The comer is the contact person in the organization.

Although, this person does not have any real power.

However, at the moment, he is more like a cold faced judge, declaring Li Xuanyu's failure!

Obviously, Li Xuanyu has been distrusted in the organization!

The drug delivery of a cancer spirit is blocked, which is a huge loss for the organization.

"I'm sorry, Lee! From now on, all your positions will be taken over by Professor Raymond

With that, the man left mechanically and indifferently.

At the moment, Li Xuanyu only felt that the sky was spinning.

After the failure of the press conference, he was chased for money by that bastard, and now he is abandoned by the organization

Is there anything like this in the world?

"Why? Who the hell is messing with me

Li Xuanyu's heart was filled with anger and fire, and a mouthful of blood gushed up.


He opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood. He felt that his eyes were dark and the whole person collapsed.

"Li Shao!"

Seeing that Li Xuanyu's situation was not right, the private secretary immediately stepped forward and hurriedly called the hospital.


Li Xuanyu slowly opened his eyes in the single ward of a private hospital.

"Li Shao!"

"Li Shao!"

In front of Li Xuanyu are Wang Changyang and Tang Jincong!

"Damn it, fool!"

Li Xuanyu slapped up and wanted to slap the two guys!

Unfortunately, his hand was so weak that he could only put it down in mid air.

But the anger in his eyes was unabashed.

All blame these two idiots, bad his good thing.

"How did you get out?" Li Xuanyu said weakly.

Tang Jincong bravely explained.

It turned out that the two men went to the police station to record their confessions and were released.

After all, they are the childe brothers in the big family, and there are still people in charge to dredge up the relationship.

After the release, they heard that Li Xuanyu had fainted, and they came in a hurry.

Li Xuanyu was angry and helpless.

These two guys are stupid, but they are still qualified as loyal dogs.

"You go back, I want to have a good rest." Li Xuanyu wanted to be out of sight and out of mind.

"Li Shao. We've already figured out who broke the press conference. " Tang Jincong was cruel.

"Oh? Who is it? " Li Xuanyu asked subconsciously.

"It's Linnan!" Tang Jincong insisted.

"Are you sure?" Li Xuanyu has a cool look in his eyes.

"It must be that bastard!" Wang Changyang gnawed his teeth.

Next, he told us all about what happened after the golden emperor palace.

Although this is a black history, but in order to let Li Xuanyu know the enemy clearly, they also went out of their way.

After listening, Li Xuanyu frowned.

In fact, Li Xuanyu also guessed that all this It must be Lin Nan!

According to the information he has collected, Lin Nan's real identity is the Ye family's son-in-law. He has been idle since he joined the household three years ago.

It's just strange why he burst out now?

What's more, Li Xuanyu thinks that he can do everything well. He should not let Lin Nan see the clue.

"Linnan! Linnan! Linnan

Li Xuanyu called Lin Nan's name three times in a row.

More and more bitterness, more and more ferocious!

This man has been put on his top blacklist.

Never die!

"Cough, cough..."

Perhaps because of anger, Li Xuanyu coughed again, and the blood dyed the sheets red!

"Li Shao! Forget it

Wang Changyang looked at the pale Li Xuanyu and let out his breath: "we can't fight that guy!"

"How can you make others aspire and destroy your prestige?"

Although Tang Jincong tries to be brave, he is no better than Wang Changyang!

We can't fight, we can't fight!

As soon as Lin Nan thought that he was feeling elation, he felt a dull pain in his chest!

What an angry man! It's going to explode!

Li Xuanyu looked at the white ceiling and was very angry.

I think he is also a favored one, but now he is in the hospital ward and nobody cares about him Those who once sought power and went to power, after losing power, all avoided it!


Li Xuanyu once again sent out a grudging roar!

His eyes closed, and his eyes faded!

"Li Shao!"

"Li Shao!"Tang Jincong and Wang Changyang are scared. Is Li Xuanyu going to die of gas?

However, suddenly, Li Xuanyu's eyes were wide open, just like a tiger waking up!

He got up from the hospital bed, as if he had gained spiritual luck and reborn again!

"What's the matter, Li Shao?"

Tang Jincong did not understand, because he saw hope in Li Xuanyu's eyes!

Li Xuanyu said: "I remember, there is a person who can kill Lin Nan!"


Tang Jincong and Wang Changyang agree!

"Come with me!"

Li Xuanyu was so excited that she changed her clothes and left the ward.

After that, they drove to the huaijiang river.

At this time, the wind was so strong that Tang Jincong and Wang Changyang were shivering!


Tang Jincong sneezed and couldn't help saying, "Li Shao, what do we come to this river at night?"

Li Xuanyu just looked at the river quietly, as if in meditation.

After a long time, he said slowly: "three days ago, I received a secret letter. An expert asked me to wait by the river tonight. I was so busy with the press conference that I almost forgot about it

"Master? What kind of talent would it be? You won't be cheated, will you? " Wang Changyang did not hold too much hope!

Is Li Xuanyu looking for a few experts?

What Raymond, what gun King Yuefeng

In the end, it's not all settled down by Lin Nan?

Is it possible that the talented people who came this time are more powerful than those people?

Li Xuanyu has a smile in his mouth and a light in his eyes.

He said word by word: "this time's master, is not before those stinky fish rotten shrimp can compare!"

"Such a cow?"

"Of course! He is the master of Yuefeng, the master of taiyimen, Wang Tianlong! "

"Wang Tianlong?"

Tang Jincong pondered for a moment, but he was not very excited.

What's the use of sounding?

Before that, which one didn't have a particularly strong title?

It's not Lin Nanzhi's death!

This guy is a master killer!

Again What taiyimen, they have never seen, is an old man who can do Taijiquan.

This kind of person, every night on the square in Jianghuai City, catch a lot of them!

"I met Wang Tianlong when I went to ask Yuefeng out of the mountain.

The aura he gives people is enough to frighten people!

You can never imagine such a master!

As long as he makes a move, Linnan is just a maggot ant on the ground, and can be trampled to death with one foot! " Li Xuanyu said haughtily.

Tang Jincong and Wang Changyang looked at each other. How could they not believe it?

At the beginning of the night, the river bank is very cold.

River boats roared past, and the eardrum was buzzing!

Tang Jincong clasped his arms and was too cold to bear. He complained, "Li Shao, we have been waiting for more than three hours. Why hasn't this expert appeared yet?"

"Yes! Where did anyone want us to wait on the shore? Can he come in a boat? It's too low! " Wang Changyang also agreed.

"Shut up! Quiet "

Li Xuanyu yelled!

He just stood quietly on the bank, standing like a statue, and did not move as the wind raged.


In the middle of the river, a white figure rises out of thin air, and then falls back to the river in a parabola.

Like a white bird, it is light as a swallow and can move freely.

"Coming!" Li Xuanyu was ecstatic.

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