"Come on? You don't play tricks there. Who are you scaring? "

Qian Ansheng thought that he had done it perfectly and was not afraid at all.

Lin Nan doesn't speak, but points back mysteriously.

Qian Ansheng sneered and turned his head around!

It's just that he looks like this, and he's shocked!

Yunmiao spilled out a large bag of cheap pills and threw them on the ground.

"You see clearly! This guy is a real Huitian pill packed with these fake medicines. He's selling fake drugs. If you eat it carelessly, something will happen. "

Those who are going to buy medicine see it, they are very surprised!

They looked at Qian Ansheng with resentment on their faces!

Qian Ansheng was sweating and knew that his disaster was coming!

However, he is also ready for the last struggle!

"What does that mean? Huitian pills from other stores are also made in this way. I'm not making a fake! " Qian Ansheng said hoarsely.

"Do you want to quibble?"

Linnan is disgusted with such people!

Yunmiao also knew that it was useless to say more. He kicked a man to the front of the people!

After seeing the crowd, the man who was kicked out immediately cried: "this medicine is fake! Boss Qian forced us to process them. He did it just to stink Huitian pills

Facing the accusation, Qian Ansheng's face was ferocious and twisted. He looked at the man fiercely and cursed: "fool! Waste

This reaction, no doubt, is acquiescence in his dirty behavior.

"Lose money!"

"Lose money!"

"Unscrupulous merchants! It's hard to die! "


All kinds of abuse filled Qian Ansheng's surroundings!

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Qian Ansheng immediately prepared to slip away.

Just then, a police car whistled and rushed over.

Two policemen jumped out of the car and asked in a loud voice, "who is Qian Ansheng?"

"I I am. " Qian Ansheng's calf and stomach are almost cramped.

"We have received reports from the public that you sell fake drugs. Please follow us to the station and be investigated. "

While speaking, a policeman stepped forward and directly put on a pair of polished handcuffs for Qian Ansheng.

"I I... "

Qian Ansheng was so anxious that he didn't come up at one breath and passed out in a coma!

Even so, he was taken into a police car with a couple of guys who were selling fake drugs.

Lin Nan and Yun Miao two people, is out of the crowd.

"Master Lin, did you call the police?" Yunmiao asked with a smile.

"This kind of person should let him accept the legal sanction, and then go in and reflect." Lin Nan did not deny it.

Yunmiao smiles and thinks that Lin Nan's way of dealing with it is quite interesting.

According to speculation, she thought she was killed by Qian Ansheng and Lin Nan.

Two people walk side by side for a while, cloud suddenly stood still.

"Master Lin, I think I'm going back to Jinling." The cloud is small.

"Good." Linnan nodded.

The purpose of yunmiao's coming to Jianghuai is to return to heaven pill.

Today, huitianwan is unprecedented popular and has been officially put into the market.

yunmiao has already known its operation mode. If you go back to Jinling, on the basis of imitating, you can add more reforms, and the effect will not be bad.

"If you go to pingyizhen and bring more Huitian pills back, the price will be based on me." Lin Nan warned.


Cloud misty suddenly thought of what, and asked, "but, Huitian pill quantity is limited, how should we do?"

Lin Nan said: "I have my own way. Before Huitian pills are sold out, I will get the raw materials. You just need to communicate with this side at any time. "

"Yes! Master Lin, yunmiao is leaving first! "

Cloud misty bowed to the south of the forest.

"Go ahead. I'll go to Jinling to have a look." Lin Nan said with a smile.


At Mingmen villa in the evening, everyone is waiting for ye Qingcheng to come back for dinner in the living room.

Ye Qingcheng may have worked overtime tonight, so he came back a little late.

She changed shoes, walked into the living room, put down her bag and said, "another big event happened in Jianghuai today."

"What's up, sister?" Ye Ke'er, who is full of gossip, immediately asked.

Lin Nan is also very curious, waiting for ye Qingcheng to speak.

Ye Qingcheng said, "it's Huitian pill."

"Huitian pill?"

With the exception of Lin Nan, everyone else is in a fog.

Why do you think this name is a little strange?

Ye Qingcheng sat down at the table and explained: "recently, there has been a miracle medicine called Huitian pill in Jianghuai. It has been spread crazy. It is said that any disease can be cured."

"And such things?"Yuan Shuhan's tone expressed her disbelief.

Ye Qingcheng nodded and continued: "the popularity of Huitian pill is beyond imagination. Almost every Chinese Medicine Museum is selling it!

However, there was a man named Fangtian pharmacy, who did not know what was going on. He actually sold counterfeit drugs. After being reported, the relevant departments investigated and confirmed the case, and ordered to close down.

The boss, too, was caught. "

"How magical is this Huitian pill? Even fake drugs have come out? " Ye Fengchun said curiously.

Because of the professional relationship, ye Fengchun has a voice in the field of biopharmaceuticals.

Hearing the so-called magic medicine, he immediately came to be interested.

"I don't know exactly. But, according to people who have seen the pill, it is very effective Ye Qingcheng nodded and said.

Hearing this, Lin Nan couldn't help laughing.

So he really thanks Qian Ansheng!

Such a reverse publicity, but make people all know.

"What are you laughing at?" Ye Ke'er looks at Lin Nan.

"No, nothing." Lin Nan lowers his head to grill rice.

Ye Fengchun sees this detail in the eye, does not have a voice, but in the heart is thinking open.

After dinner, ye Fengchun sat on the sofa and watched TV as usual.

All of a sudden, he saw Jianghuai TV station and found that the evening news was reporting this matter!

"This miracle medicine thing is really big, it's all on the news." Ye Fengchun is not anxious or slow.

"Do you believe that? It must have been advertised! You don't know the business mind of people nowadays. If you don't advertise, you think you can get on TV? " Yuan Shuhan quipped.

"This kind of thing still needs to be advertised?" Lin Nan said subconsciously.

"Who knows? Maybe it's all the moths made by our own people Yuan Shuhan deeply believed that.

Lin Nan laughs in his heart that Yuan Shuhan is too naive!

If the so-called magic medicine relies on advertising to obtain sales, then there is only one end

Later he was hammered!

Not to mention the various weight-loss and blood pressure lowering drugs on TV marketing in the past few years, let's say that the cancer spirit did not happen long ago - this is a living example.

The more God you boast, the worse it will be!

Ye Ke'er asked curiously, "elder sister, who is the developer of Huitian pill? So powerful? Is it famous in Jianghuai? "

"I only know that Huitian pill first appeared in huichuntang, but I don't know about others. Maybe it's old Gu in the rejuvenation hall. It's not impossible for his family to engage in traditional Chinese medicine for generations. " Ye Qingcheng analyzed.

Lin Nan was smiling but not speaking.

"Wife. So who else can be the best

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