Lin Nan of course did not know that the three bows were fundamentally different.

Three bows represent Gu's mental process.

The first bow was that old Gu was eager to know the efficacy of the prescription, which was based on Lin Nan.

The second bow was that Gu sincerely apologized to Lin Nan and asked for understanding.

The third bow is that Gu expresses his respect and admiration for Lin Nan.

Of course, you can also say that Gu laoche was completely convinced.

The best way for such a proud man is to frustrate him in his best field.

It is obvious that Lin Nan's superb medical skills have succeeded.

"Mr. Gu, you have bowed to me several times. It's my birthday."

Lin Nan took a sip of tea handed by his assistant and found that the little old man knew how to enjoy it.

It's estimated that the top Mao peak in Xinyang will cost a lot of money in the market.

"Sir joked, the little old man, this is the sincere admiration, heartfelt admiration, that's why he acted like this." Gu Laoshan smiles.

His old face was a little shy.

Just now, he suspected that Lin Nan was a charlatan.

Lin Nan can also calm down, slowly drinking tea, and constantly say, good tea It's really good tea.

Seeing Lin Nan drinking tea all the time, Gu was a little anxious.

He coughed gently and said voluntarily, "I don't know what to call you, sir?"

"Oh, just call me Lin Nan." Lin Nan random road.

"Mr. Lin, I don't know What is the purpose of the prescription you just mentioned Old Gu said with a smile.

Here we are. Let's get to the point.

Lin Nan put down his tea cup and asked slowly, "Gu, do you have the habit of practicing martial arts?"


Surprised, Gu said truthfully: "yes, my ancestor has put forward a set of bone and skin refining techniques. Although it is not a popular method of body refining, we have passed it down from generation to generation and require every offspring to practice it."


Lin Nan frowned and asked, "Mr. Gu, can you show me how to open my eyes?"

"Is it here?" Gu Lao's face is not good.

"If you don't want to, forget it." Lin Nan shook his head.

"No, no, no I just think this place is too small to be used. "

Gu quickly explained, "if Mr. Lin doesn't dislike it, can you go to the backyard with me?"


Lin Nan was not wordy and got up immediately.

He and Gu came to the backyard of the rejuvenation hall together.

The backyard of the rejuvenation hall is a big house, antique and scholarly.

Standing in the middle of the yard, Gu Laoquan said: "Mr. Lin, I will make a fool of myself."

After that, Gu Laoquan was shocked and started the exercise.

It's more of a kind of whole body involved boxing evolved from Tai Chi.

However, this set of boxing is very strong and fierce, which makes it very popular.

Don't care about old age, but when you fight, you are very stable. You are windy when you are punching. Your body is light and your steps are flexible.

With this kind of boxing, a few young people can't fix him.

After one set, Gu was short of breath and slightly red.

He took a deep breath, clasped his fist and said, "Mr. Lin, I'll make you laugh."

Lin Nan nodded, and then said, "Gu Lao, I have a sentence. I don't know whether to ask or not?"

"Mr. Lin, you and I are welcome to ask anything." Gu laolang said in a voice.

"Didn't any of your forefathers live to be 70 years old?" Lin Nan asked.


Gu was shocked.

Yes, the family has always had a secret.

From the ancestors of Gu's family, no man can live more than 70 years old.

Before they were seventy years old, they were so healthy that they thought they could kill a cow.

However, one to seventy years old, Gu's men's physical condition will go down sharply, and eventually die of vomiting blood.

This sudden death at the age of 70 is more like a curse, hanging over the heads of all the family members.

However, for women, it is not affected by this, one by one long-lived, die.

"Mr. Lin, you are right to guess. We have never had more than 70 years' life. This, perhaps, is a vicious curse Gu Lao sighed. He was sad.

He is now sixty-eight years old.

The curse of seventy is only two years away.

No one thinks that his life is long, especially Gu Lao.

Now the average life expectancy of human beings has increased, but as a member of a family of famous doctors, he is unable to fight against the fate, unable to deal with the curse, waiting for the countdown of the day.This taste Don't mention it.

"No, it's not a curse." Lin Nan judged.

"What do you say?" Gu's eyes brightened.

He quickly stepped forward, excitedly seized Lin Nan's hands and said, "Mr. Lin, you say this is not a curse?"

The old man's strength is very strong, and his hands hurt.

Lin Nan got rid of it quietly, and then said, "yes, it's not a curse, but it's related to the body building technique you practice."

"Oh? How do you say that? " Gu was curious.

"If you think about it carefully, have you ever had a cold and cold since you were a child, and you are very strong and can hardly get sick?" Nanlin asked patiently.

Gu looked down and thought for a moment, then nodded his head very seriously: "what you said is not bad at all. Ever since I started practicing this boxing technique, I've been in good health and never been ill. "

"That's right." Lin Nan smiles faintly.

Seeing Lin Nan's proper smile, Gu was even more confused.

If you say that this exercise skill is good, it will prevent people from diseases. It should be a very good way to keep fit. How can it be related to curse?

"Mr. Gu, you should know that there is an old saying in traditional Chinese medicine, which is called" harmony of yin and Yang " Lin Nan asked.

"That's right." Gu nodded.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the theory of harmonizing Yin and Yang is always attached great importance.

However, what does this have to do with your body building skills?

Lin Nan continued: "this set of physical training techniques you've played is the most vigorous to the Yang. If you exercise at the beginning, the effect will certainly be very good, and it will also be beneficial to the body."


Lin Nan's, however, let Gu's heart hang up.

"There is a degree to everything. If long-term physical training to just strong Yang, then the body's Yang Qi is too much, has been accumulated in the body. In the long run, your body is like a dynamite barrel. "

"When your body begins to decline from the peak and gradually degenerate, this excess Yang Qi becomes a fuse."

"The end result is that one day, it suddenly explodes."

Lin Nan tried to finish in a calm tone and then looked at Gu.

Gu pondered for a long time, then suddenly lost his mind and said with general excitement: "I understand. I understand all of them."

"The human body is just a container with limited capacity, which may be able to withstand this masculinity at the peak of one's prime. But when the container begins to age, and the contents become stronger and stronger, it can't bear it

"This is the same as the theory that emptiness is not compensated."

"Yes Lin Nan nodded.

After all, he is a famous doctor, and his comprehension ability is good.

"Mr. Lin, is there any way to solve this problem?" Gu asked.

"Well..." Lin Nan pondered.


Mr. Gu even knelt down straight and said excitedly, "if Mr. Lin can help to break the deadlock, you will be the benefactor of my family forever."

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