Lin Nan felt the violent shaking of the current and knew that someone had drilled into the sea.

However, the visibility of the black sea water is very poor. At the moment, he has dived very deep and should not be found for the time being.

As he sank deeper and deeper, he couldn't bear the huge pressure at the bottom of the sea, and his stomach had been depressed.

The most important thing is that he can't hold his breath. It seems that he is about to reach the limit.

Just then.

A magnificent aura sprang up in his elixir field!

Lin Nan was overjoyed in an instant. It seems that the water of the bitter sea has really lifted the seal of his Dantian.

For a moment, he worked his aura. He was like a fish in water at the bottom of the sea. He plunged into the depths!

Although the villagers are good at water, they can't dive too deep.

When they reached the limit, they floated towards the sea.

Fan Hou on the bank looked at the villagers floating ashore and asked, "did you find anything?"


The three shook their heads at the same time.

Fan Hou was relieved and said, "let's go and see if we can find it elsewhere."

A large group of people left * *.

At this time, Lin Nan has dived into the deepest part of the bitter sea, and has dived more than 500 meters by visual inspection.

After recovering his aura, he can stay at the bottom of the sea for a long time.

"Bitter sea, bitter sea..."

Lin Nan thought to himself, "if the bitter sea refers to this island, why do so many things choose the bitter sea? If you guessed correctly, this bitter sea must be related to the second half of the nine needles in the sky!"

He swam along the bottom of the sea quickly, holding a lucky heart, trying to find something.

However, Lin Nan was finally disappointed. There was nothing in the bitter sea except the black sea water.

Disappointed, Lin Nan felt that the people above should have left, so he was ready to swim upward.

However, he found a strange phenomenon.

When the current at the bottom of the sea flows forward, it suddenly changes its direction and goes upward, as if it were avoiding something.


This strange point aroused Lin Nan's suspicion.

"What is hidden in the dark?"

Lin Nan looked at the sea above his head and decided to wait and go up again.

So he swam quickly to the front. The closer he got to that place, the more strange the water was.


Lin Nan lost the buoyancy of the sea, and his whole body seemed to float. He rolled directly on the ground before stopping.

"What happened?"

Lin Nan stood up and looked around in surprise.

Because now he is not at the bottom of the sea, but in a hole. Just that feeling... It's like passing through a water curtain, a little similar to the water curtain hole of Huaguo Mountain.

"Isn't this an undersea cave?"

Lin Nan stood up, a little difficult to restrain his inner excitement.

How can there be no secret that there are such strange caves on this mysterious island and at the bottom of this * * sea?

Lin Nan walked deep into the cave, but the more he walked, the more disappointed he became. There was nothing here except the rock wall.

Until the end

Lin Nan suddenly shivered all over.

Because he saw that there were seventeen chains in front of him, and a man was bound in the middle of the chains!

"Dead or alive?"

Linnan tried to get close.

Whether dead or alive, it's weird to be tied in such a place, isn't it?

Step by step, step by step

When Lin Nan approached, the man suddenly looked up and stared at Lin Nan with his gloomy eyes.

This action was so strange that Lin Nan was startled and staggered. He stepped back a few steps: "alive!"

The man's clothes are ragged and his face is full of wrinkles. He should be very old.

"Who are you?" the old man asked in a deep voice.

Lin Nan reacted in an instant and said, "aren't you the prophet on the island?"

"Are you looking for the prophet?"

The old man's eyes suddenly showed hostility.

"No, no, no..."

Lin Nan shook his hands and said, "I just happened to be here."

The old man carefully took Lin Nan one eye and said, "you're not from the island. Why are you at the bottom of this bitter sea? Are you... With them?"

"What Gang? Who are they?" Lin Nan didn't understand.


The old man snorted coldly, "you seek power and usurp the throne, but you can't kill me. You can only imprison me in the bitter bottom of the sea. However, I can tell you that your plot will not succeed. One day, the island will return to its real owner!"

"What the hell are you talking about? Why can't I understand a word?"

Lin Nan couldn't help saying, "it's time to seek power and usurp the throne... You're not an ancient imperial system on the island!"

"You're not one of them?" the old man said in surprise.

"So, who are they?" Lin Nan thought the old man was playing a riddle.

"Ha ha ha!"

The old man suddenly laughed, and the laughter was very terrible.

Lin Nan got goose bumps. He finally found such a place. As a result, he was a crazy old man?

Who knows, the old man said word by word: "I am the leader of the tribe on this island!"


Lin Nan looked at the old man inexplicably and said, "are you the leader? Who is the one in the village now?"

"He was an outsider, framed me by despicable means, and then became the leader himself, trying to control the island," the old man said in a deep voice.


Lin Nan couldn't help taking a breath.

If this is true, it's terrible. The current leader is also an outsider?

But since he was an outsider, why did he attack them?

"What did you just laugh at?" Lin Nan asked.

"I've been laughing for decades, and finally someone came here to save me out." the old man smiled.

"Who said he saved you?"

Lin Nan feels a little funny. The old man is too self assertive.

However, the old man firmly said, "if you don't save me, you can't leave this island!"

"What do you say?"

Lin Nan frowned and said, "I have drunk the hydrolysis of the bitter sea. Why can't I leave except the seal of worry free fruit?"

"You think of the problem too simply."

The old man said seriously, "if you want to leave, you can't do it unless you revive the prophet. Even if you go out now, you have to lose your aura."

"Resurrect the prophet? How many women's souls will be sacrificed?"

Lin Nan whispered, "moreover, I think this method is too cruel!"

Hearing the speech, the old man smiled again and said, "ha ha ha! You have all been cheated. This is just a lie made up by the fake leader to kill outsiders! The real way to revive the prophet is ice grass!"

"Ice grass? Bitter sea?"

Lin Nan synthesized his thoughts and said, "is this prophet you're talking about related to the opening nine needles?"

After hearing this, the old man was pleasantly surprised and said, "is this why you came to the island?"

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