Best wishes for animation production

Chapter 171 Voice Actor Selection

Satoshi Nakata guessed right.

Gu Xue really had the idea of ​​fully arousing the audience's expectations and curiosity in the first episode, and then deciding the outcome in the second episode to respond to the audience's expectations. This was also the reason why she persuaded Ye Huo to do this outline of the series. one,

Because of Yao Liang and producer Takeda P, Gu Xue really plans to go all out.

On the day the storyboard meeting ended, Gu Xue handed over the storyboards for the first episode of "Embracing a Better Tomorrow" to the producer in charge of that episode.

During the production, dozens of copies of the storyboards were made and distributed to the original animators and related personnel who participated in the drawing of the first episode.

Because it is a key episode in the first episode, the original paintings for this episode will be produced at CDD Animation Studio.

This will save Gu Xue a lot of worry.

However, even though the original paintings for the first episode would not be outsourced and were all produced in-house at CDD Animation Studio, Gu Xue still took out the fight card in the first episode where the protagonist and his group pass through the misty forest.

She plans to draw this part of the shot herself.

One reason is to set a benchmark for the second episode of the anime.

But the main reason is... Gu Xue feels that if you go all out, you should look like you are going all out.

Moreover, if the second episode's performance and storyboard Qianshi says that her requests and actions are too random, she can use this matter to confront him.

"I'm busy as a supervisor, but I can still find time to draw original paintings. Now if you tell me that you can't make the second episode, what's the use of you?" and the like...

Gu Xue feels that she is quite bad...


The animation of "Embrace a Better Tomorrow" progressed step by step without any major troubles.

But animation production doesn’t happen overnight.

Although Gu Xue's storyboards have been distributed, it will still take some time for the original painters below to finish the storyboards and initially determine the shots they want to draw.

In addition to being the storyboard and performer of the first episode, Gu Xue is also the supervisor of the entire work.

So although the production of the first episode has been put on the schedule, it has not officially entered the actual painting stage, and the painting meeting has not yet been held.

During this time, Gu Xue was dealing with other matters that he needed to supervise and be responsible for.

On the third day after the storyboard meeting, she held a meeting with the color designator to discuss the selection of colors for the characters in the animation, in order to facilitate future coloring tasks.

On the fourth day, she attended the art meeting and participated in the conception of the art part's setting drawing, that is, the line drawing. This part was okay, because there was an original work, and the room for free play was quite small. After all, the world view was fixed, so changing the world view to With a completely different face, Gu Xue was afraid that Gong Wenhui would come to her door. So she played the role of a dog-headed strategist. She raised relevant opinions, but she basically followed the original comics.

On Friday of the second week, Gu Xue received a notice. After leaving home, she did not go to YUKI Studio or CDD Animation Studio. Instead, she went to a recording studio in the southeastern part of Suginami District. Attend a voice actor audition.

As time goes by, the temperature in Kyoto slowly begins to rise.

In addition to lamenting that time passed a little too fast, Gu Xue was also a little happy, which meant that she could finally take off those damn knee-high socks...

When she went to the recording studio today, she didn't wear the pair of knee-high socks that Ms. Mihara chose. The current weather no longer required keeping warm.

In fact, to be honest, she really hates wearing those kind of socks. Sometimes they fall down and she has to struggle to take them off when she gets home at night. Sometimes when she comes home too tired, Gu Xue falls asleep and forgets to take them off. Secondly, I always feel quite uncomfortable when I wake up.

Although Gu Rou joked that it was quite warm when she hugged her and slept together.

But Gu Xue does not have the habit of wearing socks to sleep.

It’s best not to wear anything.

However, not wearing it also brings some unexpected troubles.

It was the same situation as the summer before when Gu Xue first came here. She was stared at again while walking on the road...

Although wearing knee socks would get stared at in the past, Gu Xue always felt that in this state, more people would look at her secretly.

Holding back the slight discomfort rising in her heart, Gu Xue convinced herself by saying, "I've been barking before." Instead of turning around and going back to put on her knee socks again, she walked quickly to the station and caught the train. tram.

The train rushed all the way to the southeast of Suginami District. Gu Xue got off the car and arrived at the destination. When she walked into the recording studio, the producer on the committee's side, Takeda P, the producer of CDD Animation Workshop, and the audio Supervision and other relevant personnel have arrived.

Gu Xue greeted them in a neither humble nor condescending manner, then found a seat and sat down.

Voice actor selection, literally means selecting the right voice actor.

But how to choose? In fact, each plan is quite different.

In the first case, some supervisors have participated in the production of many works and will come into contact with many voice actors. Therefore, when selecting voice actors, they may have thought of using a certain voice actor to perform their works, and they also need to discuss with the sound supervisor. I have been spending time with voice actors all year round, and I have a very good understanding of what type of role a voice actor is suitable for.

But Gu Xue didn’t come into contact with many voice actors.

So the second scenario is used here.

That is to listen to the voice samples recorded in advance by voice actors from various voice acting agencies, select some candidates who feel suitable, agree on a time, have them come and perform on the spot, and then finalize the candidates.

The voice samples of the voice actors are available on the official websites of each voice actor agency. Gu Xue listened to them last week and exchanged opinions with the speaker supervisor to finalize the candidate voice actors for the main roles and confirm that their schedules are OK. After that, they were asked to come over for a sound audition today.

This is a common practice when selecting voice actors for projects without much budget.

If the project was really rich, Gu Xue would not need to listen to any voice samples, but would directly send a certain line that better highlights the character's personality, along with the character's personality setting information, to the agency, and let the agency help recommend a suitable one. candidates, and then ask the recommended voice actors to come to the recording studio, improvise one by one, and then select the most suitable one.

To put it simply, it is to hold an audition.

This can indeed select the most suitable voice, and can also better examine a voice actor's on-the-spot adaptability.

Unfortunately, "Embrace a Better Tomorrow" is not a project with deep pockets.


The budget for "Embracing a Better Tomorrow" is actually not too high. After all, it is essentially a promotional animation for the comic. The copyright holder, Miyamoto Fumihui's company, promotes the project with the main purpose of selling the original work, so the budget It's the level of meaning.

In this situation.

That is to say, Gu Xue is so stupid that in order to prove herself, she wants to 'go all out' to make the animation perfect...

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