The role of the referee is to ensure that the game is fair and just, so that people can be convinced!

Xu Pingsheng, as the chief referee, stood up at the right time.

"You are right. Being close to the people is also a standard of judgment! But the masterhand conference is more about the effect of prescriptions than medical skills! "

After that, they were very good! But Pu Yan, you're a little slower. Therefore, you should lose to Gu Yunfei. "

If we only use the low price to judge Gu Yunfei's victory, it will make some people dissatisfied.

But Xu Pingsheng is obviously an old man. In order to let Pu Yan have a step down, he talks about the wheels.

Pu Yan bowed and said: "what old Xu said is extremely true. Compared with brother Gu, I really lost!"

Not only Pu Yan, other players have no doubt.

After all, the rules of the game are not only correct or not, but also one of the criteria to judge the speed.

Gu Yunfei smiles a little, because as long as he wins Pu Yan, he will definitely be promoted.

"The old man is insidious! In order not to let people question the loopholes in the rules, we use this way to stop the players Lin Nan sneered.

"Xu Laoyan set pu Yan and Gu Yunfei at the same height, and then judged by the qualitative condition of speed, in order to convince Pu Yan." Tong Muling makes a light analysis.

Li Feng said: "there's also one who doesn't lose! But once the Taixu gate is eliminated, the holy hand conference will come to an end! "

He didn't know who was strong or weak, but he made a little overall plan for the situation!


The most nervous is Pu Yan!

The hope of promotion depends on Duan Shiliang!

Xu Pingsheng picked up Duan Shiliang's answer again and looked at it carefully.

He is very curious, in the case of players do not know is the grass Chenopodium venom, Duan Shiliang only took less than a minute to make the answer, what is it?

Zhuo BAIXIAN and Mei Sannong couldn't restrain their curiosity, so they got up and got together.

But when they saw the answer, they all laughed unconsciously.

"What are the judges laughing at?"

The players at the bottom all have doubts on their faces.

"What did you write?" Pu Yan couldn't help asking.

Duan Shiliang showed his evil smile and said: "if you are bound by the so-called rules, then you will never become a famous doctor!"

"You are so arrogant

Gu Yunfei, who has been confirmed to be promoted, said in a bad mood.

But he was also curious, what did Duan Shiliang just mean?

Isn't it medication?

Xu Pingsheng raised his head and sat down.

Zhuo BAIXIAN and Mei Sannong also returned to their seats.

"Duan Shiliang, I didn't expect you to write this answer. But on the matter of fact, your answer should be the most perfect. " Xu Pingsheng said with a smile.

"What is it?"

Everyone's curiosity has been suspended!

Zhuo BAIXIAN also praised: "I have to say that your idea has led most of the players. It's not dogmatic. It's very good."

"That's right."

Mei Sannong said with a smile: "if the drug is prescribed, your question is zero! But there is no such regulation, so your answer is the most perfect. "

Yan Xinyang on the stage was also worried: "I don't know What is Duan's answer? "

Xu Ping's life was quiet and said, "take the gall of Chenopodium album snake as the medicine guide, and make the anti venom serum, so as to detoxify."


After hearing this, the players were all surprised!

In fact, people who know medicine know that the best way to get rid of a toxin is to fight it with poison and form antibodies in the human body. This is the most perfect way!

"How bold of him to write something like this?"

"I think that's the correct solution! What's more, he saw in an instant that it was the venom of Chenopodium album, which was enough to prove his profound medical knowledge! "

"That's right, I think so too. There's no explicit stipulation in the competition that medicinal materials must be used, as long as it's a prescription that can detoxify!"


Listening to the players, Lin Nan couldn't help saying: "although this guy is suspected of cheating, it's really the best way to solve the problem."

"I can't think of it." Li Feng shook his head.

"In this competition, Duan Shiliang's answer surprised and satisfied me most. In addition, Gu Yunfei and Pu Yan are also good

After a pause, Xu Pingsheng said: "however, there are only two promotion places. I'm sorry, Pu Yan, you've been eliminated! "

Hearing the verdict, Pu Yan was disappointed and unwilling.

Sure enough, he still hasn't won Duan Shiliang and Gu Yunfei.Among the crowd, there was also a voice of regret.

There are two Chinese doctors, Pu Yan is the first to be eliminated!

All three of them are walking down the stage. Pu Yan is a little lost.

Gu Yunfei regained some vitality, so he began to walk with wind.

Without thinking about it, Duan Shiliang's voice came from his side: "it's the rules that save you. There is only one chance for you if you don't have one

Gu Yunfei clenched his teeth and said in a low voice, "you are a clever guy. How dare you mock me?"

After scolding, there was no response.

He turned his head and found that Duan Shiliang had already returned to his original place.

It makes him even more angry!

People don't want to talk to you at all!

Pu Yan went back to LV Zhenzi and apologized: "I'm sorry, elder martial brother. I have disgraced Bodhi gate. "

"No, you did your best. Duan Shiliang and Gu Yunfei are very powerful. They are not the opponents you can defeat. "

Lu Zhenzi said confidently, "leave the rest to me. I will win glory for Bodhi."

"Come on, elder martial brother!" Pu Yan nodded and said.

The third round is over and it's past noon.

Outside Yong'an hall, smart businessmen have already sold boxed meals.

The audience didn't want to miss any details, so they bought box lunch to satisfy their hunger!

Li Feng has been promoted, Chu xuanming has been very satisfied, for other has no expectations.

He couldn't help but send out an invitation and said, "young master field, shall we go to dinner together?"

"No, I want to finish the game." Field declined politely.

He didn't want to miss such a wonderful game.

Chen Yifeng and Huo Qiling won't go any more, because the next game is the competition between them!

"Oh, forget it, I'll bear it again, after the last one!"

Chu xuanming felt his stomach, but he was reluctant.

Finally, the game came to the last round of the second game!

There's no point in drawing lots.

Because, the remaining five people, is the opponent of the last game!

"Next, let's play the last group."

Yan Xinyang suddenly raised his voice and said, "please the players who have not been selected, come on stage together!"

The reason why Yan Lao looks excited is that master Lin is going to be on the stage

As long as he's on stage, that's the finale.

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