"If the other party is really a super power, then he doesn't have to be so troublesome to kill us. What I'm guessing now is that the opponent is probably a martial arts expert of China! " Michelle shook her head and said.

If this is abroad, the claim of the superpower may hold.

However, this is in the Chinese territory.

Michelle is more inclined to a guess, is the martial arts master shot his companion eagle eye.

Hans breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and said sarcastically: "if it's just a martial arts expert, I have nothing to worry about. If he dares to appear, I'll shoot him in the head immediately!"

For the super power, even if it is Hans, such a murderous professional killer, there will be a natural fear.

However, for the so-called martial arts master, he did not take seriously.

No matter how powerful the martial arts master is, it's just a matter of shooting down.

No matter how powerful the martial arts are, if you encounter a master with a gun like him, you will die for nothing.

Seeing Hans's scorn for martial arts master, Michelle gave a cold warning: "this man can kill eagle eye quietly, and he is definitely a top expert. You can't get away with it, or you may be the next to die. "

"Hum, he said so much. If he has the ability to let him come to me, I will let him know what a real master is in minutes!" Hans gave a contemptuous smile and turned the revolver in his hand.


The moment the voice dropped, a huge muffled sound came.

Under the intense gaze of the two people, the simple gate on the top floor suddenly fell down without warning.


In the dust, a young Chinese man in casual clothes, with a very ordinary figure and appearance, came in indifferently.

He dragged a bloody corpse in his hand!

"Asshole! You really killed eagle eye

The moment he saw the body, not only Hans, but also Michelle, who had always been calm, showed a look of extreme anger.

This is their companion, just chatting, but now it is a cold corpse.

"Do you animals have feelings? Don't worry, I'll send you two to see God with him soon The youth grinned.

Smile, with a chilling sense of terror.

The young man who suddenly appeared was Lin Nan.

The reason why he was discovered by Hawk Eye just now was that he was only intentionally.

As long as we have solved the hidden sniper in the dark, in the face-to-face confrontation, even if the two men have guns in hand, he is not afraid at all.

This is a unique way to deal with Jue Ming Shura, and also the most basic professional quality.

"Huaxia is indeed a hidden dragon and crouching tiger! But You alone will not kill us. "

After a brief period of anger, Michelle instantly regained her composure.

His eyes were sharp as hawks and falcons, which seemed to lock in Lin Nan's breath.

As long as Lin Nan moves a little bit, he may kill him like a cheetah.

Unexpectedly, in the face of Michelle's death gaze, Lin Nan didn't panic at all.

His feet even did not stop, dragging the body of eagle eye, staggering toward the two people.

"I'll only give you one chance to do it. If you can't kill me, you'll go to hell together


Crazy scorn!

"Asshole, you die!"

Without any hesitation, Hans directly raised his gun at Linnan's head and pulled the trigger.


The moment the bullet came out of the chamber, a sound burst was formed in mid air.

Lin Nan did not blink his eyelids. He raised his hand and threw the body of eagle eye out.

In an instant, the bullet flying at high speed was blocked by the body of eagle eye.

"I gave you the chance, but you didn't take it! Now, I'll take you straight to the road

At the moment of eagle eye body landing, Lin Nan's feet suddenly stepped on.

Between the dust, Lin Nan's figure quickly swept.

Just a few breaths between him and Hans.

"Fool! I use a revolver. I don't need any adjustment time. You're not me who should be on the road! "

Hans grinned ferociously and aimed at every key point of Lin Nan's body and fired continuously.

"BAM Bang Bang..."

The five bullets left in the revolver shot out in anger.

These five bullets, in the air to form a lethal note, intended to end Lin Nan's life.

"Shua!" Lin Nan's eyes suddenly burst into bright light.

At this moment, his seemingly thin body suddenly accelerates, like a top sports car that ignites the engine.

Easily, Lin Nan broke through the limits of the human body, breaking out of ultra-high speed, leaving several shadows between the fingers.Before Hans recovered, Linnan appeared in front of him.

Then, in his terrified eyes, Lin Nan directly waved it out and hit his chest!


There was a sharp crack in the bone.

Hans, a burly and strong man, was hit by Lin Nan's palm. After being hit by Lin Nan, the whole man collapsed to the ground in an instant, and blood gushed out from the seven orifices.

Hans, the first gun king in the team, didn't even have the chance to resist, so he was shot dead by Lin Nan!

The whole process took less than two minutes!

If it was not for the blood and the bodies of her companions on the ground, Michelle would not have believed that someone could kill her companion so easily.

He looked at Lin Nan with fright on his face, and said with strong forbearance and anger: "you just want to save people, don't you need to kill all of them?"

"You killers don't need a reason to kill people. Why should I care about your life and death to save people?" Lin Nan said lazily.

These killers are all bloody executioners, and countless people have been killed.

Lin Nan doesn't need to have any psychological burden to kill these people, let alone feel guilty!

More importantly.

Such fierce killers, if given a chance, Lin Nan would be attacked by crazy.

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to yourself!

This is Lin Nan's most practical motto when he is on a mission abroad.

"Are you afraid that after killing us, the hostages will not survive?" Michelle's face was as grave as it could be.

One thing he can be sure of is that his previous guess was not wrong.

This young man who killed Hawk Eye and Hans is definitely a rare martial arts expert.

"You don't have to worry about that. As long as I'm here, even if she has only one breath left, she will never die! "

Linnan turned around, looked at Michelle, carrying his hands, and said, "now, I'll give you a chance, how about?"

Michelle slightly stunned, subconsciously asked: "what opportunity?"

"I'm fair."

Lin Nan laughed and said, "now, I'll give you a shot. If you can't kill me, you must die! "

It looks like a warm smile, but Michelle feels the cold.

The guy in front of me seems to be more crazy than these professional killers and likes killing more!

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