The next morning, when the first ray of sunlight came into the room, Lin Nan also woke up from practice.

He got out of bed and got some movement.


All of a sudden, there was a stir fried bean like sound coming from his body.

After this night's practice, his aura has recovered.

And after the battle with Yang Yi, he vaguely felt that the movement of aura in his body seemed to be much faster than before.

"Are you fighting with the masters? Can it promote the recovery of the injury? If that's the case, I'd better have a good fight with a master next time. "

Lin Nan felt the aura in his body and couldn't help showing a brilliant smile on his face.

"Ding Dong!"

Just as Lin Nan was about to wash, the doorbell rang.

"My wife didn't come over and told me to have breakfast? It's rare to be so thoughtful! "

Lin Nan laughs and gathers the aura into the elixir field. Then he goes to the door and opens the door.

"Why are you here?"

As the door opened, Lin Nan saw two unexpected guests.

Accompanied by Zhong Heng, Qi Ruoyun, wearing a light green elegant dress and a pair of black framed glasses, appeared at the door of Linnan.

Qi Ruoyun reached out and helped the black framed glasses on the bridge of his nose. Li Wo said with a smile: "Mr. Lin, in fact, we came here today to express our thanks specially to you."

"Thank you for what?" Lin Nan was stunned.

Didn't he help Qi Feng get the money back yesterday?

This girl comes to the door early in the morning, won't she be sincere?

"Yesterday's defeat in the treaty war almost made the Qi family a laughing stock. Fortunately, Mr. Lin has saved the reputation of the Qi family. " Qi Ruoyun is smiling.

Lin Nan waved his hand and said, "Miss Qi, you are welcome. I just happened to be there. Again I didn't do it to help you get ahead. You must know that. "

For this Qi Ruoyun, Lin Nan still has some good feelings. At least she is not as brainless as her brother Qifeng.

What's more, she is impeccable in appearance and figure.

Today, Qi Ruoyun's dress seems simple, but he is careful and elegant.

Unfortunately, Lin Nan is not dominated by the lower body, and remains vigilant to the women who come to her door voluntarily.

"No matter what you do, Mr. Lin, the result is the same. And I admire your skill Standing behind Qi Ruoyun, Zhong Heng comes forward to compliment him.

How can Lin Nan not know that this old guy is trying to butter up?

He said faintly: "there's nothing wrong with going to the Sanbao hall. If you come all the way, you must not just pay me a compliment."

Qi Ruoyun is one Leng, and then looks at Zhong Heng.

She simply nodded and said, "since you can see Mr. Lin, I'll get to the point. In fact, uncle Zhong and I are here today to ask for your help. "

"Help? Is it that Wu Tian hasn't given up yet? " Lin Nan frowned.

Qi Ruoyun shook his head and said, "Wu Tian was taught by you last night. When he went back, he vomited out the five million that had won my younger brother before. Besides, our Qi family, at least, is an influential figure on the ground of Guangling. A mere coal boss can't afford to stir up any storm. "

"Now that the matter has been settled, what else can I do for you?" Lin Nan asked in some doubt.

When Qi Ruoyun heard the speech, he looked hesitant. He didn't seem to know how to talk to Lin Nan.

Finally, Zhong Heng explained: "Wu Tian is nothing but cannon fodder. There is a great man hidden behind him. The master of our family was afraid that the young lady would encounter an accident, so he took the liberty to ask Mr. Lin for help. "

Damn it!

Isn't this going to dig me to be a bodyguard?

Lin Nan couldn't cry or smile and said, "I don't have this time. I'm not interested in seeing people's faces. You'd better go back."

The reason why they agreed to Fu Qian yesterday was that they had two ways.

Finally, he got rid of the obstinate girl's entanglement. He didn't want to make trouble for himself.

"Mr. Lin, you are a master at the top of half a step, and you are detached. How can we make your excellency a bodyguard? "

Seeing Lin Nan's refusal, Qi Ruoyun quickly explained, and then he said sincerely, "as long as Mr. Lin can spare two days today and follow me around. As long as you promise, I'm willing to pay a high price of five million! "

"Five million?"

Lin Nan heard the price quoted by Qi Ruoyun, slightly surprised.

This woman is really willing to give up her blood!

He looked up at Qi Ruoyun and said, "Uncle Zhong's skill is not bad. Why do you have to let me show up and explain that it's two days?"

He remembers that Fu Qian's request was similar to this.Perhaps there is something in this that I don't know about.

Qi Ruoyun said truthfully: "because tomorrow afternoon is the day for Qijia to participate in the open area green space competition."

"Auction?" Lin Nan frowned.

"Yes! We have been preparing for this project for half a year, so there must be no mistakes. "

Qi Ruoyun said solemnly, "in addition to us, there are many powerful competitors, and Wu Tian is just one of them. In order to make sure everything is safe, I can only trouble you. "

Lin Nan thought for a moment and said calmly, "although I earn this money, I really can't spare the time. So I'm sorry. "

"Mr. Lin, if you are not satisfied with the price, we can discuss it again." Qi Ruoyun tone some anxious said.

Lin Nan shook his head and said, "it's not about money. It's just that I came to Guangling with a mission."

Qi Ruoyun saw Lin Nan's refusal so simply, and his expression was suddenly a little gloomy.

She said with a wry smile: "in fact, I have thought for a long time that you may not agree with Mr. Lin. Just try to hold my mind. "

"Here's my business card, Mr. Lin. if you change your mind, you can call me at any time, and I'll send someone to pick you up."

While speaking, Qi Ruoyun took out a hot stamping business card from his Hermes bag and handed it to Lin Nan.

Lin Nan took the card, nodded and said, "if I can spare the time, I will inform you otherwise."

"Then we won't disturb you. Goodbye."

Qi Ruoyun said with regret, and then left the hotel with Zhong Heng.

"The four big families in Guangling are not really built. They are just a few million yuan." Lin Nan whispered to himself.

Just after Qi Ruo and they leave, Lin Nan goes back to his room to wash, but ye Qingcheng just walks out of the next room.

"Lin Nan, what are you talking about here in the early morning? Come down with me quickly. Uncle Fu will be in the hotel soon. "

Hearing that Fu Cheng was coming, Lin Nan's eyes flashed a little surprised and said, "Uncle Fu is in such a hurry. Is there anything wrong?"

"He's been busy bidding these days, and he only has time in the morning. In short After meeting, don't talk too much, just do what I say

Ye Qingcheng said, directly took the folder to the elevator.

"Bidding again? Is it possible that the Fu family also took part in it. If so, what Wu Tian did yesterday seems to be more than just aimed at Qi family.

This is becoming more and more interesting... "

Lin Nan's face is wearing an inexplicable smile.

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