"Don't flatter me here. You should be careful in the future. If you dare to offend my wife again, I will deal with you." Zhao Laishui glanced at Zhao Zilong and exclaimed impolitely.

"What's the point of cleaning me up? A woman's belly is so soft and comfortable. If you have time, you might as well go to find sister-in-law Meili to vent your anger." Zhao Zilong narrowed his eyes and said in his words.

"Stinky boy, what are you talking about?"

After hearing this, the village head was excited and half of the wine suddenly woke up.

"What nonsense? What did you do in the kitchen just now? I know if you don't say it. " Zhao Zilong asked.

"Don't you dare to talk nonsense, believe it or not?"

Zhao Laishui, the village head, was angry and waved his big hand to frighten Zhao Zilong.

"I promise: if you dare to move my finger, aunt Xiaoying will see the picture of you working in the kitchen with sister-in-law Meili the other night. I'll see if you can get up."

Zhao Zilong was not afraid of his threat. He stood there with his hands behind his back and cried to Zhao.

"According to "Photos?"

Hearing this, the village head was confused.

"Yes, I didn't leave that night. I just went to the toilet, and you started to mess around on the table. I couldn't see it, so I took some photos." Zhao Zilong threatened others, but he was wronged.

The head of the village saw that Zhao Zilong's words were true, and he understood that his words were probably true.

"Hey, I said, nephew Zilong, just now I drank too much and talked nonsense. Don't worry about it." Village head Zhao Laishui pulled him to the side of the locust tree, piled up a smile, holding a box of Ziyun smoke to his hand.

"I don't smoke!"

Zhao Zilong is determined.

"Nephew Zilong, you see the villagers are so familiar. This kind of thing can't be spread. It's not only bad for uncle's reputation, but also bad for our village committee of Zhaojia village..."

Village head Zhao Laishui is eloquent and tries to persuade Zhao Zilong.

"I don't care. You officials who make extra money and sleep with other people are even colder to us ordinary people. I thought you were really not afraid. You were afraid after a long time?"

Zhao Zilong ignored the big hat he had put on, and cried blandly.

"Boy, do you think that if you offend me, there will be good fruit to eat?"

See Zhao Zilong oil and salt not into, Zhao water not from cold face to him called.

"Don't think the head of the village is great. If the photos are sent to your wife, you can have two fights at most. But if these photos are sent to the township government, you village head don't know if you can take them? "

Zhao Zilong said with great interest. He tilted his head and pretended to look at the birds in the tree.

"Well, I'll give you 300 yuan, and you give me the picture, OK?"

The village head is very mature. He knows that Zhao Zilong's threat to himself is not just for revenge for his wife's anger. He gritted his teeth and said to Zhao Zilong.

"In fact, I have nothing to do with what you do, village head. Where can I collect your money for no reason? It's just that some things at home are not easy to deal with. I hope the village head can help me. "

Zhao Zilong slowed down and said with a soft smile.

Seeing that he finally began to offer conditions, the village head couldn't help smiling.

"Come on, if I can do anything, I will do it for you."

Zhao Laishui is also a man of courage. He clapped his chest with a bang when he heard Zhao Zilong's words.

"My father is in poor health, and my six acres of land are too scattered to grow. So, I want to ask the village head to help me adjust my land. "

As soon as Zhao Zilong said this, village head Zhao Laishui was relieved.

It's a big deal for the family, but it's just a small lift for him.

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