At this time, Ping Yizhen and Wu pangzi are counting the number of Huitian pills in stock.

After ordering, they couldn't help but be surprised!

"It's only a few days ago. More than 2000 ordinary Huitian pills have been sold, and more than 30 powerful Huitian pills have been sold!" Even one needle smacked his tongue.

It was the first time that he had seen such a good sale of medicine.

In fact, no wonder, who let Huitian pill's efficacy so strong?

"Mr. Lin is a marvelous man. We can't look at him with ordinary people's eyes." Fat Wu echoed.

At this time, a luxury car stopped at the door.

Startled by the sound, they came to the door together.

"Who is it?" Ping Yizhen murmured in wonder.

Until they saw Lin Nan get off the car, followed by a woman with excellent appearance and temperament.

"Mr. Lin."

They went forward to meet him.

Miss Pei Lin from the northwest of Shanxi Province said with a smile

These two people do not know the Pei family's influence, but can follow Lin Nan, the status is certainly not ordinary.

Then, they two very politely smile and nod: "Miss Pei good!"

Pei Qingyue looked around and said with a smile, "is this where Master Lin keeps Huitian pills?"

"Well, these two are responsible for the supply of Huitian pills. You will contact them later." Lin Nan also introduced Ping Yizhen and Wu pangzi.

Wu pangzi is very honored to be a member of Huitian pill sales chain.

He said respectfully, "Mr. Lin, I don't know Miss Pei came here to..."

Lin Nan said directly: "take 20000 ordinary Huitian pills and 1000 powerful Huitian pills to this miss Pei, and let her take them to Guangling for sale! By the way, Miss Pei will be the general agent of huitianwan in Guangling! "


Both of them were surprised!

What they were surprised at was not Pei Qingyue's general agency position in Guangling, but the number of Huitian pills that Lin Nan offered.

"What's the matter?"

Lin Nan sees two people tardy not to start, doubt way.

Ping Yizhen quickly pulled Lin Nan aside and whispered: "Mr. Lin, yesterday, he just took out one-third of the inventory and gave it to miss yunmiao and asked her to take it to Jinling. If we take out so much again today, there is not much left in our Jianghuai river! "

Lin Nan listened and said with a loud smile, "don't worry about the problem of raw materials. Miss Pei has promised to provide a miraculous medicine. It will be delivered within a month."

"Really Really? " Ping's eyes flashed with a needle.

Pei Qingyue laughs at Lin Nan's wit in his heart.

In fact, this is not for Ping Yizhen, but for her!

Wu Pang Tzu on one side also heard this and said excitedly, "OK, I'm going to prepare now."

After all, these two people were involved in Huitian pill refining. Of course, they knew the importance of raw materials!

If Pei Qingyue is willing to provide a elixir, how much is not a problem for her!

After a while, Wu put several big boxes into his car and sent them to Pei Qingyue's car. He also introduced: "Miss Pei, this is the ordinary Huitian pill, and the other is the powerful Huitian pill!"

Pei Qingyue was very satisfied and nodded.

"Master Lin, I hope our cooperation will go smoothly and happily."

"Of course, if I can see something within a month." Lin Nan laughed.

Pei Qingyue, of course, knew what Lin Nan was referring to and said, "don't worry, there won't be any problems."

She said goodbye and left by car.

"Mr. Lin, you are so good. The most difficult problem in the production chain of Huitian pills has been solved if there is a stable supply of a panacea! "

"You two can do a good job for me. I will give you one million yuan first, and then the money will be paid monthly." Linnan is as calm as a waterway.

"Mr. Schelling!"

The two men are blooming!

One hundred million months, this is much more money than before.


The next day was the day of the press conference.

Lin Nan took a leisurely attitude and walked slowly to the door of the herbal medicine market.

Sharp eyed reporter immediately found Lin Nan and said in a loud voice, "Mr. Lin!"

"Well, here I am." Lin Nan has a slight jaw head.

In response to these reporters, he specially wore a formal suit.

Reporters rushed to Lin Nan and pressed the shutter.

Lin Nan is shrouded by flash lights. With the support of reporters, he reaches the center of the square and makes way for himself in front of him.

Came to the center of the square, Lin Nan laughed and waved to the people below.

Those who have seen Lin Nan, and those who have not, all raised their hands and cheered.

This scene is like a big star coming!

A reporter came forward and took the lead in saying, "Mr. Lin, can you tell us why you want to develop Huitian pills?"Lin Nan looked around.

No exaggeration, there are more than 20 cameras alone!

There are countless pairs of eyes staring at him expectantly.

However, Lin Nan was not nervous at all. He cleared his throat and said, "in today's society, many people are troubled by diseases, and some even take their lives.

As a doctor, I am deeply aware of the suffering of illness.

Therefore, Huitian pill was developed.

I hope it can benefit everyone and society! "

Lin Nan's words immediately aroused a large number of cheers!

Although, this is a little high sounding.

However, what Lin Nan is doing now is indeed a good thing to praise.

In just a few days, thousands of people have been cured by Huitian pills.

Therefore, Lin Nan's words are not hypocritical.

Another reporter came forward and asked, "Mr. Lin, the sales of Huitian pills are unprecedented. Did you think of this before?"

"Good things will naturally be accepted by people. It's a matter of course. As for popularity..."

Lin Nan chuckled, "I think it's because the market is short of Huitian pills. Expensive medical costs and risky surgery have deterred many patients.

And what I did was simplify the things that people were afraid of.

The reason is so simple! "

On the spot, warm applause again!

The masses at the bottom look at Lin Nan, as if they are looking at the immortals of all living beings!

If there are many people like Lin Nan in the world, will everyone be afraid of getting sick?

The reporters were obviously quite satisfied with Lin Nan's answer.

"May I ask Mr. Lin, what do you think of the behavior of the Fangtian pharmacy yesterday?" A reporter threw a tricky question.

"This man behaves badly and is morally corrupt. This kind of person is not worthy of opening a pharmacy.

I would also like to state that in order to prevent the occurrence of hoarding and looting, the price of Huitian pills is unified throughout the city.

Don't believe those with low-cost promotional advertising, absolutely a liar! "

The crowd nodded in succession.

With Lin Nan's words, they won't be cheated!

Lin Nan answered three questions in a row, which can be called perfect!

"Mr. Lin, many capitalists are taking the road of Medicine recently, such as the cancer spirit of Angel International.

What do you think is the advantage of Huitian pill compared with cancer spirit? "

Lin Nan fixed his eyes and was immediately happy.

By coincidence, he knows this guy.

It was the reporter who was beaten by Tang Jincong and Wang Changyang, who were angry because of their tricky questions.

This question can only prove one thing.

He, this time also came to smash the field!

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