A possibility occurred to him.

And that possibility It's far more than we can afford.

"Yes, I want to summon the most terrible monster in the world of fantasy and seclusion!"

"I'll kill you, sacrifice the dead of hunting!" said the beaver in his eyes

The speed of shadow combination is faster and faster!

Not for a while!

In the shadow group, there was a huge shadow more than two meters high!

"Can you stop it?" The bone spurs pour to draw a cold air to ask a way.

"No, no one can stop it." Qin Feng shook his head.

The combination continues!

No one knows what will happen next!

The wind chime in the beaver's hand swayed more violently, even aroused a gust of wind, blowing her messy hair again!

"The king of illusory seclusion, your name is Youwang! Please wake up from your sleep, appear in the world and show your killing


A deafening roar, as if from the nine you, people's souls are throbbing.

All shadows, all together!

The black wind is swirling, and an evil breath is coming out!

Lin Nan suddenly felt that the world was getting dark!

Looking up, a huge shadow appeared in front of the public.

It is five or six meters high, the huge head will block the moon!

"Damn, what the hell is this?" Bone spurs look stunned!

"This is the king of you, which gathers all the power of the shadow, and is the most powerful existence in the magic and secluded world!" Qin Feng gave a bitter smile.

He never thought that the beaver would use the forbidden technique.

The beaver said with a loud smile, "ha ha ha ha! Just enjoy yourself! I will give you back the pain of hunting a hundred times

Lin Nan directly aims at the beaver!

"What's the trouble? Just kill this girl and solve the problem. This big guy still doesn't disappear? "

Without saying a word, Lin Nan turned into a group of golden lightning and rushed to the beaver!


A hoarse and dull roar sounded!

Lin Nan saw a huge dark shadow and covered him!


You king's huge palm slapped on the ground!

In a flash!

The whole ground was shot to pieces!

"Dragon King!"

Bone thorn worried to shout a.

Lin Nan narrowly avoided it again.

However, he was blown by the aftereffect of this force, and his body was so shocked that he flew far away!

"What power is this?" Lin Nan was surprised.

"Are you afraid? Ha ha ha

The beaver laughed!

The king stretched out his huge arm and picked up the beaver.

Then he put the beaver on his shoulder.

"It seems that we can't do without killing this big man!" Lin Nan smiles faintly.

The atmosphere is tense and oppressive!

The appearance of you king makes the situation of one-sided situation become delicate.

The beaver sat on the shoulder of the king, touched his head with his hand, and said coldly, "you king, kill them!"


You king understood the order and began to get angry.

Lin Nan said with king you, "this big man is dark all over. He doesn't look weak."

"Is there any way to solve it quickly?" Bone spurs ask to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng's appearance is very difficult to do, way: "I also see you king for the first time, do not know its characteristics."

"Then there's nothing to tangle about. Just finish it! Come on, brothers

Without saying a word, Lin Nan turned into a group of golden light and rushed straight to you king!


Bone spurs and Qin Feng also jumped into the air and launched a fierce attack!

"You king!"

The beaver gave a deep call.

You wang heaved heavily, then raised his huge arm and smashed it forward!

Before Lin Nan rushed to the king, he saw a huge shadow coming down!

"So fast?"

Lin Nan can not continue to move forward, simply rolled a circle, right foot kick in the past!


Violent impact!

Lin Nan only felt that his right leg was numb, and he could not take advantage of it!

He's fast, rolling to the back!

And bone spurs and Qinfeng come one after another!

"Broken bee sting!"

The soul grabbing sting sends out a sad sound, and the sharp silver light stabs the past in an instant!

You wang didn't have time to stop his hand, and his other arm quickly clapped it down!The soul grabbing sting stabbed the king's arm!


"How can it be?" he said? Even skin can't be pricked? What hardness is this? "


You wang roared, and the next second he lifted the bone spurs!

At the same time!

Qin Feng from the side around to the king, burst out of the fist in an instant!

"Strong fist!"


You Wang, who couldn't get away with his hands, was hit by this fist!

However, its body only slightly trembled and then stabilized.


Qin Feng is not surprised. He didn't keep his hand in that fist just now. How can he do that?

You wang looks at Qin Feng in a twinkling of an eye, elbow suddenly hit!


Qin Feng was directly smashed out and landed on the ground with bone spurs.

"Monster!" Bone thorn secretly scolded a word.

And Lin Nan has soared again, like a golden meteor falling from the sky at night!

"Good chance!"

At the moment, you king has not had time to stop. You can't defend yourself!

Sure enough!

Lin Nan has been up to the top of the king's head, this guy has not responded to it!


Lin Nan showed a smile, with the power of Wanjun's right foot mercilessly cleaved to you king's head!


It's really powerful!

You wang is also kicked to roar incessantly, the whole body shakes disorderly!

"Come on, you king!" The beaver sat on his shoulder and gnawed his teeth.

Somehow, you king suddenly calmed down, his hands were also able to take time, at the same time to the top of his head to pat!

"What the hell, is the head so hard?"

Lin Nan did not expect that this ghost was so hard.

It's hard to connect with the perfect master's all-out effort. There's nothing wrong with it!

At this time, he felt the wind around him!


You Wang's hands together, issued a violent sound, palm also do rolling action!

"Dragon King!"

Bone spurs stare round and round!

If you get shot like this, you'll be crushed to pieces!

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

The beaver laughs: "you can't be your opponent! This self righteous fellow has been ground to a pulp

The king took off his hands and spread out his hands!

Unexpectedly, there was nothing in it!

"Where are the people?" The beaver was a little surprised.

Lin Nan jumped down from the air and stood in front of the bone spurs and Qin Feng and said, "this big man is much harder than I imagined, almost immune to any attack!"

"What should I do?" Bone spurs are also a little urgent.

His soul snatching sting can pierce everything, but not even the skin of the king!

And Qin Feng said coldly, "there is only one way."

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