Liang fan thought it was just an ordinary Throwing Knife. He didn't avoid it. Instead, he punched it up!


The throwing knife was blown out and fell into the woods!

However, Liang fan suddenly felt a pain from his fist.

Looking down, there was a deep bloodstain on the back of his hand!

"What was that just now?" Liang fan frowned and asked.

"Ha ha ha ha, you are too careless! My throwing knife is very poisonous. Once it touches the blood, it will rot quickly. In less than half an hour, you will turn into a pool of thick water

Colts looked up and laughed, unable to restrain his joy.

"Liang fan, what are you doing? How could you be so clumsy? " Tang Mo had no language.

Liang fan's eyebrows trembled.

Colts is right, but his fist is getting more and more painful, and the pain is rapidly spreading along the blood towards the arm, and the skin has begun to fester in many places!

In a moment.

Liang fan felt dizzy for a while, his body also faltered, almost fell down!

Seeing this, kerz took out a long dagger and said, "is it painful? I'll free you and send you to hell

That's it!

Kerz got up from the ground and quickly rushed to Liang fan. The dagger with cold light in his hand was directly facing Liang fan's heart!

It's just

Liang fan took his arm in his hand and sneered: "who gives you confidence?"

Colts was stunned!

The whole arm of a person who has been poisoned by him should be useless. Why does Liang fan have the confidence to say such a thing?

However, what happened in the next second shocked him!

Liang fan cut the skin on his arm with the strength of his fingertips!

In an instant, a large amount of blood was sprayed from the blood vessels of his arm!

"He Is he bleeding? " Kerz was shocked.

"You want to beat me with such a low-level thing?"

Liang fan instantly completed the release of toxic blood, the pain in the arm disappeared in an instant!

After all this, Liang fan's energy was released.

In the whole area, there was a sudden gust of wind!

"No waste of time with you!"

"Fierce tiger fist!"

Suddenly, there was a roar of tiger in the forest!

Kerz is still in shock, directly hit by dozens of laps!

Every blow broke his bones and broken his meridians!

After a combination of boxing, his whole body almost fell apart!


Kerz spat blood in the air, and the whole person fell heavily on a raised rock!

"Poo Hoo..."

With the spray of blood!

Korz's body was penetrated by rocks and killed on the spot!

Liang fan closed his fist, shook his head and laughed.

However, the strong dizziness that followed made his body shake unceasingly - bleeding too much still had sequelae!

Seeing this, Tang Mo tore a piece of cloth from kerz's clothes and wrapped it up for Liang fan.

"You are still the same." Tang Mo smiles bitterly and shakes his head.

"Put some blood. It's OK."

Liang fan looked at his arm was tied with a bow, smiling happily.

He shook his arm and found that nothing happened. Even the blood was stopped.

"Don't try your best. Let's go up the mountain. It's been a long time." Tang Mo road.

"OK, go, don't let Lin Nan wait too long!"

They ran quickly to the top of the mountain.


At this time, Lin Nan is still paying attention to every move of the mine.

From the beginning, he saw that the ton of goods was divided into two batches and loaded on the cart, and seven or eight people were pushing the car with difficulty.

No way. The conditions on the top of the mountain are limited.

If you want to transport a ton of goods to the underground, you can only use this way.

Fortunately, the two wheelbarrows are relatively advanced. As long as they are pushed and the wheels turn, it will not take much effort.

Lin Nan lies on the top of the tree and looks at it quietly. He wants to know where the tunnel is.

But at this time, he heard footsteps not far away, the voice was not loud, it was obviously the result of deliberate convergence.

Fan and Tang looked back at him.


Lin Nan stood on the top of the tree, quickly motioned two people not to make a sound!

Tang Mo saw Lin Nan and quickly understood it. After nodding, he jumped up the treetop with Liang fan.

"Didn't you go to the top of the mountain? How to stand on the treetop like an owl Liang fan asked suspiciously.

"You are too slow."Lin Nan Tucao a sentence, and then saw Liang bow bow, unable to resist, make complaints about "how still hurt?"

"Small problems, no problem!" Fanan blinked at him.

Tang Mo did not say a word, squatting in this position on the top of the tree, you can clearly see the whole mine field - she is the first time to see the mine!

First she took a cursory look, and then her eyes fell on the two wheelbarrows.

"What is this doing?" Tang Mo asked.

"Don't worry, just watch it. I'll tell you later. " Lin Nan said no more.

It's too quiet on the top of the mountain.

Three pairs of eyes, staring at the two carts.

Two carts left the mine far away, then came to the edge of the top of the mountain, and then went to the mountainside.

"Go, keep up."

Lin Nan said in a low voice.

Three people are like three ghosts in the night, "Shua Shua Shua" in the treetops.

The driver was sweating, and one of them complained, "my God, I'm so tired to push these broken stones."

"Don't complain. As long as the ore is sold, we can eat meat with us. Bear with it. It's coming. "

With that, they parked the cart in a position on the mountainside.

There seems to be nothing here, only the craggy walls.

However, the two men went to the front and lifted up a rock.

In a flash, a passage with some light was exposed to the public!

"There is a secret passage in the trough?" Liang fan was surprised.

"Don't talk!" Lin Nan directly covered Liang fan's mouth.

When the tunnel opened, the two carts were pushed in.

Soon, the seven or eight people came out and put the rock back in place, blocking the entrance of the tunnel.

"It's done. Let's go."

After that, he turned to the front of the rock and saw nothing.

After they all went to the top of the mountain, Linnan jumped directly from the top of the tree.

"Why is there a secret way?" Tang Mo asked curiously.

"This is the secret passage for them to transport the ore from the inside of the mountain!" Lin Nan explained.

"I was also thinking about how a ton of ore can be transported out of the mountain to hide people's eyes. I see... " Liang fan was suddenly enlightened.

"It seems that these people have spent a lot of effort to sell the ore Tang Mo clenched his fist.

Lin Nan carefully came to the door of the dark road and pushed the rock away with a little force.

The dark entrance appeared again in front of the three of them

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