"Lin Nan, do you really think so? The seal of worry free fruit has not been lifted."

Li Jin worried, "if you encounter any danger, we can't help."

"It's just to save someone. I don't intend to die." Lin Nan said faintly.

"That's not good. As long as you can't get out of this island, you can't escape the leader's clutches!"

Li Jin is still instilling a sense of crisis into Lin Nan.

After all, Lin Nan is the only hope for everyone to survive. There must be no mistakes.

Lin Nan smiled confidently and said, "don't worry, I have my ideas."

Li Jin had nothing to say but to stop persuading.

On the other side, Miao Xuan has been driven under the stake.

"You let me go, let me go!" Miao Xuan twisted her body and said loudly.

The villagers ignored, but hung Miao Xuan on the stake with two ropes, and then pulled it down!


Miao Xuan's body was suspended in the air.

Then, the villagers firmly fixed the rope at the bottom of the wooden pile.

In this way, Miao Xuan was tied to a stake.

She looked down. Her eyes were full of firewood. Then she said in panic, "you... Don't you want to burn me?"

Fu Yuan said with a smile, "don't be so cruel. We intend to sacrifice you and give your soul to the great prophet, so your death is worth it."

"Are you kidding? I don't know the prophet. Why give him my soul? You find someone else!" Miao Xuan said flustered.

"Sorry, it can only be you."

Fu Yuan's eyes were cold and ordered, "fire!"


More than a dozen lighted torches were thrown on the firewood.

In an instant, there was smoke and fire.

Miao Xuan felt the heat below and was about to burn herself.

So she screamed, "let me go, I don't want to die! If I die, you will be finished. Because my master is a great master, I'm doing it for your good..."

Lin Nan listened to Miao Xuan's cry in the distance, took out his ear silently and said, "this girl is dying. She's still so noisy!"

Fu Yuan looked up at the sky and said with a laugh, "ha ha ha, when the great master comes, you have to be a slave to me on this island! Don't cry and sacrifice your soul obediently!"

"I don't want it!"

Miao Xuan suddenly remembered something and shouted, "Lin Nan, you liar, didn't you promise the master to protect me? Damn, where have you been now?"

"What noise!"

Lin Nan couldn't stand it and rushed out in an instant!

A golden light flashed and the stake broke from the waist.

Looking up, Miao Xuan has long disappeared.

This change was just a moment, and everyone present didn't react.


The broken stake hit the firewood pile, and the burning firewood immediately splashed around!


The villagers fled in surprise.

Everything that could burn around was lit, and soon it became a sea of fire, and the fire was still spreading towards the village.


The villagers didn't know what had happened, so they had to turn to Fu Yuan for help.

Fu Yuan said loudly, "fan Hou!"

"I'm here!" fan Hou immediately ran over.

"You are responsible for putting out the fire. Don't let the fire burn into the village!" Fu Yuan shouted.


Fan Hou answered, but asked again, "leader, that woman..."

"Give it to me!"

Fu Yuan angrily said, "dare the bold guy rob people in my territory?"


Fu Yuan jumped and disappeared in place.

Fan Hou recalled Miao Xuan's words and said, "is it Lin Nan who saved people? It's impossible. How can there be Reiki after taking worry free fruit?"

He really couldn't figure it out. He simply didn't think about it. He shouted, "fire, fire!"

And Li Jin's group of people are completely stupid.

"Where has Lin Nan gone?" Wu xiulai looked around.

"Is he really here? So far, no one has dared to do it on the fire sacrifice. If it annoys the leader, it may annoy all of us! It's really a mistake to let him be the leader. Can't you know the big and small things?" Thunderbolt Hand Yang Feng bit the back slot tooth.

However, Na Yihan, a poison friar in miaojiang, sneered and said, "just Lin Nan's skill, we can't do it even if we recover our aura."

"What do you mean?" Wu xiulai hissed.

"If I guess correctly, Lin Nan should be a great master!" nayihan affirmed.


Everyone was surprised.

Lin Nan didn't stay after saving Miao Xuan. He took Miao Xuan to a place thousands of meters away.


After Lin Nan landed, Miao Xuan didn't stand firm and fell to the ground.

Her nature was exposed and she shouted, "who are you? Why are you so rude to save people?"

"If you want to die, I can send you back," Lin Nan smiled back at Miao Xuan.

Hearing this sound, Miao Xuan was stunned and asked, "Lin Nan? Are you Lin Nan?"

"Can you be quiet?"

Lin Nan turned around and smiled at Miao Xuan.

When Miao Xuan saw Lin Nan, she suddenly threw herself into Lin Nan's arms. All the grievances she had suffered these days poured out at this moment!

"Why do you hate me so much and come to save me now? Wuwuwuwu... I thought I would never go back and never see the master again..."

Lin Nan pushed Miao Xuan away from her arms and asked, "didn't you fall into the sea by the waves that night? Why are you on this island?"

"I was..."

Miao Xuan just wanted to explain the situation. Suddenly her expression changed and said, "Lin Nan, be careful behind!"

Lin Nan quickly turned around and saw Fu Yuan attacking from the rear. He slapped him directly!

"Get out of the way!"

Lin Nan pushes Miao Xuan away and opposes Fu Yuan!


Powerful aura waves filled all around and made a loud noise!

Both of them were shocked by this powerful force and retreated several steps!

Fu Yuan looked at Lin Nan coldly and frowned, "how did you recover your aura?"

"Do you still ask me such an obvious thing?"

However, Lin Nan felt the unfathomable breath on Fu Yuan, frowned and asked, "you seem to be a great master."


Miao Xuan's heart trembled.

Why is there another great master!

Fu Yuan sneered and said, "that's it. Your great master came to the island. I've really been impolite, but you already know how to break the seal of worry free fruit. I can't keep you."

"Has the final say, I can't stay, but it's not your final say." Lin Nan said with a calm smile.

"Hum! I can be a leader by virtue of more than my spirit!"

Fuyuan's right palm fell, and a plume of black smoke wrapped around his palm, and then suddenly patted Lin Nan!

Lin Nan's Qi of swallowing the sky ran in an instant. The golden light flashed out of his body. After only a few moves, he avoided Fuyuan's attack and circled right behind Fuyuan.

"Swallow heaven's palm!"

This time it's Lin Nan's turn to fight back, treat him with his own way, and slap Fu Yuan!

Fu Yuan quickly turned around and blocked Lin Nan's palm with his arm!

Lin Nan smiled and made another effort on his palm. He directly shook Fu Yuan out!

"There is also a gap between great masters."

Lin Nan flashed to the top of Fuyuan and chopped down with his right foot!

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