" Qi Huanchen asked impatiently.

"Don't worry, young master. All monitoring systems will be enabled in 30 seconds. At that time, those intruders will have nowhere to hide!" Spade K smiled.

Qi Huanchen has no doubt about this.

He has absolute trust in the hacking technology of spade K. Qi Chaosheng spent a lot of money to get spade K from abroad in order to prevent this from happening.

Time goes by second by second.

Just 30 seconds, but it feels longer than 30 minutes!

27、 Twenty eight, twenty nine, thirty!

"OK, the monitoring system is restored!" Spade K resounded.

All the pictures appeared on the huge screen in an instant, and every corner of the Qi family residence could be seen clearly.

"Look! Find me the intruder! " Qi Huanchen said loudly.

All the staff were staring at the monitor screen, trying to find clues.


They searched for a long time, but found nothing.

Stop talking about people... There's not a fly.

"Little... Young master, there is no one!"

"Impossible! Did the alarm net air attack? Find it for me! " Qi Huanchen roared.

At this time, Lin Nan turned into a golden light and fell 500 meters away from the residence. The lonely wind rolled around the ground, and Qin Feng followed.

"Should not have been found?" Qin Feng asked with lingering fear.

"If it's thirty seconds, I'm sure I didn't find it." Lin Nan said confidently.

Gu Feng got up and sat blankly under the tree. Some didn't calm down, and his face was full of frustration.

Lin Nan smiled and comforted, "what's the matter? Have you met your opponent? "

"In that mansion, there is a top hacker whose strength is not inferior to mine!"

Gu Feng turns on the computer and finds that all the networks in the Qi family residence have returned to normal.


With sharp eyes, he found that at each connection port of the network, there was a sign of spade K on the playing card.

This discovery immediately made Gufeng exclaim, "is it him?"


Lin Nan and Qin Feng asked in unison.

"Spade K!" The lone wind bites his teeth.

"Spade K"? This man likes playing cards? " Lin Nan laughed.

"This is his code name. He likes the playing card of spade K very much. Therefore, after each crime, a mark of spade K will be left on the screen to ridicule the opponent. " Gu Feng explained.

"It's as bad as you." Qin Feng smiled bitterly.

Why are hackers so pissed?

Gu Feng said: "the bad taste of spade K is far better than me! He once conquered the defense system of one of the largest prisons in North America and released more than 70 ferocious prisoners. Therefore, he has always been the number one enemy of America! "

"Why did he do that?" Qin Feng said in surprise.

"You may not believe it. According to him, it's just fun for a while."

Gu Feng is so serious for the first time.

"I'll go. He's really worse than you!" Qin Feng smacks his tongue.

"You seem to know him well?" Lin Nan smiled.

"More than cooked?"

Gu Feng snorted coldly and said, "spade K and I are both hackers, and we are equal in level. Neither of us disagreed with the other. We had six contests, and the results were three wins and three defeats. "

"Isn't that a tie?" Qin Feng smiled.

"One day, I will decide with him!" Gu Feng made up his mind.

After hearing the story of spade K, Lin Nan wondered, "then why is he in the Qi family residence?"

"He loves money, very much!"

Gu Feng affirmed: "it must have been bought by a huge amount, otherwise people like him who like to wander and are still being chased and killed can't stay in such a place!"

"That's the problem again. Qi Chaosheng spared no expense to invite such a hacker. For what purpose? " Lin Nan touched his chin.

"What is his purpose?" Qin Feng asked curiously.

"This is not clear yet."

Lin Nan walked over to the car and said, "let's go back first."

"Well, it's almost dawn! Hurry back to wash and sleep. "

After they got on the bus, they left the Qi family residence far away and headed for the base.


In the monitoring room, all the staff looked back and forth the whole display screen more than 20 times, but they didn't even find a personal picture!

"Young master, there is really no one!"

"Look! Must be hiding! I don't believe no one! " Qi Huanchen angrily said.

"Young master, the monitoring of the residence is all over every corner. There is no place to hide!"

"Is that flying away?" Qi Huanchen still doesn't believe it.

At this time, the spade K sitting on the equipment chair said, "young master, they should have escaped."

"Ran away?" Qi Huanchen's eyes opened wide.


Spade K nodded and said, "just at the end of monitoring and recovery, they were forcibly implanted with a program of 30 seconds to destroy the system. This is a common means for hackers to delay time, and they only do so at a crisis. I think they escaped with these 30 seconds."


Qi Huanchen hit the table in front of him and said, "if I catch some ants, I can't spare you! Dare you sneak into the Qi family? "

"Don't worry, young master. There will be a second time for the first time. Next time, I will never let them escape. "

Spade K got up from his chair, yawned and walked to the monitoring room.

When he came to the door, he suddenly sneered: "lonely wind, it's time for us to win!"

Qi Huanchen was a little angry.

Someone broke into Qi's house and didn't even see what the other person looked like?

Isn't that equal to face to face?

Just then, the bodyguard just ran into the monitoring room and said, "young master, next... There is another person under electric shock, isn't it..."

Qi Huanchen suddenly reacted and ran quickly to the first floor.

When he came to the cage, he found that Ao Yun had been electrified into coke.

His whole body was dark and even smelled of paste.

Qi Huanchen closed the switch without a trace of compassion and said, "you deserve to be brave!"

Who knows!

Ao Yun suddenly opened his eyes, stretched his waist and said, "it's over?"

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